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Science book G chapter 3 Erosional Forces


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When sediments are blown against something and pile behind it, this is formed.
These are bowl shaped basins caused by glacial erosion on the side of a mountain.
This erosion is caused by windblown sediments-- like sandblasting
The fertile soil on many midwestern farms developed from this...
Loess deposits
This kind of erosion can be compared to sandblasting.
Large moving masses of ice and snow which leave striations are called....
What drop sediments when they lose their energy of motion?
Agents of erosion
How are boulders, gravel, and sand added to the bottom of glaciers?
by Plucking
When you plant vegetation, are you helping to increase or decease vegetation?
How can you reduce erosion on steep slopes?
1) plant vegetaton
2) insert drainage
3) build walls
What kind of mass movement probably occurred if you see trees, walls, and fence posts leaning downhill?
This is the dropping of sediments.
This is a jumble of material that is deposited by a retreating glacier; can cover a large area.
These happen when large blocks of rock break loose from a steep slope and start tumbling.
This type of mass movement happens when loose materials or rock layers slip down along a curved surface.
These are windblown deposits of fine-grained sediments; help form areas of fertile soil.
What do you call the pitting and polishing of rocks by windblown particles?
What do you call the process that wears away surface materials and moves them from one place to another?
This is deposited from a glacier's meltwater.
When sediment moves slowly down a slope causing trees to tilt, what kind of erosion is this?
What kind of erosion happens after a heavy rain in an area that has thick layers of loose sediments?
What happens when wind blows across loose sediment removing small particles and leaving heavier material behind?
What are the periods when glaciers covered much of the land called?
Ice Ages
What are the four agents of erosion?
Wind, Water, Glaciers, Gravity
What happens when gravity moves materials downslope?
Mass Movement
What kind of glaciers covered most of Earth during the Ice Ages?
Continental Glaciers
What is the shape of the valley that the Valley glacier leaves behind?
How are slump and creep alike?
They are both types of mass movement caused by gravity.
How are creep and slump different?
Creep happens slowly; it may show leaning trees, fences, and walls.

Slump happens quickly. The material slips downslope in one mass. It leaves a curved scar.
How would planting trees in a treeless area stop water erosion in an area where it rains a lot?
Think of at least two ways it would help stop erosion.

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