anatomy final
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- elevates shoulders, extends head
- trapezius
- elevate scapula
- levator scapula
- pulls shoulder forward and down
- pectoralis minor
- flexion of the arm and adduction of arm
- pectoralis major
- adduct arm and extends it
- latissimus dorsi
- rotates arm laterally
- teres major
- laterally rotates arm (4)
- supraspinous, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
- abducts arm, assists in flexion and extension of arm
- deltoid
- forearm flexion (3)
- biceps brachii, brachilalis, brachioradialis
- hip flexor
- iliopsoas
- extends laterally rotates thigh
- gluteus maximus
- abduct thigh
- gluteus medius/minimus
- TFL and insertion
- tensor fascia lata, iliotibial band and abducts thigh
- adductor for thigh and flexor for lower leg
- adductor magnus, longus, brevis
- thigh-abduct and laterally rotates and flex lower leg-flex and extend
- sartorius *tailors muscle*
- three hamstrings and action
- biceps femoris, semi tendonosus, semi membranosus
- plantarflexion (2)
- gastrocnumius, soleus
- has shin splits
- tibialis anterior
- closes eyes tightly
- orbicularis oculi
- pursing of lips
- orbicularis oris
- laughing/smiling
- zygomaticus major/minor
- raises eyebrows
- frontalis
- pulls scalp backward
- occipitalis
- compresses cheeks
- buccinator
- closes jaw(3)...mastication muscles
- masseter, temporalis, medial/lateral pterygoids
- open jaw
- platysma
- origin, insertion and action of SCM
- 0-sternum and clavicle I-mastoid process A-both sides: flexion of head solo: rotation of head left/right
- bony projection
- process
- rounded "knuckle-like" processes
- condyle
- hole
- foramen
- depression, indented area
- fossa
- small, smooth, flat surface
- facet
- hollow space, cavity
- sinus
- "soft spot" on baby skull where cranial bones have yet to fuse
- frontanelle
- moving a body part away from midline
- abduction
- moving a body part toward the midline
- adduction
- movement around a central axis
- rotation
- movement so the distal end of the bone forms a circle
- circumduction
- thick filaments
- myosin
- thin filaments
- actin, troponin, tropomyosin
- center of I band
- Z line
- middle of A bank and thick
- H zone
- functional unit of skeletal muscle that is an A band and 2 halves of an I band
- sarcomere
- prime mover of forearm
- triceps brachii
- extends arm (2)
- triceps brachii, anconeus
- supinates forarm
- supinator
- pronates forearm (2)
- pronator teres and pronator quadratis
- aka golfer elbow
- flexor group
- aka tennis elbow
- extensor group
- pulls costals up and down
- serratus posterior
- pulls costals up
- intercostals
- pulls lungs down
- diaphragm
- flex trunk, rotate trunk, maintain posture, forced expiration
- external abdomobliques, internal abdomobliques, transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus
- accessory organs
- sweat glands, sebacious glands, receptors, hair, nails
- aka for sweat glands
- sudariferous gland
- 2 types of sweat glands
- eccrine: located widespread, watery sweat (salty) Apocrine: axillary and groin, not active until puberty and secreted during stress (thick)
- modified sweat glands that secretes cerumin
- ceruminous
- secrete sebum, follow hair onto skin surface
- sebacious glands
- receptors
- touch, pressure, vibration, temperature, pain
- arise from S. basale and deeper than epidermis
- hair
- rate of hair growing and rate of loss
- 1mm/ 3 days lose 100/ day
- aka baldness
- alopecia
- color of hair
- melanin
- the most lateral hamstring
- biceps femoris
- smallest gluteal
- minimus
- muscle on the anterior of the scapula
- subscapularis
- jagged muscles
- serratus
- major and minor hip flexors
- psoas
- elbow flexor, prone or supine
- brachialis
- the strongest muscle
- masseter
- "straight"
- rectus
- antagonist of the mastication muscles
- platysma
- "mouth"
- oris
- "eye"
- oculi
- sternocleidomastoid
- mechanisms that move the body back to normal function
- negative feedback
- mechanisms that move the body away from normal function
- positive feedback
- forms many of the linings of organs and body cavities, many shapes, mostly ovascular
- epithetial
- bones, tendon, ligaments, carthage, blood, adipose
- connective
- smooth, cardiac and skeletal
- muscles
- brain, spinal, nerves
- nervous
- spinal column
- vertebral
- lower back
- lumbar
- between hips
- sacral
- back of elbow
- cubital
- back of knee
- popliteal
- upper thigh
- femoral
- sole
- plantar
- buttocks
- gluteal
- macroscopic
- gross
- microscopic
- histology
- ultra-structural
- cytology
- the study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another
- anatomy
- the study of functions of the body's structural machinery
- physiology
- forms and organizations
- structure
- what they do and how they do it
- form
- 2 parts of dorsal
- cranial-encases brain
- 2 parts of ventral
- vertebral-encases spinal cord
- laying on back
- supine
- laying on stomach
- prone
- horizontal cut
- transverse
- neck
- cervical area
- ant/ post cut
- frontal or coronal
- head
- cephalic
- upper body is called
- trunk or pectoral area aka thorax
- abdomen
- abdominal
- arm
- brachial
- forearm
- antebrachial
- elbow
- antecubital
- front of knee
- patellar
- leg
- crural
- "round"
- teres
- horizontal abdominal muscles
- transversus
- synergist of triceps brachii
- anconeus
- strongest plantar flexor
- soleus
- SCM antagonist
- trapezius
- action of tibialis anterior
- dorsiflexors
- muscle attaching to coronoid process of the mandible
- temporalis
- most superficial calf muscle
- gastrocnemius
- antagonist of triceps brachii
- biceps brachii
- tissue connecting frontalis and occipitalis
- aponeurosis
- smallest leg adductor
- brevis
- back muscle that adducts the arm
- latissimusdorsi
- abdominal muscle on an angle
- obliques
- the action of turning the palms back
- pronation
- muscles defining a cleft chin
- mentalis
- lactic acid+Oxygen=
- glucose
- iron based in red blood cells (pigment)
- hemoglobin
- pigment in muscle for storage of oxygen in muscle
- myoglobin
- type 1 more myoglobin, contracts slow and no fatigue
- slow twitch
- type2: less myoglobin, contracts q
- fast twitch
- build bone and secretes bone matrix
- osteoblasts
- lower matrix production and trapped in chamber and mature cells
- osteocytes
- crush bone tissue
- osteoclast
- tiny space in bone or chamber
- lacunae
- aka for osteon
- haversion system: functional unit of bone
- bone tissue that arranges in concentric circles
- lamellae
- tiny canal that allows osteocytes to communicate and take out waste in/out lacunae
- canaliculi
- ex of long bone
- femur, phalanges
- ex of short bone
- carpals, tarsals
- ex of flat bone
- sternum
- ex of irregular bone
- vertebrae
- ankle of fibula
- lateral malleolus
- ankle of tibia
- medial malleolus
- where does patellar ligament attach to
- T. tuberosity
- transmit signals away from the cell body
- axon
- fatty material, made by oligodentroglias and Schwann cells
- myelin sheath
- outer surface of brain and other structures and has grey matter that is unmyelinated
- cortex...(grey matter)
- white matter that is myelinated
- medullah
- more than 1 neuron synapsing with another neuron
- convergence
- one neuron forming synapse with more than one neuron
- divergence
- reflex pathway
- sensory receptor-sensory neuron-interneuron-motor neuron-effector
- bone grows longer
- interstitial growth
- bone grows wider
- appositional growth
- what does intramembraneous ossification form
- clavicle, mandible, flat bones of skull
- hollow space in diaphysis and filled with yellow marrow
- medullary cavity
- membrane in medullary cavity
- endosteum
- lateral deviation in spine
- scoliosis
- normal curvature of cervical/lumbar
- lordosis
- normal curvature of thoracic/pelvic
- hyphosis
- amino acid that is inhibitory to muscle contraction
- amino acid that is exhibitory to memory and learning
- glutamate