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i left out question 21, it was a multiple multiple, question 31 the answer was "unable to determine", 35 was a math type of question, ******* i only have 75 questions printed out!! so if you know that you had another question PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add them to this so that i can study them too!!*****


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Dorthea Orem
nursing theorist recognized for her "self care: focus in relation to achieving and maintaining optimal health
meningococcus and meningitis
has a direct causal relationship
a substance that seeps in homes through creaks in foundations, showers or inhale gaseous form and is associated with lung cancer is known as:
which of the following is known to cause water and air pollution and is consumed through food products.
emphasizes the provider of knowledge and skills
health risk appraisal
one advantage of the ___ __ ___ is that it provides support to nurses who are counseling and educating individuals in self care behaviors
infant mortality
the rate used around the world as an indicator of overall heath and availability of health care services is:
Carbon Dioxide Poisoning
a client presents with muscle weakness and dizziness. During the assessment the nurse notices a bright red hue of the mucous membranes. the nurse should suspect which of the following:
social organization
Hispanics tend to believe that the needs of the family take priority over those of the individual. this is an example of cultural variations of:
the educational process of selecting appropriate educational methods is similar to which of the following steps of the nursing process
web of causation
public health professionals when teaching a client with HTN includes diet, exercise, frequent monitoring of blood pressure, and assessment of social and environmental factors. the CHN is implementing what epidemiological model?
a persons skin color is an example of
behavioral theory
In planning learning experinces for a client who has cognitive limitations, which theory would be most appropriate?
four factors that determine the health of an individual include: human biology, environment, health care and _______
the most important predictor of overall mortality is
primary level of prevention
immunizations for measles is in example of
a Mexican American mother insists on using special candles to help he daughters ear infection. the nurse asks the mother if she would also give her daughter antibiotics. this is called cultural
cultural preservation
when nurses support the use of those aspects of the client's culture that promotes health behaviors, they are using:
factors, exposures, characteristics, and behaviors that determine patterns of disease are known as
Each member of the Jones' family will give insulin injection accuracy regarding dosage 100% of the time for 10 consecutive times
a client comes into the clinic and tells the nurse he goes to acupuncturists for pain. the nurse says he should take pain medication instead. this would be called cultural:
humanist theory
an educational program is planned that emphasizes self-expression and helping learners to grow and develop according to their natural inclination.
Trichlorolethylene, water, infant
according to the epidemiologic triangle, in order for the disease process to occur three major concepts are needed. which of the following would be an example of what is needed?
cohort study
the type of epidemiologic study that is used to describe a group of persons who share some characteristic of interest and who are enrolled in a study and followed over a period of time to observe some health outcome
secondary level of prevention
the public health nurse checks the blood vessels of all children entering the well child clinic. this strategy could be:
critical theory
the theory that approaches learning as an ongoing dialogue in which the educator focuses on changing an individual's health belief by asking questions
analytic epidemiology
an epidemiologist wanting to know what caused severe diarrhea and vomiting in several people at a local banquet would be using what?
greater sensitivity
children are generally at greater risk than adults from the effect of lead because children have a
diet and exercise
an example of primary prevention
when nurses practices nursing care based on the uniqueness of the person's culture the practice is called cultural:
gain learners attention
what step occurs first when starting an educational program
T or F: an example of pedagogy is when learners are motivated to learn by intrinsic motivators such as sense of satisfaction
descriptive epidemiology
looks at health outcomes in terms of what, who, where, and when
the basic science applied to understanding the health effects associated with chemical exposures is
cultural brokering
when the nurse advocates and intervenes between the health care system and the clients cultural beliefs on behalf of the client, the nurses action is called
T or F: sufficient preclinical period to allow treatment before symptoms occur is a criterion for screening programs
Mr. Williams will be able to independently care for his ostomy in 3 months is an example of a:
the probability that an event will occur within a specified period of time is called:
which of the following domains would be used to teach a new diabetic how to give insulin injection
Asian men tend to have a greater sensitivity than white Europeans to codeine and they experience significantly weaker effects of the drug. this is an example of cultural variations of :
paternal age and low birth rate
non-causal relationship
illness prevention
a 5'6'' 25 year old female who weighs 120 lbs walks 5 miles a day because she has a long family Hx of early death from heart attacks and is refraining from a sedentary lifestyle. which of the following best describes this example?
tertiary level of prevention
vocational rehabilitation of a person with a neuromuscular disease is an example of
name the chemical and how it is used
a client comes to the local public health clinic complaining of red itchy rash that he attributes to a chemical he is using at work. that is the first thing the nurse should do?
the way a person communicates with another is an example of
motor vehicle
the greatest single source of air pollution in the U.S. is
secondary level of prevention
providing tetanus immunizations after injury is considered which of the following levels of prevention
previous experience with breast feeding
a nurse is teaching a post partum mother how to breast feed her infant. the nurse notes that the mother is alert adn agrees that breast feeding is important to her and benificial to her baby. the nurse outlines the expectations of breast feeding for the mother and the baby. considering the events of instruction, what should teh nurse ask her about?
the rate of disease, injury, or other condition exceeds the usual level of that condition, it is called
overall goal is to increase the quality of years and healthy life
Pawtucket Heart Health Program
study that showed a positive correlation between even moderate physical activity and reduced incidence of heart disease
cognitive theory
the nurse is instructing a woman who does not perform monthly BSE by focusing on changing the woman's thought patterns by providing information about BSE in a variety of ways. the nurse verbally teaches the client about the procedure and explains the reason for performing it. the nurse provides pamphlets on BSE, shows a video, demonstrates the procedure and provides an opportunity for return demonstration. which theory is this?
social learning theory
which learning theory postulates that behavior is a function of individual's expectations about the value of an outcome and self efficacy.
natural Hx of disease
public health professionals refer to 3 levels of prevention as tied to specific stages of prepathogenesis and pathogenesis in the:
clean water act
environmental law that sets basic structure for regulating pollutants to U.S. waters
to understand the causes of health and disease, which of the following does epidemiology study?
the nurse working with maternity patients would tell the mothers-to -be to limit their fish consumption to once a week because it may contain
secondary level of prevention
screening for hearing defects is an example
Farmington heart study
the study that was successful in identifying factors contributing to high BP and coronary heart defect.
create the best learning environment
what is the basic principle to guide the effective educator
the nurse labels a patient an alcoholic because of the patient's ethnicity. this is called:
in the epidemiologic triangle, lifestyle factors such as diet would be considered an example of what kind of factor?
community trial
voters have recently decided to have fluoride added to the city water system. epidemiologists wanting to study the effect of fluoride on dental caries would be conducting a
John snow is called the father of epidemiology because of his work with
attack rate
the rate that best indicates the proportion of people exposed to an agent who develop the disease is
early indications of lead poisioning
inappropriate classroom behavior, impaired hearing and speech, Fatigue and lethargy and irritability are characteristic of
environmental justice
the term used to describe communities of minority populations and low income communities who see themselves as bearing as disproportionate burden of pollution is called:
the health educator trying to change a client's attitude about smoking would be using which of the following?
prolonged stress and HA
example: illustrates a psychological agent and the disease it's suspected to cause
T or F: due to large number of deaths and the overall costs related to cigarette smoking, the health care focuses changed from individual responsibility to community responsibility
environmental control
Asians may perceive illness as disharmony with other forces and conclude that medicine is only able to relieve the symptoms rather than cure the disease. they may look to naturalistic solutions and acupuncture to resolve or cure health problems. this is an example of cultural variations of :
a screening for diabetes revealed 20 previously diagnosed diabetics and 10 probable new cases, which were later confirmed, for a total of 30 cases. this is called

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