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History-Progressive Unit Vocabulary


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Enables voters to remove an elected official from office by calling for a special election.
United Mine Workers Strike
Workers and owners were arguing. Workers wanted a shorter workday, better pay and unionizing. Owners didn't want to agree. Roosevelt tried to get them to settle it themselves but they wouldn't. He threatened to send in the army if they didn't agree to arbitration. Finally gave in and had a third party decide. They gave the workers shorter day and better pay but the owners didn't have to agree to let them unionize.
ILGWA-International Ladies' Garment Workers Union
A Labor union established in 1900 in New York that worked to unionize workers mainy Jewish and Italian immigrant women- employed in sewing shops.
Underwood Tariff
Was passed in 1913 and reduced the tariffs to the lowest they had been in 50 years. Because the government got the money they needed from the tariffs congress introduced something that would get taxes depending on an individual's income.
Ballnger Pinchot Incident
Taft's secretary of state thought that it was not a good idea for Roosevelt to stop the sale of public land. The head of the forest service criticized him. Taft warned the head of the forest service to stop but he wouldn't so he was fired. This turned Roosevelt against Taft.
W.E.B. Du Bois
thought that African Americans should struggle to racial equality. Thought that they should spend less time fighting for equality because it was hopeless and more time working on improving their education
17th Amendment
1912 changed the way that Senators got into office. Before they were elected by the state senate now the people in each state got to vote for their own Senators.
16th Amendment
Proposed in 1909 and ratified in 1913. This permitted Congress to levy taxes based on an individuals income.
Payne Aldrich Tariff
This bill started out going to lower Tariff rates but once it got to Taft to sign it was going to raise the Tariff Rate. Taft lacked the political skills to veto it and wasn't a good negotiator. He signed it, which angered progressives.
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
More than 146 workers died. The owners locked the doors to keep out union organizers and so workers couldn't steal. People started jumping out of the windows it was so bad. The owners were tried for man slaughter but they were found not guilty. After this many laws were made to make the work place safer. New York passed the most stict laws.
Booker Washington
advocated for hard work and education
19th Amendment
Proposed in 1919 and ratified in 1920. It gave women full voting rights.
IWW- Industrial Workers of the World
Was founded in Chicago in 1905 and opposed capitalism. They let everyone in didn't care about race or skilled or unskilled.
18th Amendment
barred the manufacture, sale, and distribution or alcoholic beverages. The states ratified it in 1919 but it was very unpopular and was repealed in 1933.
Pure Food and Drug Administration
Forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of food and patent medicine containing harmful ingredients. Law also required that containers of food and medicines carry ingredient labels.
Primary System
Candidates that are running for president are selected though nominating election. The direct primary system was gradually adopted my states.
Give voters the power to introduce legislation
AFL-American Federation of Labor
Unionized skilled workers. Union leaders thought skilled workers had greatest potential to cause change. But this left many urban workers without organized support.
Goes with initiative, if they get enough signatures on the petition the proposed policy must be put on the ballot for public approval.
City Commison
After a natural disaster (hurricane Galveston) the state legislature appointed committee "experts" to run the government. This became an alternative and it worked out well a lot of times. People started preferring this to old government.
Clayton Antitrust Act
Congress passed in 1914. The act was an extension on the Sherman Anti Trust act and clarified parts of it. It made specific rules about what big businesses could and could not do. They could no longer create monopolies. Wilson supported this.
Federal Reserve Act
1913, which combined two views about banks. It created three levels of banks. The first was the Federal Reserve Bored. A group of people appointed by the president and was in charge of running the system. Under them were 12 Federal Reserve banks both privately and publicly owned. Under that on the third level were privately owned banks that could borrow money from the Federal Reserve any time but had to pay back with interest.
Square Deal
Became Roosevelt's 1904 campaign slogan. Meant that everyone was entitled to a fair deal (equal power). Believed in balancing the interests of consumers, businesses, and labor. Supported improving the conditions of workers, limiting the power of trusts, and improving public health and safety.

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