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Ch. 29 Vocab

ms. alton, history


undefined, object
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Divine Comedy
Long poem by Dante Alighieri, about a imaginary journey to places where Christians believed souls went in afterlife
Leonardo da Vinci
Artist, inventor, and scientist: wrote about geometry, sound, motion, engineering, and architecture; first person to draw maps from bird's eye view
Used math in architecture, invented hoists, built dome on Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore
Medici Family
Ruled Florence during the Renaissance, became wealthy from banking, spent a lot of money on art, controlled Florence for about three centuries
Niccolo Machiavelli
Statesman and historian, organized city's defenses, wrote: The Prince
Sculptor, used lifelike styles in sculpting, made statue of David
Dante Alighieri
Author, wrote Divine Comedy
The Statue of David
Originally by Donatello, but Michelangelo made a copy
Arno River
River with Ponte Vecchio Bridge on it, goes through Florence
Lorenzo the Magnificent
Powerful member of the Medicis, patron of art and scholarship, ruled florence for two years
Girolamo Cardano
Solved complex algebra equations, worked with probability
City in Italy, called the Cradle of the Renaissance, Medici family ruled Florence, famous for art and architecture

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