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- Developing country
- countries that haven't reached Western-style standards of democratic government, free market economy, industrialization, social programs, and human rights guarantees for their citizens.
- Secondary industry
- economic sectors that create a finished, usable product: manufacturing and construction.
- tertiary
- Shnucks, Hutchison, Real Estate firms, Hotels, walmart, Target, resturaunts, clothing stores, Southwest airlines
- quaternary
- Cancer researchers, Information/communication sharing, education researcher, development, high technology industry, scientific research, St. Jude, Google, library, united nations
- tertiary industry
- one of the four main industrial categories of a developed economy and the segment of the economy that provides services to its consumers.
- secondary
- BMW factory, Angel food factory, Hershey's factory, Construction
- primary
- Farmer, fishing, mining, de-logging, Forestry, hunting, Fur trapping
- Primary industry
- changing natural recourses into primary products. Most products from this sector are considered raw materials for other industries.
- Developing
- GDP less than 11,500, Technology, Money (low income), human rights, industry, education is lacking, More rural, More primary industry (Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda)
- Developed
- Ex: GPD more than 11,500 , • A developed country has definitely reached Western-Style standards (democratic government, free market economy, industrialization, social programs, and human rights guarantee), They have higher life expectancies and are relatively wealthy, they have a developed economy, and tertiary and quaternary industries usually dominate(Canada, United States, Japan)
- Developed country
- countries with developed economies in which the tertiary quaternary sectors of industry dominate
- Quaternary industry
- concerns the intellectual services: information generalization, information sharing, consultation, education, and research and development. Where companies invest in order to ensure further extension.