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His 17A Terms


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Treaty of Paris was signed
Alien Acts
Says that any 'dangerous' immigrant must be exported
Era of Reform
many reforms,
Common Sense in 1776
Written by Thomas Payne and framed ideas about what was happening in the colonies
Mayflower Compact
all members of the colony obey equal laws
French join colonial effort after Saratoga
Creation of Mexico, Ecuador, and Perú b/c of revolutions
Seven Years' War in 1750
more whites wanted to settle and Indians got mad, resulting in this war
Informal Resistance
subtle forms of sabotage among slaves
Utopian communitiesin 1830-1860
Different people had different visions, some were Democratic, many were religious, didn't like capitalism b/c it led to unfairness; competition
Doctrine written that if states want to, they can ignore tariff of 1824 and Jackson opposes
The Federalist
Constitution maintains balance between order and liberty, essays were published here written by members of the Constitution
NM, AZ, NV, UT are ceded to U.S. for $5,000,000=Mexican cession, racial anxiety happens because
Middle Ground
Spanish owned Southwest and Florida, French owned the middle of North America, British owned the East, there were imperial rivalries there, on the Western Front, natives and Europeans fought for land, natives played France and Britain against each other
Equiano purchases his freedom
Slavery became a national issue because ot territorial expansion
Liberia is formed in Africa-it is not possible to assimilate people of African descent so they are sent to Liberia, Davis Walker's Appeal=scares people that there will be violence if African Americans are educated
British Navy impresses U.S. sailors and recruits them, so Jefferson bans trade with foreign traders
goal of British, whereas French and Spanish goal was to barter, British goal heightens tensions between natives and colonists
slaves made up 50% of the population of the colonies by this year
Kansas Nebraska Act in 1854
destroyed 2-party system and instead people vote by region-Whigs disappear
1824 Election
Jackson didn't get majority and Adams won because
Dred Scott
Slave whose master brought him to free state to work, sued his master for freedom-brought about Chief Justice who said that slaves didn't have the right in court
Pidgen language of many different African tribes
positive good
rather than slavery being a negative thing, it is a good thing-rather than admitting that slavery (basis of the nation) is a bad thing, they see it as a good thing b/c it 'educates and cares for' African Americans
UK wanted to get economic growth within colonies so UK could have more wealth
Republican Motherhood
Women's duty is to raise respectable citizens (they gained a new worth)
Townshend Acts in 1767
new bunch of taxes on imports
important crop that brought many slaves to the South
Maryland passes act making religious toleration law
new religion that suggests that God only created things and then set them loose to make their own decisions and that the common people can't be virtuous or trusted
slaves replace servants in Chesapeake
planter class
plantation owners influenced by the slave-based population that harvested mostly tobacco
England wants to loft religious boundaries and expand
Divine Right of Kings
created by Parliament, where kings could rule over citizens based on 'God's Rule'
Pontiac's Rebellion in 1763
individual tribes joined together because Neolin organized the Pan-Indian Alliance
Second Continental Congress in 1775
Colonists rethought war and independence, British sought out colonists' weapons, riders like Paul Revere warn of British soldiers
Missouri Compromise
All land North of 36 degrees, 30 is free land (no slaves)
Shays Rebellion in late 1786
Farmers banded together against taxes
Fugitive Slave Act
Northerners objected to paying taxes supporting part 4 of the copromise-what did freedom mean? Northerners saw Southerners as hypocrites
Jefferson, farmers, France-supporters
William Lloyd Garrison
Published The Liberator in 1831, Grimké sisters were leading abolitionist orators
Stephen Douglas
Runs against Lincoln
Robert Fulton put a steamboat on the Hudson, allowing people to go against the current
Indian Removal
Indians were not treated as equal, Jefferson orders them to be moved West of Mississippi River
Stephen Austin
His father must bring people to Texas, these new Texans think of themselves as Americans vs. Mexicans, Mexico bans migration to Texas but Texas demands independence
Separate Spheres
Public sphere vs. private sphere, women's place was the private sphere
Bill of Rights in 1788
Happens during the First Congress meeting, guaranteed ten additional rights
Roanoke Island colony started by Sir Walked Raleigh (abandoned by 1590)
Northwest Ordinance in 1787
Called for 3-5 new states North of Ohio River and East of Mississippi River and they would be free states
George Whitefield in 1739
led a series of sermons about repenting and didn't like publications but that's how his beliefs spread
Penn and NY was where these people formed the great League of Peace aka ____ Confederacy
Boston Tea Party
300 chests of tea were thrown in the Boston Harbor led by Samuel Adams, and John Adams, who were leaders of the Sons of Liberty
Celius Calvert in 1632
wanted a Catholic haven for Christians
concept of profit over morality, when concerning the slave trade
Triangle of Trade
Europe sent fine goods to Africa, which sent slaves to North America, which sent raw material to Europe
Bleeding Kansas
2 state governments convincing others how to vote, most Kansans don't want slavery, people moved there to change the vote outcome-violent riots, Charles Sumner gives a speech but a Southern senator tries to beat him, main goal of these people was to help them with God
Pueblo Revolt in 1680
Popé was arrested by Spanish authorities for practising Pueblo beliefs in 1675
Whiskey Rebellion
Hamilton Initiated exise tax on producers of Whiskey and farmers were opposed to it
John Cabbot sails to NE
Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794
In Ohio, the Treaty of Greenville, where 12 tribes were forced to give up their land in 1795 but were given annuity, which was an annual payment
G.B. makes slavery illegal among its colonies, Emerson in 1841-things were better
ideology that encourages wealth for rich
Scared of foreigners (protestant)-know nothing/American party driven by anxiety about jobs
Mormons in 1840
Mobs drove them our of the East to Great Salt Lake in Utah, led by Brighton Young
Mary Wallstoncraftin 1792
Wrote 'Vindication of the Rights of Women', which stated that women should have rights and was similar to Common Sense
More egrarian, pro-slavery, immigrants
Second Great Awakening from 1820's-1830's
Charles Finney held revivals, promoted sobriety and morality, individuals are responsible for their own behavior, made American Christianity available to everyone
Washington is re-elected and retires in 1801, while the North and South votes were divided by presidential preference
rebellions between local tribes and colonists
Gettysburg in 1863, last day is July 3rd
Most bloody battle, turning point for Union, before things were going shittily for them
Virginia Plan
2-house system by population by Madison, states determined voting qualifications, candidates chosen by electoral college "according to the will of the people", 2 senators plus each states' representatives based on population
CSA-COnfederate States of America in 1860-1861
Jefferson Davis is president, creates a constitution, 2 parts of country no longer see eah other as the same nation
Glorious Revolution
colonists revolt against natives
1846 in June
CA is declared independent
new British colony kept Spanish in Mexico/FL, wanted Feudalism
Robert E. Lee
Confederate General, good at his job, won most of his battles, ballsy, powerhoused into battle
Slave Code of 1705
makes it legal that white people are of a higher status than slaves, slaves can't defend themselves in court and can't employ white people
John Locke
a leading liberal thinker pushing life, liberty, and property as rights during the mid-1700's
John Brown
amongst Kansans who wanted to destroy slavery
leftovers of Catholicism
Immigrants from Ireland and Germany arrive and move into North to avoid competing with the South
People not treated as equal, remained loyal to U.K. (20%)
John Calvin's idea that there are those who are elect (pre-destined) and those who are damned
Monroe Doctrine
U.S. opposes further colonial efforts in the Americas, no more colonies, U.S. won't involve itself in European wars, EU needs to stay out of Latin American countries' business
American Irony
When people wrote about equality but owned slaves, slaves meant wealth and wealth meant freedom but only to a couple people
private property amongst natives
did not exist, land was a common resource
American Irony
for Europeans to enjoy America's benefits, others had to suffer
navigation acts (all trade happens on British ships)
Hamilton, merchants, thought there was too much liberty, supported the elites
France regains Louisiana from Spain but then sells it to the U.S.
parcels of land reserved for Indians
First Continental Congress in 1774
representatives from each colony met and 12/13 colonies decided to withhold taxes, talked about war
Pull Factors
reasons to join America-land, no debt, religious freedom, power (political right)
Middle Colonies
NY, NJ, Penn-mostly comprised of unmarried young men
Clock Time
Bosses expect workers to be at work at the same time every day regardless of season
Stamp Act
a tax that made colonists think they were being taken advantage of because they were being taxed without any representation
Public Sphere
publications and places to discuss civic issues
Rifled Muskets
Barrel has spirals, making bullet spin, longer range, etc.-development in warfare tactics, more accurate
Hartford Convention
Federalists try to amend the Constitution to weaken South, who tilts toward Jeffersonian perspective, but Jackson's defeat in New Orleans negates this, making the Federalists appear disloyal and their party ends
British overtake New Netherlands; rename it New York
New Netherland
never established dense colonies; not thinking about permanent settlements, only trading lands
mixed-race individuals
Mayflower in 1620
Pilgrims left England for VA, landed in Cape Cod on this ship
Individuals can't function on their own so they have to be controlled by society-drinking becomes absolutely bad, not giving in to temptations to appear respactable (1840-1/2 consumption)
Battle in Sharpsburg, Union won, after which the prelimenary Emancipation Proclimation was written
Abraham Lincoln
Hates slavery but doesn't want to mess up the country, ran against Stephen Douglas but lost, but became famous
Compromise of 1850
CA had high population, S.F. and U.S. wanted it so Clay made up 4-part compromise: 1. CA would be admitted as free state, 2. Slave trade abolished in D.C., 3. Congress passed new law to catch escaped slaves at federal government's expense, 4. All Mexican territory's slavery was based on state
thinking your country is the most prominant
believed that England's Church was too corrupt and became separatists, moved to Plymouth colonies to build a model society
Popular Sovereignty
Populous should decide whether or not slavery should exist in new territories-Lewis Cass
Division of power between state/federal power, system of checks of checks and balances between branches
20 African slaves were imported
Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of treasury, wondered if there should be political parties and how the economics of the U.S. would be, created a 5-point program, created 'sin' taxes on Whiskey, taxed imported goods, created a national mint (bank), thought U.S. should be merchants and manufacturers
Nat Turner
rebellion leader/preacher-8/22/31-new laws began
Jamestown, VA, expanded because of the economic crisis in England in this year
Mexican Ranch owners who are given land to
where a certain type of Indians lived, first interacted with Spanish in 1570ish
wealthy South Carolina land owners were not represented in the Stamp Act Congress, farmers North Carolina was included, so these people stopped paying taxes and kidnapped tax collectors, etc.
Republican Party
old Whigs/free soil party/Northern Democrats-very regional, wants free soil in West
Virginia and Pennsylvania were known as
heredity/nobility, Carolina colony wanted this
Christian Perfectionism
For peopleto really be free, they need to be free of sin
Colonies begin
July 4 1776
Declaration of Independence was signed, Congress declared independence
American System
Vertical Integration-Factories create goods with interchangeable parts, bringing people to the cities
King Philip, who attacked colonists, ending trust between natives and New Englanders
indentured servants
no payoff, treated like property, many immigrants were these
Draft Rights in 1863
Many immigrants start riots, mostly Democrats, killed many blacks because they blamed the war on them
headright system in 1618
50 acres of land for people who par for someone's passage to the new world, no limit to land
Zenger Case
Zenger publishes articles criticizing the government of New York and is sued, the result is that anyone can print things as long as they are true
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Propaganda arguing that African Americans are 'frustrated Christians' who are prevented from worship by slavery-was extende to African American readers as well--Abolition became a mainstream issue
Emancipation Proclimation in 1862
Gives Confederates 3 months to come back to Union, sets slaves free in parts of the U.S. where Union is not in control, mostly meant to be symbolic (not expected to work), many slaves ran away
Mexico declared independence from Spain
Georgia was founded by Filanthropists with utopian ideals in this year
War of 1812
British tried to attack Americans, attacked D.C., White House burned, Jackson wins in New Orleans after War ended, gave U.S. world recognition, Treaty of Ghent
Mexico sends army to Texas to stop revolt but encourages it
Secretary of State John C. Calhoun makes public a letter proposing to Annex Texas, people like the idea
Intolerable Acts
closed Boston port because of the Boston Tea Party until the tea is paid for and forced people to house British soldiers
The Liberator
Written in 1831 by William Lloyd Garrison
Annex of Texas
Wanted to add Texas as a slave state
Revolution of 1800
Peaceful rebellion under Jefferson saying that the government should be small and not control people
Indian Removal Act
Whites have the right to the land Indians were moved to land west of Mississippi River, they were the more 'civilized' tribes because they farmed, the Cherokee, Creeks, Chicksaws, Chocsaws, and Seminols, Cherokees were allowed to stay but Georgians moved them in the Trail of Tears in 1846
Middle Passage
1 in 8 died on slave ships
Common Schools
tax-supported schools-appears to many people, Horace Mann-Massachussetts Whig politician who supported this
conquerors who brought religious people to Mexico in 1519, overtook Aztec warriors with less people
Crowd Diseases
highly contageous in crowds, natives were vulnerable
Frederick Douglass
Born in 1818-slaves had been allowed for 20 years, abolition had started, natural increase caused slave population to rise from 697,624 in 1790 to 3,953, 760 in 1860, forced breeding
Proclamation of 1763
says that colonists can't settle West of the Appalachians, came from Pontiac's Rebellion
individually-concerned, putting self interests forward
Manifest Destiny in 1850
People had already moved to CA-goal was to fill up the continent
Colonies get excited about war after the battle of Cowpens
Market Revolution
Changes in transportation and technology alter the way people trade and communicate-steam boat, canal, railroad, and telegraph lower costs and travel time
7 million slaves were brought over to the colonies, mostly in the 1700's
Equiano in the 1750's
one man who was kidnapped by slave traders an shipped to Barbados
Salutary Neglect
when England stepped back from controlling the colonies
Wilmot Proviso in 1846
No slavery in New territory from Mexico, new party=free soil party, nominates Van Beurhen (antislavery)
Erie Canal in 1825
Above NYC, brought goods from the Great Lakes to NYC
New France
hemmed British in with Mississippi Valley and Canada-20,000 people
never learned he had not landed in India
Stamp Act Congress
passed a resolution that they will stay close to England but demand the rights to vote for or against taxes
intellectual increase, mainly in France. The main idea was that it is possible to all things through reason (scientific method)
Great Awakening
series of religious revivals where many people became more religious
South Carolina has an African American Majority
Boston Massacre
shocking to colonists and British alike
Columbian Exchange
crops were brought over (wheat, rice, cattle, pigs)
Slave Power Conspiracy
Small group of people who own many slaves
Marbury vs. Madison
Rules in favor of Supreme Court determining whether or not passed laws are 'constitutional'
Dorthea Dix
Encouraged treatments for 'insane', Grimké sisters see abolition as not welcoming so they turn to promoting women's rights
House of Burgesses in 1619
VA creates this, it's so that property-holding white men can vote for members in the House
Planter Paternalism
Planters are the most powerful;smallest % of population, owned the most slaves, had the most power, owners feel the need to care for African AMericans
Sedition Acts
Target Republican press, dampering their ideas and saying that the federal government can imprison those who are critical of the government
named for the country Columbus thought he had found
Elites in North, Federalists
Witchcraft Trials
Tituba was a slave who worked for a family of a girl who practised witchcraft with other girls and supported them, sparking these
Seneca Falls Convention in 1848
begins putting women's suffrage on the frontfront led by Mott and Stanton

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