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Jacobs-Ch 14

Forging the National Economy


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Carl Schurz
anti-slavery and pro-public corruption; elevated political life
Eli Whitney
invented Cotton Gin and interchangeable muskets
John Jacob Astor
left 30 mil estate at death
Erie Canal
linked Great Lakes with Hudson R.
Potato famine
rot that killled 2 million Irish because of bad food
Samuel Morse
invented morse code and ended Pony Express
New York
Samuel Slater
Father of Factory
Lancaster Turnpike
Philly to Lancaster which consisted of a toll
New Orleans
Queen of South
Donald McKay
head of Boston harbor where clipper ships made
Ralph Waldo Emerson
west-American writer: "Self-Reliance"
John Deere
invented steel plow that broke virgin soil
Kentucky Bluegrass
result of cane being burned
Moses Brown
slater's backup
Mark Twain
roughing it
DeWitt Clinton
leader of construction of Erie canal
National/Cumberland Rd
Cumberland, MD to Vandalia, IL
Isaac Singer
perfected Sewing machine
number of states by 1860
Cyrus McCormick
invented mechanical mower-reaper
Herman Melville
Captain Ahab
Morse's historic message
what hath God wrought?
No Irish Need Apply
1st National Park (1872)
Cyrus Field
stretched cable from Newfoundland to Ireland
Commonwealth v. Hunt
labor unions not illegal conspiracies
German goods
conestoga wagon, kentucky rifle, christmas tree
Catharine Beecher
enticed teaching profession for women
Van Buren
established 10 hour work day
James Fenimore Cooper
Natty Bumppo
George Catlin
proposed creation of national park, getting first one made
Elias Howe
invented sewing machine
New York
Largest Irish city in the world
Ancient Order of Hibernians
secret society in founded in Ireland to fight landlaords
children's garden
first Naval steamboat
lord of Midwest-"hog butcher for the world"
Maria Monk
Awful Disclosures
Pony Express
rapidly carried mail from St Joseph MS to Sacramento
Robert Fulton
invented steamboat on Clermont
Cotton Gin
50x more effective than hand-picking

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