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ABeka History 7 - Unit 3, Chap. 10 Bold Words


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(p.148) Arabia
A huge peninsula in the Middle East. Approximately one million square miles in size, it lies directly southeast of the fertile cresent.
(p.148) Bedouins
Arab nomads
(p.148) Ishmael
Arabs were descendents of ___, Abraham's first son.
(p.148) Mohammed
name means "highly praised," born about A.D 570 in Mecca
(p.148) Mecca
one of the three main cities in northern Arabia at that time.
(p.148) Kaaba
religious building which housed a meteorite known as the Black Stone.
(p.148) Black Stone
a meteorite
(p.148) Allah
his name for the one and only god.
(p.150) Hegira
"fight" was the turning point for Mohammed and his new religion.
(p.150) Yathrib
the city where many accepted Mohammed's claim
(p.150) Medina
"the city" the new name for Yathrib
(p.150) Jews
among the few in Medina who did not accept Mohammed's claim
(p.150) Islam
the new religion
(p.150) Muslims
Islams followers were called ____. Both names derived from the Arabic word for "surrender"
(p.150) Koran
("recitation") the holy book of Islam
(p.151) caliphs
Mohammed's successors _______ led in the Arab Muslims in holy wars to conquer much of the Middle East (except Asia Minor)
(p.153) Seljuk Turks
took much of the Middle East from the Arabs
(p.153) The Battle of Manzikert 1071
the Seljuk Turks conquered Asia Minor
(p.153) Urban II
the Pope who responded enthusiastically by proclaiming the beginning of crusades for western European, Roman control of the Holy Land
(p.153) 1054
Catholic church officially split
(p.154) Alexius Commenus
recaptured Asia Minor and took Jerusalem
(p.154) the Second Crusade (1147 - 1149)
accomplished nothing
(p.154) Saladin
the renowned sultan of Egypt.
(p.154) Richard the Lion - Hearted
a English king; joined his French and German counterparts to lead what is remembered as the "Crusade of Kings"
(p.154) " The Crusade of Kings"
accomplished so little

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