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Ch. 8: Motor Development in Preschool


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Activity Level
the advances in gross motor skills may be related to brain development and myelination of neurons in areas of the brain related to balance and coordination
3 Year Olds
-cannot turn or stop suddenly
can jum 15-24 inches
can ascend a stairway
can hop using an irregular series of jumps w/some variations
4 Year Olds
-more effective control ofstopping, starting, and turning
jump 24-33 inches
can descend a stairway, if supported
can hop 4-6 steps on one foot
5-Year Olds
-can start, turn and stop effectively in games
can make running jump of 28-36 inches
can desced stairway, alternating feet
hop feet
Gender Differences in Gross Motor Skills
girls surpass boys in tasks that involve the coordination of thier arms and legs, such as jumping jacks and balancing on one foot at age 5
Fine Motor Skills
-involve smaller, more delicate body movements
-using a fork and spoon, cutting with scissors, tying shoelaces, and playing piano
*requires a good deal of practive
*show clear developmental patterns
-Age 5-children can hold and manipulate a thin pencil properly
-a clear preference for the use of one hand over the other
by the age of 7 months, infants seem to favor one hand by grabbing more with it than the other
-90% right handed, 10%left handed
-more boys than girls are left handed
3 Year Olds and Fine Motor Skills
cuts paper
pastes using finger
builds bridge withthree blocks
draws circle and plus sign
pours liquid from pitcher without spilling
completes simple jigsaw puzzle
4 Year Olds & Fine Motor Skills
folds paper into triangles
prints name
strings beads
copies X
builds bridge with five blocks
pours from various containers
opens and positions clothespins
5 Year Olds & Fine Motor Skills
folds paper into halves and quarters
draws triangle, rectangle, circle
uses crayons effectively
creates clay objects
copies letters
copies two short words
-art plays an important role in honing fine motor skills
-at the most basic level, the production of art involves practive with tools such as paintbrushes, crayons, etc. As preschoolers learn to manipulate these tools, they gain motor control skills
-also children learn the importance of planning, restraint, and self correction
Age 5
-children spend more time thinking about and planning the final product
-they are more likely to have a goal in mind when they start out and then evaluate
Howard Gardner
-the rough, unformed art of preschoolers represents the equivalent of linguistic babbling in infants.
-argues that the random marks that young preschoolers make contain all the building blocks or more sophisticated creations that will be produced later
Other Researches
-suggest that children's art proceeds through a series of stages-the scribbling stage, the shapestage, the design stage, the pictorial stage, and representational art
the scribbling stage
-the end product appears to be random scrawls across a paper
*instead, scribbles can be categorized, consisting of 20 distinct types, such as horizontal lines and zigzags
the shape stage
-2nd stage
*reached around age 3
is marked by the appearance of shapes such as squares and circles
-children draw shapes of various sorts, as well as X's and plus signs
the design stage
-the 3rd stage
-characterized by the ability to combine more than one simple shape into a more complex one
Pictorial stage
-5th stage
*between the ages of 4 and 5
-drawings begin to approximate recognizable objects
representational art
-the depiction of recognizable real world objects
-may appear to be a substancial advance over previous art, and adults strongly encourage creation

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