undefined, object
copy deck
- colonia
- the local government
- Archimedes
- science
- Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit.
- Catpured Greece captured her wild conqueror (while Rome had captured Greece, Greece had captivated Rome)
- pythagoras
- mathematics
- Ptolemy
- astronomy
- Quaestor
- treasury official
- duoviri
- the two magistrates
- praetor
- people who were in charge of judicial administration
- Aeschylus
- famous tragic play writer
- panem et circenses
- bread and circuses (the only thing a Roman Poet was interested in)
- Aristotle
- natural history
- Comitia
- elections
- Thucydides
- Herodotus's succesor
- Sopocles
- famous tragic play writer
- aedile
- people who had general administrative duties
- consul
- chief executives of the state
- Euclid
- geometry
- Herodotus
- father of history
- Pheidias
- architecture and sculpture
- Demosthenes
- art of speaking
- Euripides
- famous tragic play writer
- Praxitelesm
- architecture and sculpture
- Homer
- famous poet