Geography Test
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- poltical:dividing areas by government
- *aka nations over 190 nations in world *four largest- Russia, Canada, China , USA *Vatican City is smallest
- Cultural- dividing areas according to cultural divisions
- *language is most common trait used *religon and ethnicity *ex. Islamic Nation,Anglo-American, Latin America
- Economic-divided by econo,ic ability
- Two classes: 1. developing nations:usually poorer nations 2.developed nations: examples include most wealthy nations
- Physical Region
- land areas grouped according to common land forms
- Northeast
- *cold winters/mild summers *largest pop. density *rolling hills, Appalachian Mts., dense forest * manufacturing and trade
- Southeast
- *hot summers/ mild winters/ hurrican prone *large populaton: second fastest growing region Appalachian Mts., Costal Plains, largest swamps(everglades) *agricultural: peanuts, cotton, fruit * manufacturing: 90% of the US textile industry, tourism
- Southwest
- * hot summers/ mild winters *dry except in costal areas * renching, oil, agriculture, industry
- Middlewest
- *cold winters/ hot summers/ tornado prone Interior Plains Dominate 1. central plains (east of mississippi) 2. Great Plains( west of Mississppi) * waterd by Mississippi river, its tributaries, and the Geat Lakes * agricultural(breadbasket) * trade center: rail and water system * heavy industry: cars amd trucks
- West: Mountain States
- highland, mild summers/ winters * Rocky Mts./ continental divinde(watershed) * least populated b/c of difficult communication, transportation,climate * cattle/ minning
- West:Pacific Coast States
- *mild winters/ long summers * plateaus, Costal Rangesall border Pcific Ocean * water is most valuable resource * fishing/ tourism
- Federal Government System
- A government where a union of states recognizes the authority of a central government, but still retains their own powers of government.
- Federal Government:Responsibilities
- * national securities/ armed forces * make laws *enforce laws/ courts * uphold constitution * collect taxes
- State Government: Responsibilities
- * make laws * enforce laws/ courts * elect national/ state officals * collect taxes/ hire workers
- Local Government:Responsibilities
- * health and safety: clean water,sewer, garbage collection, fire and police protection * welfare functiond: education, libraries, parks, buses * housekeeping; offical records, births, deaths, marriages, property 8 collect taxes/ run elections
- constitutional democracy
- A kind of democracy in which the goals of the governmant and the ways it will work to achieve them are stated in the consitution
- representitive democracy
- A governing system in which citizens elect people to make laws and decisions for them
- federal government
- The centeral authority in a federation of states
- cabinet
- The group of department heads who advise a nations chief executive
- political party
- A group of people involved in government who try to get others to agree with their ideas and who choose leaders who share the groups point of view.
- Commmon Good
- Helpful for all citizens as a group.
- Deficit
- A shortage.
- What are the branches of government?
- executive, juducial and legistlative
- Why is the US an example of constitutional government?
- We have a constitution and citizens take part in the government.
- Why do americans show civic responsibility?
- We obey laws, pay taxes, vote, and help out in the community.
- What are factors that help make an economy succesful?
- A country's people, natural resources, and economie system's.
- What are the top trading partners to the US?
- Canada, Mexico, and China
- Why is freedom and important part of the government snd economic system of the US?
- It protects the country's citizens and buisnesses.
- Freedom of speach and the right to fair treatment are two rights gurenteed by two things. What are they?
- The constitutuion and Bill of Rights.
- What is a trade deficit?
- When trades are at a shortage.
- Why is the US a representitive democracy?
- Citizens elect people to make laws for them.
- Why is it important that we ahve voluntary civic participation?
- It helps other people that wish to serve in the local, state or federal, government.
- What is a trade off?
- The thing that you give up to get another.
- What does the executive branch do?
- leads country's military, approves or vetoes laws, appoints supreme court justices and ambassadors, enforces laws
- What does the judicial branch do?
- Creates federal courts, decides if the actions of the executive branch are constitutional, decide if laws are constitutional, amends the constitution.
- What does the legislative branch do?
- writes and passes laws, declares war on other countries, recommends laws, approves appointment of supreme court justices and ambassadors
- What are the 48 states also called?
- The cotiguous United States.