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APS MRHS aging test

uncomformities, disconformities, faults, fossils, etc...


undefined, object
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principle of superposition
oldest layers on bottom, younger layers on top
a rock layer is missing and has been altered
rocks slide past each other along a crack in the crust
What is the element found in the tissue of most organisms?
strike-slip fault
transform boundary, shear forces, blocks slide past each other
petrified remains
minerals invade bone and make them rocklike
carbonacious film
Fossil of thin layers of carbonic atoms and molecules is ----- .
What is a cavity in rock made when an organism decays called?
What are gaps in rock layers called?
permineralized remains
Formed when original materials in skeletal remains are replaced by minerals are-----.
normal fault
tensional forces- pull apart, occurs on a divergent boundary "moves down the ramp"
original remains
actual parts from an organism e.g. mosquito in amber
What are the remains, imprints, or traces of once-living organisms?
3 stages; layers are deposited horizontally, top layer erodes, and a new layer is deposited on top
reverse fault
convergent boundary, compressional forces, "block on top" slides against gravity
organism dies and makes imprint in the rock
What type of faults are caused by tensional forces?
index fossils
Fossils of organisms that were once widespread, but lived for a long time are called -----.
Along a ------ fault, rock above the fault surface moves downward in relation to rock below the fault surface.
basic unit or matter
make up of igneous and metamorphic rock. 4 stages: layers deposited horizontally, exposed by upward force, eroded, and a new layer is deposited.
remains or imprint of an organism
What is produced when sediments fill in a cavity of a decayed object called?
angular unconformity
4 stages: rock layers deposited, rocks tilted by internal force, rocks are eroded, and layer is deposited on top
criteria for a fossil
preserved, buried quickly, hard parts
relative aging
has to do with position of rocks in relation to other rocks, exact age is not known

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