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HWH -- Europe Between WWI and WWII


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Maginot Line
steel and concrete fortification; stretching 200 miles along borders of Germany.
Locarno Treaty
1925 -- guarenteed existing French-German and Belgain borders.
Easter Rising
April 24, 1916 (easter monday)
Irish nationalists revolted: British troops quickly surpress rebellion.
Fascist Party
Latin word "fasces" (meaning a bundle of rods abound tightly around an axe) symbollizing government authority.
Benito Mussolini
wanted to restore Italy to military glories of Roman Empire: was a socialist but becomes a nationalist.
"Sons of the Wolf"
Mussolini wanted a nation of warriors; training for boys started at age 4.
Violet Gibson
assassination attempts.
Corporatist State
economic activities organized into syndicates resembling corporations
Weimar Republic
Established in 1919 w/ President and a 2-house Parliament (Reichstag and Reichsrat)
Nazi Party
-National Socialist German Workers Party.
-1 of hundreds
-Nationalist, Fascist, appeals to middle class.

Adolf Hitler
-Born April 20, 1889
-Served in WWI
-Became head of Nazi party in 1921.

Mein Kampf
-meaning my struggle
-Book Hitler wrote in jail.
Heinrich Himmler
-1 of the Nazi Big 4
-Ran the SS
Herman Goering
-1 of the Nazi Big 4
-ran the SA(secret police)
Joseph Goebbels
Chief Propagandist
Nazi secret police
Dawes Plan
-New German reperation plan in 1924
-provided $200 million loan
-Increased american investment
- 1924-1929

New Economic Policy
-allowed limited free enterprise

Josef Stalin
-wanted "socialism in one country"
-By 1928 has emerged as leader of the soviet union.
1st 5-Year Plan
-focus on agriculture & farming
-mass famine resulted
2nd 5-Year Plan
-focus on expansion of heavy industry
-People faced even greater hardship b/c food became more scarce.
Francisco Franco
-overthrows democratic government
-Captures Madrid in 1939
-Issues Totalitarian Dictatorship

-"Greater Germany"
-racial doctorine espoused in Mein Kampf book.
-Nov. 9, 1938
-the "night of broken glass"
3 post war French Problems
1.Northern France was a wasteland
2.High % of young men killed; no people to repopulate
3.fearful of another attack; pay for military security.

Britain - 3 post war problems
1.Irish wanted "home rule"
2.industry and trade suffered
3.high unemployment caused my overproduction (1921 - 25%)

-Extreme Nationalism
-Middle Class
-preserves social classes
-ownership of private property
*State control

-socialist economy
-international revolution
-appeals to workers
-classless society
-abolish private property
*Stateless; People in Control

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