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Has 2 halves, they join at the symphysis which is a common area for fractures, articulates with the temporal bone to form temporo-mandibular-joint. contains all lower teeth
Anterior thigh muscle that causes extension at the knee
Supinator - Origin
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the ulna
Accessory structures of integumentary system
Hair (pili), glands, and nails
Supraspinatus - Origin
Medial two-thirds of the supraspinatus fossa
Deltoid Muscle, Insertion
Deltoid tuberosity on the lateral humerus.
Patellar Luxation
If the trochlea is not deep enough , the patella can pop out of the groove and cause lameness, termed _________.
Extensor carpi radialis brevis - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6, C7)
Hip socket. Formed by all three bones of the pelvis. Where the femur articulates
orbicularis oculi
blink eye, smile
Extensor digitorum - Action
Extension of the second, third, fourth, and fifth phalanges at the metacarpophalangeal joints, Extension of the wrist, weak extension of the elbow
Posterior Deltoid
Rear part of shoulder muscle that causes shoulder extension and horizntal abduction
longissimus capitus
helps maintain posture, extends head and rotates face/head to same side
biceps femoris
O: 2 heads: long-ischial tuberosity, short: linea aspera of femur; I: head of fibula
Athelete's foot (tinea pedis)
fungus of foot
Origin: Femoral condyles
back of arm
Extensor carpi ulnaris - Insertion
Base of the fifth metacarpal (dorsal surface)
Adductor Femoris
Ischium and pubis, femur, adducts, flexes and laterally rotates thigh
Passive Tension
Tension due to muscle stretch
latissimus dorsi
o: lower spine and illiac crest; i: proximal humerus; extends and adducts humerus
Tuber sacrale
Dorsal-medial portion that articulates with the sacrum
o: occiptal bone; i: scalp; pulls scalp posteriorly
Extensor digiti minimi - Origin
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Contains several fascicles
Stretches and returns to original shape... around abdomen and walls of arteries
Muscle acts in opposition to the agonist, often lengthening to do so
Farther away from the body
Peroneus brevis
Innveration: superficial peroneal nerve
o: sternum, clavicle; i: temporal bone; flexes neck, rotates head
Pelvic Limb
Hind Leg
Gluteus Maximus
Posterior muscle that causes hip extension
Teres major - Insertion
Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus just posterior to the insertion of the latissimus dorsi
o: zygomatic bone; i: skin and muscle at corner of lips; raises corners of mouth
Study of how things function
1 square inch of the integumentary system contains
>3 million cells, 15 ft of blood vessels, 4 yards nerves, 650 sweat glands, 100 oil glands, 1500 sensory receptors
Epidermis and dermis
Epidermis is superficial epithelium, dermis is underlying area of connective tissues
Vestigial Clavicle
Boney attachment to scapula in cats
Supraspinatus - Origin
Medial two-thirds of the supraspinatus fossa
abdominal aponeuroses
tendons of various abdominal muscles that interlace at midline
Pronator quadratus - Action
Pronation of the forearm
Latissimus dorsi - Action
adduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumeral joint, internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint.
Abductor pollicis longus - Origin
Posterior aspect of the radius and midshaft of the ulna
The main muscle used to produce a movement
Subscapularis - Action
Internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint, adduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumeral joint, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Frontal Bones
More rostral to parietal bones, make up caudal part of eye socket, have large sinus under them that communicate with the nasal passages, location from which horns and antlers grow
Joint Capsule
Surrounds the joint cavity, has 2 layers
Muscles that oppose the movement of the agonist
Papillary layer
Top 1/5 of dermis, most is areolar connective tissue, dermal papillae "fingerprints"
Flexor carpi radialis - Insertion
Base of the second and third metacarpals, anterior (palmar surface)
part of hamstrings group
Muscles that cause adduction
Palatine Bones
Form most caudal portion of hard palate
Manubrium, clavicle, hyoid bone, depresses hyoid and larynx
pectoralis major
tibialis anterior
dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
Becomes progressively larger down to the sacrum and then become successively smaller.
Extensor pollicis brevis - Insertion
Base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb (dorsal surface)
Strong bandlike muscle involved in "wry neck" known as torticollis (flexes and rotates the head)
Extensor pollicis brevis - Action
Extension of the thumb at the carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joint, Weak wrist extension, Wrist abduction
Straighten out the joint
O: superior ramus of pubis; I: tibial tuberosity, medial side
Latissimus dorsi - Innervation
Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)
less moveable of the two bones is considered to be the starting point of the muscle
Triceps brachii - Insertion
Olecranon process of the ulna
Dewclaw procedure
O: anterior superior iliac spine; I: tibial tuberosity, medial side
Tearing or overstretching of a muscle. Tendons attach muscles to bone.
Articular Surface
The end of the bone that is articulating with another bone joint, surfaces of bone are covered with cartilage which makes them shiny and smooth
Type II A Muscle Fiber
Fast twitch; can be trained to act like I or II B; red
Pronator teres - Insertion
Middle third of the lateral surface of the radius
Sac filled w/synovial fluid (between the tendon and bone) over use leads to bursitis
Muscles that cause abduction
MC-2 and MC-5 form these in ruminants
Last sternebrae
Unpaired bones. Ex: vertebrae, sternebrae, os penis, few skull bones
Extensor pollicis brevis - Origin
Posterior surface of the lower middle radius
Pectoralis Major - Innervation
Upper fibers- lateral pectoral nerve (C5-C7). Lower fibers- medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1)
Pectoralis Major - Insertion
Flat tendon 2 or 3 inches wide to the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus.
Extensor pollicis longus - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6-C8)
More length than width, used for locomotion ex: femur, humerus
Coxofemoral Luxation
Dislocated hip
Shaft or middle region of long bone that contains layer of spongy bone
compresses cheek, allowing for rapid changes in volume of mouth cavity
Partial dislocation- vertebrae
Teres minor - Action
External rotation of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumoral joint, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Cartilage Bone
Made from cartilage bars in the fetus that become calcified over time
Urticaria or hives
itching from allergy, stress or drug reactions
Vastus Lateralis
Femur, patella, tibia, extends lower leg, stabilizes knee
Dislocation- femur pops out of acetabulum
chickenpox virus
End of the bone
Greenstick Fracture
partial fracture - will bend on one side and break on the other
for protection from cold, sun, particles, produced by hair bulb and enclosed in hair follicle
Kaposi's sarcoma
bruise like cancer
Cervical Vertebrae - 2nd
Axes - allows for the rotation movement of the head
Strong dense tissue that connects bone to bone
Transverse Plane
Right angles to the median plane
motor neurons
of the nervous system and stimulates skeletal muscles
External Oblique
Lower 8 ribs, Ilium and linea alba, flexion and rotation at waist
fibrous connective tissue that wrap around each muscle
Pronator teres - Action
Pronation of the forearm, weak flexion of the elbow
Flexor digitorum superficialis - Innervation
Median nerve (C7, C8, and T1)
Largest of the three bones of the pelvis. Cranial portion of each ox coxae. wing, body
Pronator quadratus - Origin
Distal fourth of the anterior side of the ulna
Flexor pollicis longus - Action
Flexion of the thumb carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints, Flexion of the wrist, Abduction of the wrist
Muscle Fiber
A single muscle tissue cell
orbicularis oris
o: mandible and maxilla; i: skin and muscle around mouth; closes and protrudes lips
moving bone or limb in a circle
Extensor digitorum - Insertion
Four tendons to bases of middle and distal phalanxes of four fingers (dorsal surface)
Has 2 halves that curve upwards to meet on the midline. They are dorsal and lateral boundaries of the vertebral foramen
Peroneus brevis
Insertion: base of metatarsal 5
gluteous maximus
rump area, large
plantar flexes foot, flexes leg at knee when foot is dorsiflexed
Brachialis - Action
True flexion of the elbow
two, muscle in the upper arm that has two heads or connecting points
antagonistic pairs
muscles are often arranged around joints, they produce opposite actions
Extensor pollicis longus - Origin
Posterior lateral surface of the lower middle ulna
Quadriceps Femoris
Cranial thigh muscles, extend stifle
Vertebrae that articulates with the pelvis. Usually fused together in most species. Articulate with tuber sacrale of the ilium. Has dorsal process
Flexor carpi ulnaris - Action
Flexion of the wrist, adduction of the wrist, together with the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle, weak flexion of the elbow
Flexor carpi ulnaris - Origin
Medial epicondyle of the humerus, Posterior aspect of the proximal ulna
Moves the limb away from the body
Median Plane
Cuts body in half longitudally
Near to the body proper
Muscles that assist the action of the agonist
Patella rides in this groove of the distal femur
Cannon Bone
Metacarpals 3 & 4 are fused together to form this in ruminants
Partial Thickness and full thickness
1st and 2nd degree burns are "partial thickness", 3rd are full thickness
Pubis, tibia, adducts thigh, flexes and medially rotates leg
Vertebrae of the chest or thorax. Have large dorsal spines that tend to slant caudally. Small transverse process that articulate with the ribs
Insertion: Calcaneous via calcaneal tendon
powerful chewing muscle
abducts and laterally rotates femur, origin is iliac crest, insertion is proximal tibia/patella
Supraspinatus - Action
Abduction, Stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Flexor carpi radialis - Innervation
Median nerve (C6, C7)
more moveable bone is considered to be where the muscle ends
Flexor digitorum profundus - Insertion
Base of the distal phalanxes of the four fingers
False Ribs
Are joined to the sternum by cartilage
o: occipital bone and all cervical and thoracic vertebrae; i: scalpular spine and clavicle; extends neck and adducts
Floating Ribs
Never join the sternum
Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of femur
Rounded knobs at distal end of humerus that articulate with radius and ulna to form elbow joint
Long Bones - Characteristic
Very Strong, Broad at ends where they join other bones, large surface area for muscle attachment
Biceps bracii
flex the elbow joint
Deltoid Muscle, Origin
ant fibers- anterior lateral third of the clavicle, Mid fibers- lateral aspect of the acromion, Post. fibers- inferior edge of the spine of the scapula.
Extensor pollicis brevis - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6, C7)
visceral muscle
the muscle found in the walls of internal organs such as the stomach
Anconeus - Innervation
Radial nerve (C7, C8)
Increase in size of cells
Groups of organs working together to do a common job
O: ischial tuberosity; I: proximal medial surface of tibia
On the head, towards the nose
Properties of Dermis
vascularized (temperature, blood pressure, nutrients, metabolic waste), glands, follicles and receptors
Bending or Decreasing the angle between bones
Ethmoid Bones
Are internal bones, they start at the most rostral portion of the cranial cavity and extend forward into the nasal passages
Latissimus dorsi - Origin
Posterior crest of the ilium, back of the sacrum and spinous processes of the lumbar and lower six thoracic vertebrae (T6-T12); slips from the lower three ribs
Stratum corneum
Most superficial, "horn-like" cornified or keratinized, 15-30 layers flat and dead, 15-30 days from stratum basale then 10-14 days until lost, tightly connected
The smallest functional unit of muscle tissue
Pronator quadratus - Insertion
Distal fourth of the anterior side of the radius
Biceps brachii - Origin
Long head- supraglenoid tubercle above the superior lip of the glenoid fossa, Short head- coracoid process of the scapula and upper lip of the glenoid fossa in conjunction with the proximal attachment of the coracobrachialis
linea alba
midline of chest where abdominal aponeuroses meet
Orbicularis oris muscle
muscle that allows you to move your lips
Brachialis - Insertion
Coronoid process of the ulna
Partial or complete loss of muscle function on one side of the body
Bone cells
Subcutaneous layer, attaches dermis to underlying tissue, adipose, areolar connective tissues (energy reserve and padding), vascular
Deltoid Muscle, Action (Posterior fibers)
abduction, extension, horizontal abduction, and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint.
Pronator teres - Innervation
Median nerve (C6, C7)
Digits or fingers. 5 in dogs cats and humans. Each digit has 3 bones except thumb (digit one or dewclaw) which has 2
Flexor digitorum profundus - Origin
Proximal three-fourths of the anterior and medial ulna
Flexor digitorum superficialis - Insertion
Each tendon splits and attaches to the sides of the middle phalanx of four fingers (palmer surface)
Supinator - Insertion
Lateral surface of the proximal radius just below the head
Cranial Nerve I
The olfactory nerve
Used for movement- skeletal, striated and cardiac
Chronic, noninfectious, raised, reddened round plaques covered by silvery white scales
Peroneus brevis
Origin: midlateral margin of fibula
Obturator Foramen
Holes in the pubis of the pelvis that make it more light weight
Cells that make bone
Teres minor - Innervation
Axillary nerve (C5, C6)
Muscle directly responsible for the movement
Anconeus - Action
Extension of the elbow
Cells that break down bone
Subscapularis - Insertion
Lesser tubercle of the humerus
Biceps brachii - Action
Flexian of the elbow, supination of the forearm, weak flexion of the shoulder joint, weak abduction of the shoulder joint when the shoulder joint is in external rotation
Synovial Fluid
Lubricates, nourishes, and keeps the joint moveable
gluteus maximus
heaviest muscle in body, extends/straightens leg at hip during walking
Gluteus Maximus
Ilium, sacrum, coccyx, femur, extension, and lateral rotation of thigh
serratus anterior
pulls scapula downward and forward
Impacted Fracture
one end of a bone is wedged into the adjoining bone
protect digits, plates of keratinezed epidermal cells
flexes humerus, antagonist of supraspinatus
Tibialis Anterior
Shin muscle that causes dorsiflexion e.g bringing toes towards the shin
A protein present in muscle fibers that aids in contraction and makes up the majority of muscle fiber
Pronator quadratus - Innervation
Median nerve (palmar interosseous branch) (C6, C7)
Pastern Bone
The name of P-2 in large animals
Lateral to the tibia. Sort of like the ulna, can extend from stifle to tarsus, or may be fused with tibia, or only partially present like in the horse
Insertion: posterior portion of calcaneous
Stretching of ligaments around joint
"mulefoot" in cattle, Recessive gene, foot looks like a horses foot, toes are fused together
Flexor pollicis longus - Innervation
Median nerve, palmar interosseous branch (C8, T1)
Fibrous tissue that adds strength to other tissues; gelatin, capsule around muscles
Gelatinous Marrow
Broken down marrow, in old and starving animals
Teres minor - Innervation
Axillary nerve (C5, C6)
Ethmoid Turninates
Curled sheets of bone sometimes called scrolls, which are covered in mucous membrane
Facial Bones
Bones that make up the face that dont surround the cranial cavtiy
Action: flexes knee; plantar flexes foot
3 pigments of skin
melanin, carotene, hemoglobin (not resident)
Caudal surface of the hind legs from the ankle to the toes
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Tibia, Phalanges of toes 2-5, extend toes 2-5 and dorsiflexes ankle
Aging of integumentary system
Thinner and more prone to damage, fewer immune cells, less vitamin D produced, decrease in melanocyte activity (gray hair), less secretion, skin dries easily, sweat glands less active, fewer capillaries to lose heat, dermis loses elasticity and strength (wrinkles)
Subscapularis - Innervation
Upper and lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6)
Paralysis of all or some of the muscles in th trunk and lower extremities
external oblique
origin is lower 8 ribs, compresses abdomen; most external of abdominal muscles
Increase in number of cells
Outer most fibrous layer that supplies blood and nerves to the bone
Ethmoid Foramina
Openings that let the olfactory nerve leave the brain and enter the nasal passages
Basal cell carcinoma
Most common skin cancer, rarely fatal, but can be disfiguring
Greater Tubercle
Non-articular knob lateral to head. Point of shoulder when palpating joint
Glenoid Cavity
Articulates with humerus to form shoulder joint
formation of scar tissue
rectus abdominis
Extra fingers/toes
Common site for injections - Shoulder
Reticular layer
Collagen, elastin, strong and stretchable. If stretched too far, it tears causing striae or linea albicans (stretch marks). It's innervated, has effectors (muscles, glands) and receptors
Flexor carpi radialis - Origin
Medial epicondyle of the humerus
Biceps Brachii
Upper arm muscle that causes elbow flexion
Extensor pollicis longus - Insertion
Base of the distal phalanx of the thumb (dorsal surface)
Femur, via achilles tendon onto calcaneal tendon, flexes lower leg, plantarflexes foot
Malignant melanoma
worst kind, most rare but deadliest
Flat Bone Characteristic
Gives a lot of protection
O: lateral epicondyle of femur; I: posterior surface of tibia (Proximal)
Os Coxae
Hip, pelvis
Red Marrow
Active bone marrow
Surface area of integumentary system
15-20 square feet
Composition of Bone
1/3 Organic matter. 2/3 Ca++ and Phosphorus hydorapatite
Insertion: calcaneous via calcanal tendon
vastus lateralis
O: greater trochanter and linea aspera; I: tibial tuberosity
Epiphyseal Plate
Growth plate, made of cartilage, gradually ossifies
Solid, rounded mass of bone that makes up the ventral part of vertebrae
Pelvic Symphysis
Where the two halves of the pelvis join ventrally
Pectoralis Major - Innervation
Upper fibers- lateral pectoral nerve (C5-C7). Lower fibers- medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1)
Proximal. The more stable of the attachment sites of the muscle
Action: Flexes knee; plantar flexes, inverts, and adducts foot
attachment to a bone which moves in the ordinary active in the body (distal)
Navicular Disease
Degeneration of the navicular bone over time that leads to chronic lameness
Open Reductions
manipulating ends of fractures under direct vision using an incision
transverse abdominus
compresses abdomen, deepest layer of ab muscles
Ilium, tibia, flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh, flexes lower leg
Another name for joint
ends in tendons
Binds other tissues together, protection and leverage
Exogenous Infection
Created by a puncture into the joint
Fibrous connective tissue bands that connect skeletal muscles to bones
Clubfoot - congenital anomalies
Hand bones. 5 bones numbered from 1-5, medial to lateral
A rythmic, wavelike motion that progressively moves through a tube organ such as the small intestine
Bend the joint th way it wants to bend
o: temporal bone; i: mandible; closes jaw
Rectus Abdominis
Pubic bone, Ribs 5-7 and xiphoid process, flexion at waist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis - Insertion
Base of the third metacarpal (dorsal surface)
Fibrous Joint
No joint cavity, bones are held together by fibrous tissue, found between splints and cannon bone. Found between skull bones (sutures) teeth in sockets
Teres minor - Origin
Posteriorly on the upper and middle aspect of the lateral border of the scapula
erector spinea
o: illiac crests, ribs 3-12, vertebrae; i: rubs thoracic and cervical vertebrae; extends back
orbicularis oculi
o: frontal bone; i: tissue around eyes; blinks and closes eyes
Flexor carpi radialis - Origin
Medial epicondyle of the humerus
flexes elbow
Towards the tail
Covers and lines the body; skin, mucous membranes...
Anconeus - Origin
Posterior surface of the lateral condyle of the humerus
Radius and Ulna
2 bones of forearm. Side by side. Fused together in cows and horses. If fused, flexibility is lost
Increasing the angle between bones
Tibialis posterior
Origin: proximal tibia and fibula, interosseous membrane
First sterebrae, at the thoracic inlet
Abnormal lateral curvature of thoracic spine
vastus medialis
O: intertrochanteric line and linea aspera of femur; I: tibial tuberosity
Same number as thoracic vertebrae. Articulate dorsally with the thoracic vertebrae, articulate ventrally with the sternum. Ventral portion is cartilage
Internal Oblique
Lmbodorsal fascia, Lower 4 ribs, Flexion and rotation at waist
Pectoralis Major - Origin
Upper fibers (clavicular head)- medial half of the anterior surface of the clavicle. Lower fibers (Sternal head)- anterior surface of the costal cartilage of the first six ribs, and adjacent portion of the sternum.
Flexor digitorum superficialis - Action
Flexion of the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints, flexion of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow
Deltoid Muscle, Innervation
Axillary nerve (C5, C6)
triceps brachii
extends arm at elbow
Infraspinatus - Insertion
Posteriorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
Towards the head
Extensor carpi radialis brevis - Action
Extension of the wrist, abduction of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow
Isometric Contraction
Muscle contracts but there is no movement, muscle stays the same length
Smallest of the three bones. Forms much of the ventral floor of the pelvic canal. Has a hole in it called the obturator foramen which make it more light weight. two halves meet at the pelvic symphysis
Flexor carpi ulnaris - Insertion
Pisiform, hamate, and base of the fifth metacarpal (palmer surface)
rhomboid major
adducts scapula
type of movement a muscle produces
Close to the midline
o: scalpular spine and clavicle; i: humerus (deltoid tuberosity); abducts the arm
Short Bone Characteristic
Can withstand alot of pressure
Hip Dysplasia
Shallow acetabulum and deformed femoral head... leads to arthritis, genetic in larger breeds, especially german shepards
Palmaris longus - Insertion
Palmer aponeurosis of the second, third, fourth, and fifth metacarpals
Bones that surround the cranial cavity
voluntary muscles-ex
skeletal muscles of the arm and leg
o: temporal bone; i: mandible; closes jaw
Infraspinatus - Innervation
Suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)
Deltoid Muscle, Action (Middle fibers)
abduction of the glenohumeral joint.
Multinucleated, striated, voluntary muscle that enables conscious movement of an animal, moves the bones of the skeleton
What we can see with the naked eye
plantar flexes the foot, origin is lateral surface of head of fibula, insertion is calcaneus
Short Bones
Carpal, Tarsal
Subscapularis - Action
Internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint, adduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumeral joint, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Between the head and shaft of the femur, sawed off to relieve symptoms of hip dysplasia
skin inflammation
Coracobrachialis - Action
Flexion of the glenohumeral joint, adduction of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal adduction of the glenohumeral joint
Parietal Bones
More rostral to occipital bones
C-7/ T-18/ L-6/ S-5
Numbers of vertebrae in the horse
Connects from M line to Z line
Abductor pollicis longus - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6, C7)
Turning appendage up (toward sky)
Rule of nines, lund and browder chart
Determine percentage of body burned in an injury
Hot thermoregulation
Perspire, evaporation cools skin, vessels dilate, blood nears surface of skin
Leukoplakia or vitiligo
condition of the mouth that involves the formation of white leathery spots on the mucous membranes of the tongue and inside of the mouth, vitiligo is similar but not in the mouth. possibly auto-immune
Non-striated involuntary muscle w/only one nucleus- found on internal organs
Dorsal Plane
Cuts body into upper and lower halves
Calcified cartilage. Living tissue constantly being remodled
Anterior Deltoid
Front part of shoulder muscle that causes shoulder flexion and horizontal adduction
Anterior muscle that causes hip flexion
Micorsopic, fiber-like structures that occupy most cytoplasm in skeletal muscle cells
Calf Muscle, flexes stifle and extends hock, achilles tendon ORIGIN: Femur INSERION: Calcaneus-by achilles tendon
vastus lateralis
part of quadriceps group, extends leg at knee
Teres minor - Origin
Posteriorly on the upper and middle aspect of the lateral border of the scapula
Smooth, rounded proximal end of humerus that articulates with glenoid cavity
DJD or Arthritis
Damage to joint can lead to this
Coracobrachialis - Innervation
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5-C7)
Flexor digitorum profundus - Innervation
Median nerve (C8, T1) to the second and third fingers, Ulnar nerve (C8, T1) to the fourth and fifth fingers
Inflammation or infection of the joint
Stratum spinosum
8-10 layers, keratin causes spiny appearance, little mitosis
Eccentric Contraction
Muscle contracts isotonically by lengthening
voluntary muscles-d
a person consciously shooses which muscles to contract and how long and how hard to contract them
Boney attachment to scapula in humans
Flexor pollicis longus - Origin
Middle anterior surface of the radius and the anterior medial border of the ulna just distal to the coronoid process; occasionally a small head is present attaching on the medial epicondyle of the humerus
rectus femoris
part of quadriceps group, extends leg at knee
Anconeus - Insertion
Posterior surface of the lateral olecranon process and proximal one-fourth of the ulna
compresses cheeks
Flexor digitorum profundus - Action
Flexion of the four fingers at the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints, flexion of the wrist
Typical vertebra
is anterior
Triceps bracii
extend the elbow joint
orbicularis oris
spincter muscle used for "puckering up" and whistling
Closed Reductions
manual manipulation of the ends of the fractured bone so that normal alignment is maintained
Supraspinatus - Insertion
Superiorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
O: posterior iliac crest of os coxa; I: posterior angle of ribs
Palmaris longus - Action
Flexion of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow
Beneath periosteum, very dense, makes up shaft of bone
Tibialis Anterior
Tibia, first cuneiform and first metatarsals, dorsiflexes and inverts foot
Cranial projection of the axis that fits into the atlas
Supraspinatus - Insertion
Superiorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
Abductor pollicis longus - Insertion
Base of the first metacarpal (dorsal lateral surface)
gluteus maximus
Latissimus dorsi - Action
adduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumeral joint, internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint.
Isotonic Contraction
Involves movement of the muscle contracting
involuntary muscles-ex
smooth muscles found in the internal organs and cardiac muscles
Pectoralis Major - Origin
Upper fibers (clavicular head)- medial half of the anterior surface of the clavicle. Lower fibers (Sternal head)- anterior surface of the costal cartilage of the first six ribs, and adjacent portion of the sternum.
Ridge down middle of scapula, can palpate in thin animals
A bundle of muscle fibers
Away from the midline
MT 3 forms the cannon bone. MT 2 and MT 4 form the splint bones
melanocytes can't sythesize melanin
Osteochondrosis dessicans
OCD- degeneration of articular cartilage in joint-flaps
Foramen Magnum
A large hole in the occipital bone for the passage of nerves into the spinal cord
Subscapularis - Origin
Entire anterior surface of the subscapular fossa
Temporal Bulla
Bulb like cavity that contains the middle ear where the stirrup, anvil and hammer are
Shoulder blade, flat bone, no boney attachment to rest of skeleton in most species
part of hamstrings group
Gristle type tissue. Discs between vertebrae, ear, joint surface
Stifle Joint
Formed by the articulation of the femur, patella and tibia
Process by which bone forms in body
Remnant of MC-1 forms this on the medial side of the leg in equines
Liver can't excrete bile, get rid of bilirubin, skin and whites of eyes are yellow
Groups of tissues that work together
Boney attachment to scapula in birds, aka the wishbone
Teres major - Insertion
Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus just posterior to the insertion of the latissimus dorsi
Yellow Marrow
Fatty marrow that can become active
forehead muscle (Raises eyebrow andfacial expressions)
Triceps brachii - Action
All heads- extension of the elbow, Long head- extension, adduction, and horizontal abduction of the shoulder joint
Pectoralis Major - Action (Lower fibers, sternal head)
internal rotation, horizontal adduction, adduction and extension of the glenohumeral joint from a flexed position to the anatomical position.
Increase in size of muscles
Specialized groups of cells with the same function
Joint with greatest range of motion
Moving bones or limb away from the midline
Flexes the elbow and extends the shoulder
Inner layer of the compact an cancellous bone
Extensor digiti minimi - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6-C8)
Tuber coxae
Lateral most projection, hook bone
Type I Muscle Fiber
Slow twitch; built for endurance; red
"Rump muscles" extend hip, and abduct limb ORIGIN: Ilium INSERTION: Greater Trochanter of the femur
C-7/ T-13/ L-7/ S-3
Numbers of vertebrae in the dog and cat
Surrounds the brain
Fat storage. White in most animals. Yellow in Gurnsey cattle and horses. Brown in newborns
Compound Fracture
Open - bone pierces the skin
Subscapularis - Origin
Entire anterior surface of the subscapular fossa
Cervical Vertebrae - 1st
Atlas - allows for the rotation movement of the head
Articular Cavity
Space between bones
Fibula, tibia, calcaneal tendon onto calcaneus, plantarflexes foot
Fibularis Longus
Fibula, first metatarsal, plantar flexion
Near the surface of the body
protrusion of fat or intestine from abdominal wall
Sacroiliac Joint
Where the two halves of the pelvis articulate dorsally
Flexor carpi radialis - Innervation
Median nerve (C6, C7)
Neck muscle, helps frown
Extensor carpi ulnaris - Action
Extension of the wrist, adduction of the wrist together with the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, weak extension of the elbow
Golgi Tendon Organ
Located in the tendon, both at muscle origin and insertion; detect changes in tendon tension
Inside the joint. Cartilage plates which help make the ends of the bones fit together better, can get torn
Near the center of the body
To bend a joint
Surrounds all the organs in the 'belly,' intestine, uterus, kidneys etc...
internal oblique
o: illiac crest; i: last 3 ribs; flexes and rotates vertebral column
Metatarsal Bones
Similar to metacarpal bones. Foot bones
Malignant bone tumor
Ruminants walk on their finger tips, each 'finger' has p-1, p-2, and p-3/ p-3 has hoof attached to it
Vertebral arch
is posterior
Pectoralis Major
Chest muscle that causes shoulder flexion, adduction and horizontal adduction
end is attached to the relatively less movable bone (proximal)
flexor carpi
flexion at the wrist
Coracobrachialis - Insertion
Middle of the medial border of the humeral shaft
Muscle shrinkage, decrease in size of muscles
Foramen magmum
Large opening in the occipital bone
internal oblique
compresses abdomen, middle layer; fibers point up to the head
Patellar Ligaments
Really a tendon, Important to keep patella riding in the patellar groove
Cartilaginous Joints
Have no joint cavity, Bones held together by cartilage. Examples are growth plates, disks between vertebrae and the pelvic symphysis
striated muscle
another name for skeletal muscle
Rectus Femoris
Ilium, patella, tibia, extends knee, flexes thigh
three types of muscles
skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, caridac muscle
extensor carpi radialis
abducts wrist and flexes hand at wrist, origin is medial epicondyle of humerus, insertion is base of 2 and 3 metacarpals
has a yellow-orange color and is primarily found in the palms and the soles
Linea Alba
The sheet of fibrous connective tissue that connects the abdominal muscles from each side on the ventral midline
Shoulder muscle that causes shoulder abduction
latissimus dorsi
Spongy, light weight found near ends of bone for shock absorption
First degree (surface), second degree (epidermis, maybe upper part of dermis), third degree (subcutaneous, if extensive may need grafting)
Muscle Fibers
Actin and Myosin
exaggerated posterior curvature of the thoracic spine (hunchback)
Action: Planter flexes, inverts, and adducts foot
Nasal Septum
Divides the nasal cavity in half
Pectoralis Major - Action (Upper fibers, clavicular head)
internal rotation, horizontal adduction, flexion up to about 60 degrees, abduction (once the arm is abducted 90 degrees, the upper fibers assist in further abduction), and the adduction (with the arm below 90 degrees of abduction) of the glenohumeral joint.
Extensor pollicis longus - Action
Extension of the thumb at the carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints, Extension of the wrist, Abduction of the wrist, Weak supination of the forearm from a pronated position
Extensor carpi radialis brevis - Origin
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Innervation: Sciatic Nerve, tibial branch
More 'square' shock absorbers, wrist and ankle bones
Pectoralis major
abducts humerus
adducts femur/thigh
A series of sarcomeres; several are contained within one muscle fiber
Calf muscle that causes plantaflexion e.g. jumping
Teres minor - Insertion
Posteriorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
Fibular tarsal bone (most important), heel bone/hock, large projection caudally, the achilles tendon attaches to it
biceps femoris
part of hamstrings group, flexes knee and extends thigh, rotates thigh laterally
Osteoblasts that have been surrounded by bone, and are trapped
Coracobrachialis - Insertion
Middle of the medial border of the humeral shaft
Latissimus Dorsi
Back muscle that causes shoulder extension, adduction, horizontal abduction and horizontal abduction
Manubrium, clavicle, mastoid process, singly, rotates head to opposite shoulder, together, flexes head
Surrounds the heart and lungs
Infraspinatus - Origin
Medial aspect of the infraspinatus fossa just below the spine of the scapula
Vertebrae of the tail. Variable number
Comminuted Fracture
fracture lines are multiple and the bone is splintered and crushed
Origin: head and proximal fibula, posteromedial tibia
Subscapularis - Innervation
Upper and lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6)
White Marrow
Hard fatty marrow, cannot become active
vastus intermedius
O: anterolateral surface of femur; I: tibial tuberosity
Flexor carpi radialis - Insertion
Base of the second and third metacarpals, anterior (palmar surface)
Strong dense tissue that connects muscle to bone
rotates forearm laterally
tibialis posterior
Innervation: Sciatic nerve, tibial branch
Innervation: Tibial Nerve
Stratum basale (stratum germinativum)
In contact with dermis, stem cells; mitosis, replace more superficial cells. Keratinocytes and melanocytes (produce keratine and menanin)
Loss of muscle mass due to lack of use or loss of innervation
Shaft of the bone
Biceps Femoris
Ischium and femur, tibia, fibula, extends thigh and flexes lower leg
Simple Fracture
Closed - Fracture does not pierce through the skin
Scrape or surface damage, stratum basale cells migrate, mitosis
Tearing or overstretching of a ligament. Ligaments attach bone to bone.
Neoplasms (tumors)
Benign or malignant
Exaggerated anterior curvature of the lumbar or cervical spine (hollowback)
C-2, has large, broad dorsal spinous projections and cranial projection that fits into C-1
Carpal Bones
Wrist bones. Front 'knee' of horse and other large animals. 6-8 short bones in 2 rows
Chest muscles-adduct the thoracic limbs
Supraspinatus - Action
Abduction, Stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Intercalated Discs
Attachment sites between the transverse lines between cardiac muscle cells
The Cell
The basic unit of living things
Protection, skull bones and ribs
bundles of parallel muscle tissue fibers
Long Bones
Humerous, Radius, Ulna, Femur, Fibula and Tibia
Supraspinatus - Innervation
Suprascapular nerve (C5)
Deltoid Muscle, Action (Posterior fibers)
abduction, extension, horizontal abduction, and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint.
Peroneus brevis
Action: Everts and plantar flexes foot
Enables one to stand on tip toes & is enlarged in dancers (calf of leg)
Long bone. Head articulates with the acetabulum. Distally it articulates with the patella.
Flexor pollicis longus - Insertion
Base of the distal phalanx of the thumb (palmer surface)
only melanin is made in the skin. Melanin can be gradated into many different shades. It is this ability of Melanin that gives different races different skin coloration. A special type of cells known as melanocytes produces melanin, Melanocytes are primarily found in the stratum germinativum. Whenever the skin has had an exposure to sunlight, the stratum germinativum cells, phagocytize or eat the skin pigment melanin. After an amount of time, melanin accumulates within the stratum germinativum cells, and tends to form a protective pigment "umbrella". These "umbrellas of melanin pigment shields DNA from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation
Nasal Bones
Dorsal bones of face-form roof of nasal cavity
True Ribs
Articulate with the sternum on their own
To move a limb away from the body
MT 3 and MT 4 are fused like in the front leg
moving bones so radius and ulna are parallel
Tibialis posterior
Action: Plantar flexes, inverts, and adducts food
Moving the bone around in a central axis
Forms most of the upper jaw, and part of the hard palate, contains upper molars, premolars, and canines
Shin bone. On medial side of the leg. Bears most of the weight
Greater Trochanter
Large knob on the proximal end of the femur for muscle attachments
Extensor carpi radialis longus - Action
Extension of the wrist, abduction of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow, weak pronation to neutral from a fully supinated position
Remnant of MC-5 forms this on the palmar surface of the lower leg in equines
Distal. The more movable of the attachment sites of the muscle
Muscles that stabilize proximally to allow the agonist to work effectively
Towards the belly
Muscle weakness or partial paralysis
Origin: coracoid process of the scapula; Insertion: medial shaft of the humerus at about its middle; Action: flexes the humerus,assists to adduct the humerus; Blood: muscular branches of the brachial artery;Nerve: musculocutaneous nerve, C5,6,(C7)
Extensor carpi radialis longus - Insertion
Base of the second metacarpal (dorsal surface)
Flexor carpi radialis - Action
Flexion of the wrist, abduction of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow, weak pronation of the forearm
back of thigh
Deltoid Muscle, Insertion
Deltoid tuberosity on the lateral humerus.
Triceps brachii - Innervation
Radial nerve (C7, C8)
Caudal surface of front legs from wrist to toes
Wounded or damaged area
gluteus maximus
O: dorsal ilium, sacrum, coccyx; I: gluteal tuberosity
Pectoralis Major - Action (Upper fibers, clavicular head)
internal rotation, horizontal adduction, flexion up to about 60 degrees, abduction (once the arm is abducted 90 degrees, the upper fibers assist in further abduction), and the adduction (with the arm below 90 degrees of abduction) of the glenohumeral joint.
Extensor digiti minimi - Insertion
Base of the middle and distal phalanxes of the fifth phalange (dorsal surface)
Layers of the epidermis
Bottom to top: Stratum Basale, Stratum Spinosum, Stratum Granulosum, Stratum Lucidum, Stratum Corneum
Splint Bones
MC-2 and MC-4 form these in equines. They are attached to the cannon bone by ligaments that can get inflamed and swell up to make blemishes
palmaris longus
flexes wrist
Thin Filaments
Actin proteins
Coracobrachialis - Innervation
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5-C7)
Equines walk on their middle finger, which has P-1, P-2 and P-3, P-3 has the hoof attached to it
3 main parts, body, and arch- 2 halves. All of them lined up end to end form the vertebral canal
Deep wound healing (injury beyond stratum basale)
Inflammatory phase (blood clot forms), migratory phase (cells migrate), proliferative phase (continues), maturation phase (scab falls off)
Teres major - Innervation
Lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6)
o: maxilla and mandible; i: orbicularis oris; holds food in mouth, sucks in cheeks
External oblique
broad, thin muscle that cover superior abdomen
Triceps brachii - Origin
Long head- infraglenoid tubercle below inferior lip of glenoid fossa of the scapula, Lateral head- upper half of the posterior surface of the humerus, Medial head- distal two-thirds of the posterior surface of the humerus
Conducts never signals; found in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves
rectus abdominis
straight (rectus) abdominal muscle
Use knowledge of anatomy to help in diagnosis/treatment
Basic contracting unit of muscle cell consits of actin and myosin filaments between z-lines in a muscle cell
Transverse Abdominis
Ilium, Linea alba and pubic crest, compresses abdominal wall
Extensor carpi ulnaris - Origin
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus, Middle two-fourths of the posterior border of the ulna
Origin: long head- supraglenoid tubercle and glenohumeral labrum & short head- tip of the coracoid process of the scapula Insertion: radial tuberosity &bicipital aponeurosis Action: flexes the forearm at the elbow (when supinated) & supinates forearm from neutral & stabilizes anterior aspect of shoulder & flexes shoulder (weak if at all) Blood: muscular branches of brachial artery Nerve: musculocutaneous nerve, C5,6
Cloven Hoofed
2 toed animal
planter flextion of the foot, between knee and ankle
Coracobrachialis - Origin
Coracoid process of the scapula
Orbicularis oculi
muscle that allows winking, blinking
Protein that composes microfilaments. Found in cytoskeleton myofibrils of muscle fiber, spindle fibers during cell division
pectoralis major
o:sternum, clavicle, 1-6 ribs ; i: proximal humerous ; adducts and flexes humerus
Degenerative Joint Disease
DJD- another name for arthritis, secondary to structural deformities that cause abnormal articulation of bones
Infraspinatus - Action
External rotation of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumeral joint, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Muscle Spindle
Lie parallel to the muscle fibers; detect changes in muscle length and speed
Striated, involuntary muscle found exclusively on the heart
Supraspinatus - Innervation
Suprascapular nerve (C5)
Glands in integumentary system
In the dermis, all are exocrine. Sebaceous (oil) glands secrete sebum that softens and lubricates skin and hair. Sudoriferous (sweat glands) control temperature, excretes some waste materials (eccrine glands are all over, apocrine glands (in axillary, pubic and nipple regions), mammary glands, ceruminous glands (produce cerumen or earwax)
Haversian Canals
Channels in bone which contain the bone's blood vessels
Concentric Contraction
Muscle contracts isotonically by shortening
Teres major - Origin
Posteriorly on the inferior third of the lateral border of the scapula and just superior to the inferior angle
opens jaw
o: connective tissue covering chest muscles; i: tissue around mouth; pulls corner of mouth down
Dogs & Cats
MT 2-5, MT 1 is usually absent unless a dewclaw is present
Biceps Femoris
flex the knee
Proximal part of ulna. Point of elbow. Funny bone. Has anconeal process that fits into the olecranon fossa
Extensor carpi radialis longus - Origin
Lower third of lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus and lateral epicondyle of the humeral
Infraspinatus - Origin
Medial aspect of the infraspinatus fossa just below the spine of the scapula
Stay Apparatus
In horses, allows for them to sleep standing up, locks leg in place, due to three patellar ligaments
Epiphyseal Line
No more growth
Negative feedback, thermoreceptors to brain, temperature control center sends message to effectors
Infraspinatus - Action
External rotation of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumeral joint, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
Extensor carpi ulnaris - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6-C8)
Extensor digitorum - Origin
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
3 bones in each digit (except digit 1), known as P-1, P-2, P-3, or proximal, middle and distal. P-3 has the nail attached to it
C-7/T-13/ L-6/ S-5
Numbers of vertebrae in the cow
Occipital Bones
Back of head. Caudal bone of skull, articulates with atlas, Has large opening that allows the spinal cord to leave the brain to enter the spinal canal
rectus abdominus
major spine flexor, forms 6 pack and translates to "straight muscle of abdomen"
involuntary muscles-d
under the control of the subconscious regions of the brain
The study of bones
Latissimus dorsi - Insertion
Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus, just anterior to the insertion of the teres major.
Drawer Sign
Bend leg slightly, move femur and tibia in opposite directions to see if there is looseness, Tested if suspected torn cruciate ligament, + means that there is a problem and animal needs surgery
Lateral portion of the hamstring
Cold thermoregulation
Shiver (ATP produces heat): shivering thermogenesis. Blood moves deeper. Arrector pili raised (goose bumps) smooth muscle
Latissimus dorsi - Innervation
Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)
Medial portion of the hamstring
Ischium, tibia, extends thigh, flexes lower leg
upper back
Tuber Ischii
Caudal prominence of the Ishium
Abductor pollicis longus - Action
Abduction of the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint, Abduction of the wrist, Extension of the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint, Weak supination of the forearm from a pronated position, Weak flexion of the wrist joint
Deltoid Muscle, Action (Anterior fibers)
abduction, flexion, horizontal adduction, and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint.
Hock joint or ankle. Cuboidal bones similar to wrist bones. Usually 7 bones.
Temporal Bones
Make up sides of head, has three sections
Tibialis posterior
Insertion: Tarsals and metatarsal 2-4
Transverse Process
Project laterally
Coffin Bone
The name of P-3 in large animals
Type II B Muscle Fiber
Fast twitch; built for power; white
Paralysis of the trunk and LE's and some or all of the UE's
Squamous cell carcinoma
carcinoma type that may occur in many different organs, including the skin, mouth, esophagus, prostate, lungs, and cervix. It is a malignant tumor of epithelium that shows squamous cell differentiation.
Flat Bones
Cranial, sternum, ribs and scapula
changes size of nasal openings
Towards the back
Pectoralis Major - Insertion
Flat tendon 2 or 3 inches wide to the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus.
Biceps brachii - Innervation
musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)
Medullary Cavity
Hollow Center / Children - red bone marrow / adult - yellow bone marrow (fat)
wiggle ears
protrudes lower lip and wrinkles chin, sad
Irregular Bones
Vertebrae, Malleus, incus, stapes
Benign bone tumor
Circular muscles around an opening
Moving bones so radius and ulna are NOT parallel
Active Tension
Tension due to muscle contraction
Teres major - Origin
Posteriorly on the inferior third of the lateral border of the scapula and just superior to the inferior angle
Tendon Sheath
Elongated bursa. Surrounds a tendon, Found along long tendons in bone
Tensor Fascia Latae
Ilium, Iliotibial tract, Flexes, abducts, and medially rotates thigh
Teres major - Innervation
Lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6)
intercostals muscles
o: bottom half of ribs ; i: top half of ribs ; raise and depress ribcage for breathing
Latissimus dorsi - Insertion
Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus, just anterior to the insertion of the teres major.
Functions of integumentary system
Thermoregulation, protection (physical and immune), sensory (in dermis and hypodermis), excretion (sensible and insensible), storage (nutrients, esp. adipose), blood reservoir (10% of vessels), synthesis (vitamin d3 and melanin), absorption (gases, UV light, water, vitamins)
gives fair-skinned people a pink hue to their skin due to the lack of melanin in the epidermis, which makes it almost transparent
Ischium, tibia, extends thigh, flexes lower leg
Need a microscope to see it
Cells that beak down cartilage
Blocked sebaceous glands
Posterior thigh muscle that causes knee flexion
o: cranial aponeurosis; i: skin of eyebrows; raises brows
rectus femoris
O: anterior inferior iliac spine; I: tibial tuberosity
To straighten a joint
Deltoid Muscle, Action (Middle fibers)
abduction of the glenohumeral joint.
Pronator teres - Origin
Distal part of the medial condyloid ridge of the humerus and medial side of the proximal ulna
Gluteus Medius
Ilium, femur, Abduction and medial rotation of thigh
Subscapularis - Insertion
Lesser tubercle of the humerus
Stratum granulosum
Granular, 3-5 layers, flattened; accumulating proteins especially carotene
O: ischial tuberosity; I: posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia
Most caudal of the three bones. Caudal prominence is called the tuber ischii.
pectoralis major
prime mover for shoulder flexion and adduction
Incisive Bone
Most rostral bone of upper jaw-contains upper incisors and forms part of the hard palate
rectus abdominis
o: pubis; i: sternum ; flexes vertebral column
Teres minor - Insertion
Posteriorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
Flexor carpi radialis - Action
Flexion of the wrist, abduction of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow, weak pronation of the forearm
origins are occipital bone and spines of cervical/thoracic vertebrae. insertions are clavicle and spine/acromion process of scapula. elevates scapula, carries tension
Projections from the vertebrae
Infraspinatus - Insertion
Posteriorly on the greater tubercle of the humerus
Membrane Bone
Made as fibrous membrane templates are calcified in the fetus (skull bones-fontanel)
Deltoid Muscle, Action (Anterior fibers)
abduction, flexion, horizontal adduction, and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint.
Upper arm bone, long bone, 2 ends with shaft in middle
Thick Filaments
Myosin proteins
Knob at end of scapula. Can feel in large animals, help guide injections
Teres major - Action
Extension of the glenohumoral joint, particularly from the flexed position to the posteriorly extended position, internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint, adduction of the glenohumeral joint, particularly from the abducted position down to the side and toward the midline of the body
Fills up the center of most living bones, where blood cells are made
Characteristics of Epidermis
Stratified squamous epithelium, outermost layers dead, most have 4 layers but soles of feet and palms of hands have 5, avascular (no blood vessels)
Deltoid Muscle, Innervation
Axillary nerve (C5, C6)
external oblique
o: lower 8 ribs; i: illiac crest; flexes and rotates vertebral column
Flexor carpi ulnaris - Innervation
Ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
Fetlock Bone
The name of P-1 in large animals
origin is supraspinatus fossa of scapula and insertion is greater tubercle of humerus. helps prevent downward dislocation of humerus
Palmaris longus - Origin
Medial epicondyle of the humerus
the strong connective tissue cords that attach skeletal muscles to bones
Coracobrachialis - Action
Flexion of the glenohumeral joint, adduction of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal adduction of the glenohumeral joint
Makes up the floor of the chest (ventral) Made of individual sternebrae, that have cartilage between them. Eventually all fuse together with age, typically 7 or 8 found in common species
zygomaticus major
smiling muscle, raises corners of mouth upwards
Brachialis - Innervation
Musculocutaneous nerve and sometimes branches from radial and median nerves (C5, C6)
Brachialis - Origin
Distal half of the anterior shaft of the humerus
Stratum lucidum
only in soles or palms, 3-5 layers, clear with no nuclei, flat and dead
Triceps Brachii
Upper arm muscle that causes elbow extension
shoulder muscle that moves scapula
It is the lowermost layer of the integumentary system in vertebrates. Types of cells that are found in the hypodermis are Fibroblasts, Adipose Cells, and Macrophages
Complete loss of muscle function
Flexor digitorum superficialis - Origin
Medial epicondyle of the humerus, Ulnar head- medial coronoid process, Radial head- upper two-thirds of anterior border of radius just distal to the radial tuberosity
Bone Tissue
Olecranon Fossa
On caudal surface of distal humerus. Depression where anconeal process of olecranon locks when elbow is locked in extended position
blue, the bluish coloration of the skin due to the presence of deoxygenated hemoglobin in blood vessels near the skin surface
rotates face to opposite side, laterally flexes head to same side, origin is manubrium of sternum, insertion is mastoid process of temporal bone
Synovial Joints
The classic joints, (stifle joint, elbow joint, fetlock joint).
stern/o (sternum), cleid/o (clavicle), single insertion (mastoid process)
Decubitis (pressure) ulcer
Supinator - Action
Supination of the forearm
O: 2 heads: medial and lateral epicondyle of fibula; I: calcaneal tuberosity
Infraspinatus - Innervation
Suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)
Latissimus dorsi - Origin
Posterior crest of the ilium, back of the sacrum and spinous processes of the lumbar and lower six thoracic vertebrae (T6-T12); slips from the lower three ribs
Vertebrae of the neck, most cranial
Innervation: Tibial Nerve
myoneural junction
point of which the motor nerve contacts a muscle fiber
smiling muscle
Moving bones or limb toward the midline
sheet-like muscle in neck that pulls mouth (jaw) downward
peroneus brevis
O: lateral shaft of fibula; I: 5th metatarsal tendon
Rectus abdominis
flexes veribral column, runs down medial stmoach
To move a limb back towards the body
The study of structure of organisms
Reddening of skin
Extensor digiti minimi - Action
Extension of the little finger at the metacarpophalangeal joint, Weak wrist extension, Weak elbow extension
Extensor carpi radialis longus - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6, C7)
Cribriform Plate
Has openings called ethmoid foramina, part of the ethmoid bones
C-1, Has large transverse processes called wings and no dorsal process... articulates with the skull
Biceps brachii - Insertion
Tuberosity of the radius and bicipital aponeurosis
Epiphyseal Plate
Area of long bone where growth occurs
Teres minor - Action
External rotation of the glenohumeral joint, horizontal abduction of the glenohumeral joint, extension of the glenohumoral joint, stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
prime mover for upper arm/shoulder abductor, flexes/extends humerus
Cannon Bone
Metacarpal 3 forms this in equines
infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria
Coracobrachialis - Origin
Coracoid process of the scapula
biceps brachii
powerful flexor of forearm; origin is glenoid process and coracoid process of scapula, insertion is radial tuberosity
Palmaris longus - Innervation
Median nerve (C6, C7)
Vertebrae of the small of the back. Have large transverse process, may be flexible in some species (dog and cat) or stiff (cow)
Extensor digitorum - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6-C8)
Extra bones which are located in tendons on the caudal surface of the limb to give them extra leverage and strength
Turning appendage down (toward ground)
Move the limb towards the body
Deltoid Muscle, Origin
ant fibers- anterior lateral third of the clavicle, Mid fibers- lateral aspect of the acromion, Post. fibers- inferior edge of the spine of the scapula.
Petrous Temporal Bone
Contains the inner ear
extensor carpi
extension at the wrist
Teres major - Action
Extension of the glenohumoral joint, particularly from the flexed position to the posteriorly extended position, internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint, adduction of the glenohumeral joint, particularly from the abducted position down to the side and toward the midline of the body
Sagittal Plane
Slices that are parallel to the median plane
Pectoralis Major - Action (Lower fibers, sternal head)
internal rotation, horizontal adduction, adduction and extension of the glenohumeral joint from a flexed position to the anatomical position.
Extends elbow, ORIGIN: scapula/humerus INSERTION: Olecranon of ulna
latissimus dorsi
adducts and extends upper arm/shoulder, rotates humerus medially
Irregular Bone Characteristics
Endogenous Infection
Caused by a navel infection, occurs in young animals
Vastus Intermedius
Femur, patella, tibia, extends lower leg
Spinous Process
Dorsal or ventral projections
Bone formation
Vastus Medialis
Femur, patella, tibia, extends lower leg
Supinator - Innervation
Radial nerve (C6)
cardiac muscle

Deck Info

