Geography Vocab
The Geography terms from stdu guide.
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- hijaab
- the veil that Islam women wear over their head because they believe that this will please God
- drip irrigation
- the practice of using small pipes that slowly drip water just above the ground to conserve water used for crops; evaporation is reduced and water isn't wasted
- desalinization
- the removal of salt from ocean water; it is expensive and provides water that is still salty and can not be used for irrigation or drinking; water is used as sewage water
- noria
- a waterwheel run by the flow of water or by animal power; it is used to lift water from the river to the fields
- wadi
- riverbeds that remain dry except during the rainy seasons; they provide water for irrigation and drinking for people living on the Arabian Peninsula
- qanat
- system of underground brick-lined tunnels and wells that collect runoff water from the mountains; is used in Southwest Asia
- oasis
- an area in the desert where vegetation is found because water is available, usually from underground springs; the water comes from an aquifer
- abaya
- an outer garment worn by women in some parts of the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia
- salt flat
- area where high mountains block rain and dry winds, which increase evaporation, evaporate the moisture in the soil; chemical salts remain
- shatt-al-Arab
- the place where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet after flowing parallel to each other for hundreds of miles; it is located near Basra, Iraq