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Level G: Unit 10


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foible (FOI ble)
(n.) a weak point, failing, minor flaw SYN: Shortcoming, defect, quirk ANT: forte, virtue
oscillate (OSC i late)
(v.) to swing back and forth with a steady rhythm; to fluctuate or waver SYN: vibrate, vacillate
(adj.) full of or loaded with; accompanied by SYN: charged with ANT: devoid of, lacking, deficient in
luminous (LU mi nous)
(adj.) emitting or reflecting light, glowing; illuminating SYN: radiant, bright, refulgent, lustrous ANT: dark, opaque, dim, murky
charlatan (SHAR la tan)
(n.) one who feigns knowledge or ability; a pretender, impostor, or quack SYN: fraud, mountebank
penitent (PEN i tent)
(adj.) regretful for one's sins or mistakes; (n.) one who is sorry for wrongdoing SYN: remorseful, regretful, rueful, sorry ANT: unrepentant, remoreseless
askance (ə SKANS)
(adv.) with suspicion, distrust, or disapproval SYN: distrustfully, suspiciously, skeptically
reconnoiter (re co NNOT er)
(v.) to engage in reconnaissance; to make a preliminary inspection SYN: scout
sporadic (spo RAD ic)
(adj.) occuring at irregular intervals, having no set plan or order SYN: intermittent, spasmodic ANT: constant, steady, continuous, uninterrupted
shambles (SHAM bles)
(n.) a slaughterhouse; a place of mass bloodshed; a state of complete disorder and confusion, mess
rebuff (re BUFF)
(v.) to snub; to repel, drive away; (n.) a curt rejection, a check SYN: spurn, repulse, reject; setback ANT: accept, welcome
inure (in URE)
(v.) to toughen, harden; to render used to something by long subjection or exposure SYN: accustom, acclimate
cavil (KAV il)
(v.) to find fault in a petty way, carp; (n.) a trivial objection or criticism SYN: Nitpick, quibble
forgo (for GO)
(v.) to do without, abstain from, give up SYN: refrain from, renounce ANT: indulge in, partake of
peremptory (pe REMP to ry)
(adj.) haaving the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute SYN: high-handed, unconditional ANT: irresolute, tentative, mild, unassuming
decimate (DES i mate)
(v.) to kill or destroy a large part of
benign (bi NIN)
(adj.) gentle, kind; forgiving, understanding; having a favorable or beneficial effect; not malignant SYN: benevolent, salutary, salubrious, harmless ANT: malevolent, deleterious
attenuate (ə TEN yü āt)
(v.) to make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value SYN: thin out, dilute, water down ANT: thicken, strengthen, bolster
obsequious (ob SE qui ous)
(adj.) marked by slavish attentiveness; excessively submissive, often for purely self-interested reasons SYN: fawning, serviile, sycophantic, mealymouthed ANT: assertive, bumptious, overbearing, candid, frank, independent
obtuse (ob TUSE)
(adj,) blunt, not coming to a point; slow or dull in understanding; measuring between 90 degrees and 180 degrees; not causing a sharp impression SYN: stupid, dumb, thick, mild, dull-witted ANT: acute, perceptive, quick-witted

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