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OM Quiz #2 - Quality


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What are the dimensions of Quality for goods?
- Performance
- Features
- Reliability
- Durability
- Conformance
- Serviceability
- Aesthetics
- Perceived Quality
What are the dimensions of Quality for services?
- Tangibles
- Reliability
- Responsiveness
- Competence
- Courtesy
- Credibility
- Security
- Access
- Communication
- Understanding the Customer
What is the difference between the technical and functional quality?
A Technical quality is the CORE element of the good or service
A Functional quality is a customer's perception of how a good functions or how a service is delivered
Difference between prevention and detection, and which is better?
Prevention: programs designed to PREVENT defects
Detection: evaluating the quality of the product

Quality professionals strongly support investment in preventing defects because then a negative image does not even make its way to the customer
Internal failure vs. external failure
Internal: detected BEFORE delivery
External: detected AFTER delivery
What is Quality?
- what the customer wants and needs
- product features that respond to customer needs and are free from deficiencies
- meeting or exceeding customer expectations at a cost that represents value to them
Comparative Costs of Quality to a Company
MOST COSTLY: Customer finds a defect
LESS: Manufacturer or company finds the defect internally.
LEAST: quality management system in place prevents the defects and continuously improves quality
What is total quality management (tqm)?
A philosophy that involves everyone in an organization in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer satisfaction.
What are some elements of TQM?
- Leadership
- Employee Involvement
- Process Excellence (continuous improvement)
- Customer Focus (internal and external)
What is the Baldrige Criteria?
a process for assessing the overall quality of organizations
What is the ISO9000?
International standards for documenting processes in organizations
International Awards
European Quality Award: European version of the Baldrige criteria

Deming Prize: Japan's award for quality
How to Problem Solve
1. Define the problem
2. Collect Data
3. Analyze the Problem
4. Generate Potential Solutions
5. Choose a Solution
6. Implement the Solution
7. Monitor the Solution (to see if it accomplishes the goal)
What is PDCA?
1. PLAN a change aimed at improvement
2. DO - execute the change
3. CHECK - study the results, did it work?
4. ADJUST - Institutionalize the change or abandon or do it again

*continuous circle of activity
Methods for Generating Ideas
Quality Circles
What are the 7 Basic quality control tools?
1. process flowchart
2. checksheets
3. bar chart and histogram
4. pareto chart
5. scatterplots
6. run (or trend) charts
7. cause and effect diagram
What is SPC?
Statistical Process Control:
A statistical mehtod for determining whether a process is in or out of control.

SPC charts - specialized category of run charts
What are some other quality tools?
Six Sigma, Taguchi Method, SPC
Taguchi Method
Robust products: achieve high quality despite fluctuation on the production line
QCT: Process Flowcharts
show each of the steps that are required to produce either a good or a service (with all the shapes)
QCT: Checksheets
a way to collect data about some process by nothing how frequently an event occurs and making a tick mark for a particular category
QCT: Bar Charts and Histograms
visually display data variation; data that can be categorized and counted rather than measured
QCT: Pareto Charts
specialized bar charts that can help to establish priorities for action, focusing attention on those errors that occur most frequently
QCT: Scatterplots
show the relationship between two measured (not counted) variables
QCT: Run (or Trend) Charts
Show the behavior of some variable over time
QCT: Cause-and-Effect Diagrams
used to identify the causes that lead to a particular outcome or effect.

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