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Barrons Practice test 1


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During the 1980s an 1990s, Santa Monica, California, became significantly wealthier and more expensive. Tjis process is referred to as ______________
high mass consumption
In Rostow's stages of development model, economic maturity is characterized by_________________________
they consume more resources
advanced economic countries, like the U.S., may produce more pollution than less economically adavanced countries because _____________________________________.
demographic transition model
the _____________________ posits that countries with high level of economic production will have lower birth rates
IStanbul, Turkey
___________ is strategically located on the border between two continents, and at the intersection of many cultures and religions.
the art and science of map-making
You would expect to find the highest rate of population growth in _________.
thematic layers
Geographic information systems use ________________ to display multiple spatial data sets.
southern Appalachia and the lower Mississippi Valley
Core-periphery patterns exist within countries as well as among them. In the U.S., economic peripheries include _________________
The Great Lakes
___________________________ experienced rapid industrial growth during the early 20th century, followed by a severe decline and difficult period of economic readjustment.
__________ involves the economic and political domination of one state by another, while ______________ includes official, institutionalized government rule.
territorial organization
States with federal forms of governmetn must also have _______________
central place theory
The theory that explains organization of urban areas, based on their functions and the goods and services they offer, is called _________________
Pleistocene overkill theory
this theory argues that hunter-gatherers caused the extinction of many species aftger the end of the last ice age
Primate Cities
__________________ are those that are disproportionately larger than other cities in a nation.
cultural ecology
The study of the interaction between human cultures and natural ecosystems is called _____________________
increased dramatically
Since 1960, the difference between per capita GRoos National Products of the world's wealthiest countries and the world's poorest countries has _________________________
the green revolution is a part of slash and burn agriculture.
versatile and aesthetically pleasing
The NAtional Geographic Society uses the Robinson projection for many of its maps because it is ____________________________________
Cartographic scale
__________________________ refers to the relation between a distance on a map and distance on the ground.
hierarchial diffusion
The spread of rap music to L.A, Oakland, Chicago, and Detroit--without being absorbed by the smaller cities and rural areas is called __________.
break-of-bulk points
Sites where goods are transferred for continued shipping is called ___________________________.
the angular distance east or west of Greenwich, England
_________________ does NOT qualify as a Protestant denomination.
Mexico City, Mexico
____________________ qualifies as a primate city.
dependency ratio
The __________________ will increase over the next decade, as baby boomers reach old age and are no longer able tp work and provide for themselves.
Religious fundamentalism
____________________________ appears to be on the rise in many parts of the world.
2000 years
it took _______years for the Eurasian hunter-gatherers to reach the tip of south america after their initial arrival in alaska.
Agricultural techniques developed in the temperate latitudes are frequently inappropriate for wet tropical climates because rainforest soils tend to be ______________________
Eurasian diseases
___________ is most responsible for the dramtic demographic collapse of Native Americans during the Colonial Period.
population pyramid
this shows the age and sex structure of a population
literally means "earth writing"
By 2020, most of the world's biggest cities will be located in ________
material consumption
India argued that ____________ had extreme consequences for environmental quality
distance imposes a significant barrier to spatial interactions
in the distance decay function on pg. 301 of Barrons, ___________________________________
New Guinea
The greatest concentration of linguistic diversity on earth is in ______________________.
balm climate
The city of SAn Fransico is known for its ________________________
Language extinctions could be several thousand over the next century
Tyson's Corner, Virgina
__________ is an example of an edge city.
the angular distance north or south of the equator
Von Thunen's model of rural land use
_________________________ is based on the land values decrease farther from the urban center
_______ maps work well for locating and navigating between places, while _____________ maps display one or more variable across a specific place.
influence of "friction of distance"
in distnace decay models, the slope of the decay function illustrates ____________________.
Net National Product
The aggregate measure of economic development that accounts for the depreciation of capital and natural resources is called the _____________________
the demographic accounting equation computes future population as a function of current population:
Economies are less developed, they rarely suffer from significant pollution.
cultural syncretism
The religious practices of some native american groups combine elements both from their traditional religion and from Christianity. This is an example of a ________________
___________ originated in northern India and then spread across central and southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Japan.
the north/south divide
the geographic differentation between the colonizing countries of Europe, North America, and eastern Asia and the colonized states of Africa and South America has been called _______________________
shading and coloring
All choropleth maps use _______________________
In a 1995 plebiscite, the Canadian province of Quebec sought _____________
Most americans consider environmental issues to be important.
According to public opinion polls, more than 80% of Americans consider them selves "environmentalists". What can you logically conclude from this information?
primary economic activities
__________________ involve the direct extraction of harvest of natural resources
the ____________ are an example of an ethnic group that has historial homelands spanning many national borders.
geographical research that applies only to one place or region is _________
This projection places the North or South Poile at the center view.
inversely related
In the gravity model of spatial interaction, population and distance are ___________________________
fertile river valleys
Hearths of early Eurasian agriculture were generally located in ___________________________
a strong central government
_________ is NOT a potential cause of Balkaniztion
natural increase
When the crude birht rate is higher than the crude deasth rate, the difference between the two is called the __________________.
political unrest and ecological degradation
Sources of forced migration include ___________________________________________________
cognitive maps
Maps like the one shown on pg 310 Barrons is referred to as _________________________
Asians from a variety of countries are moving to the U.S.
The term _____________ decribes a group of people with a common ethnic identity taht is spread out over a large geographic area.
Sector model of urbad development
This model of geography best describes the map on pg.298 in Barrons.
China, India, Turkey, and Mexico
Gearth regions of early agriculture included present-day ________________________________________________
the idea that our impressions and experiences of the world around us are filtered through the lens of our culture and our individual experiences, which critiques the sort of scientific, universalist grand theoriesoffered by modernists is called __________________
environmental racism
The disproportinate siting of power plants and waste disposal facilities in African-American and Latino neighborhoods---independent of other economic and historical factors---is an example of ____________
What city's dense urban core became "the birthplace of the skyscraper"?
Europe and North America
In the world systems model, the core nations of the world are located mainly in _________________________________
food production.....population
According to Thomas Malthus, ________________ grows arithmetically, but ________________ grows geometrically.
The process by which one ethnic group becomes integrated into a larger culture is called __________________.
cultural extinction
Loss of inddigenous knowledge about ecosystems is an important consequence of _____________________
the city Beautiful movement
Washington D.C.'s Licoln Memorial and Mall, with their dramatic neoclassical architecture and symbolic refrences to democracy and poppulism, are associated with _______________________
new york city is divided into 5 ________.

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