Art appreciation
undefined, object
copy deck
- medium (plural media)
- a particular material, along with its accompanying technique
- mixed media
- Art made with a combination of different materials
- the arts
- music, dance, theater, literature and the visual arts.
- to be aware
- to be concious, to know something
- to perceive
- to become aware through the senses, particularly through sight or hearing, and to understand through that awarness
- aesthetics
- an awareness of beauty or to that quality in a work of art or other man made or natural form which evokes a sense of elevated awareness in the viewer
- untrained artist/ naive or outsider artist
- people who are largely unaware of art history or the art trends and fashions of their time. it is a personal expression created apart from any conventional practice or style. ex: Sanford Darling (widowed) painted his whole house and furniture. Sabatino Rodia built "Watt Towers" or Nuestro Pueblo (our people)
- Untrained AND folk artist
- those with little or no formal art education who make objects commonly recognized as art
- Folk artist
- people working within a tradition
- folk art
- applies to art by artist who are part of established traditions of style, theme, and craftsmanship
- representational, abstract, and nonrepresentational (or nonobjective)
- describe an artwork's relationship to the physical world
- representational art (objective or figurative art)
- depicts the appearance of things
- Subjects
- objects that representational art depicts
- absract
- can mean either 1. works of art that have no reference at all to natural objects 2. works that depict natural objects in simplified, distorted or exaggerated ways.
- form
- refers to the total effect of the combined visual qualities within a work, including such components as materials, colors, shape, line and design.
- Content
- refers to the message or meaning of the work of art- what the artist expresses or communicates to the viewer
- Content and form
- content determines form and is expressed through it; thus the two are inseperable
- Iconography
- is the symbolic meaning of signs and subjects. The identification and specific meanings of significant subjects, motifs, forms, colors, and positions are the central concern of iconographic interpretation
- organic shapes
- are irregular, often curving or rounded, and seem relaxed and more informal than geometric shapes. most shapes in nature are organic
- Line
- a path of action- records of the energy left by moving points. "lines" are actually linear forms in which length dominates over width.
- shape
- is used to refer to the expanse within the outline of a two dimensional area or within the outer boundaries of a three-dimensional object.
- implied lines
- suggest visual connections and can serve as an underlying organizational structure.
- geommetric shape
- circles, triangles, and squares- tend to be percise and regular.