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Internal Processes

Internal processes vocabulary for Physical Geography (GES110).


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chemical compounds with a crystalline structure
lithospheric plate
* segment of lithosphere, in contact with adjacent lithospheric plates along plate boundaries
rock layer of the Earth beneath the crust and surrounding the core, composed of ultramafic igneous rock of silicate minerals
descent of the edge of a litospheric plate under an adjoining plate and into the asthenosphere
sedimentary rocks
rock formed from the accumulation of sediment
spherical central mass of the Earth composed mainly of iron; consists of outer liquid zone and inner solid zone
tectonic activity
breaking/bending of the crust under internal Earth forces
mid-oceanic ridge
major division of ocean basins, central belt of submarine topography with a characteristic axial rift
metamorphic rock
rock altered in physical or chemical composition by heat, pressure or other processes taking place at a substantial depth below the surface
axial rift
narrow trench-like depression along the center line of the mid-oceanic ridge; identified with active sea floor spreading
igneous rocks
rock formed from the cooling of magma
overturned recumbent fold of strata, usually associated with thrust sheets in a collision orogeny
plastic layer below the lithosphere
plate tectonics
theory of tectonic activity dealing with litospheric plates and their activity
ccumulations of volcanic rock form by extrusion of magma
sharp break in rock with a slippage of the crustal block on one side with respect to the block on the other
outermost solid layer of the earth, composed of silicate materials
trembling or shaking of the ground produced by passing seismic waves
major episode of tectonic activity resulting in strata being deformed by folding and faulting
corrugations of strata caused by crustal compression
rigid outer shell of the Earth, includes crust and upper mantle

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