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history exam 2


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for over 250 years the frontier had been the scene of frequent fighting between the original settlers of north america and the newcomers to the land. these groups were
native americans and pioneers
t/f under the articles of confederation power was given to the states because people feared a strong federal government might abuse their rights like the british did
t/f james madison presented the va plan to the convention in which he suggested that congres be bicameral, with an upper and lower house
jacksons policy that would solve the conflict between whites and native americans was the forced removal of indigenous peoples from there lands east of the mississippi river
idian removal act (1850)
under the terms of the missouri compormise (1820) kansas and nebraska were closed to slavery. what reopended the question on wheter the region would be slave holding or free states
the compromise of 1850
henry clays plan to connect the east and west economies by building canals and western roads and placing high tariffs on european imporst with the hope of brining the nations under the economic unit is know as
american system
natural rights life liberty and property
john locke
Under this act colonists were forced to house clothe and feed british soldiers without compensation. the act was called the
quartering act (1765)
21 admendment
repealed prohibition
when british soldiers searched peoples hoes without warrants and confiscated smuggled goods, the soldiers were working with
writs of assisstance
t/fthere is only onl level of jurisdiction in the us federal court system, which is the appellate jurisdiction
washington sent the 1 chief justice of the supreme court to france to negotiate withdrawal of british soldiers from western forts. this treaty was negotiated by
john jay
the common good
jean jacques rousseau
accoding to the peace terms after the mexican war, the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
mexico surrendered its remaining land in texas yielded new mexico and california established the rio grande as the us mexican border
the monroe doctrine isn often viewed as protecting the interests of the new latin american republics by stating the us would not firmly oppose any attempt by a european power to intervene in the western hemisphere
what was the name of the treaty where the us and france promised to be perpetual allies, especially in the west indies?
pranco american treat of 1778
t/f pivotal in the writing of the us constitiutions was the connecticut compromise in which the most serious dispute of rep in congress was settled
t/f the constitution describes a federal system in which power is divided between national and state governments but national law supercedes statelaws when issues are in dispute
t/f congress needed to regulate trade both domestically and internationally. under the commerce and slave trade compromis the north agreed to an import and an export tax
southerners so despised the tariff on imported goods enacte during the administration of john quincy adams that it came to be called the
tariff of abominations
under this act parliament wanted to bail out the east india company so it allowed to sell its tea in the colonis iwthout having to pay the customs duty. the act was called the
tea act (1773)
4 to 6 basic principles
popular soveirnty limited gov sep or powers judicial review
dominant slave holding elements in missouri objected to letting kansas become a free territory because their state would have a free soil neighbors
illinois iowa and kansas
if i am accused of cheating on ms. alders history test and im taken to court, do i have to answer all the questions the judge or lawyers ask me enven if i think the answer i give might hurt my case? what if i really did cheat? do i have to say that i did?
t/f the framers of the us constititusion gathered for the purpose of fixing the weaknesses found in the articiles of confed. after each meeting the delegates reported there meeting daily to the press in order to inform the public of their progress
enlightement thinkers prooted goals of material well being , social justice, and worldy happiness . there ideas stood in sharp contrast to the old principles of
the divine right rule
t/f by the end of jeffersons second term his secretary of the treasury had reduced the national debt
sandi is suspected of receiving stolen goods. the police go to her apartment and ask claire her roommate, if they can search the apartment. claire gives teh police permission, and they find stolen items in snadis dresser. what amendment
economic growth in the cotton idustry was stimulated by new technology such as eli whitneys cotton gin
british german and irish immigrants decided to leave their homeland mainly for economic reasons related to the industrial revolution
james monroes presidency has been called the
era of good feelings
washington hoped to avoid a political party system with the adoption of the ......this is a permanent institution found in the us gov even though it is not expresly stated in the constitution
cabinet system
advocates who persuaded lawmakers in several states to prohibit the production and sale of alcoholic beverages led to movemtnet known as the
temperance movement
t/f the war of 1812 began becaue of several reasons. two reasons were the continued seizing of american ships and the inpressments of american citizens who were forced to serve in the british navy
t/f once a state rejects a proposed amendment, it must stnad by its decision and never revisit the issue
president jeffersons administrations were differnet from the prvous administrations in that he
encouraged democratic procedures and saw himself and his advisors as merely trustees of the people
absolute power
thomas hobbes
forcing of american citizens to serve in the british navy before there war of 1812 was known as
t/f as stated per the treaty of ghent the us were the victors at the conclusion of the war of 1812
delegates met many times in order to force britain to change its colonial policies. one agreement was a stab at reconciliation that was rejected by king george III. what was the name of that agreement?
olive branch agreement
stanley wexler , 42, was arrested for the possesssion and sale of cocaine he is a self employed owener of a drugstore chain and his annual salary is 400000. he was arrested at his store by undercoverpolice after attemting to sell a large quantity of heroin and eh is alleged to be a bigtime dealer. bail was set at 3 million. what amendment can his defense argue for him when his case comes to trial
the whiskey rebellion demonstrated that the federal government
had the power to enforce its laws
t/f formal amendments are changes or additions that become part of the constitutions. the amendment is proposed at the national level and then ratified and the state level, either through state legislators or at convention.
what was the name of the real estate deal that napoleoon made with jefferson in which the us doubled its territory
louisiana purchase
thomas hobbes in his leviathan believed people entered into an agreement by which they gavve up the state of nature for an organized society. such a governmetn was a
absolute monarchy
the wealth of nations
adam smith
the supreme courts decision in dred scott v sanford (1857) increased sectional tensions between the north and the south even further because of chief justice roger taneys opinion it stated that
free african americans could not sue in a federal court since they were not us citizens , slaves were a form of property, the missouri compromise was unconstitutional
t/f to increase gov revenue, the national gov placed an excise tax on the making of whiskey to whiskey producing farmers in western pa
the velief that states had the right to reverse or disregard laws passed by the national gov is known as .......... one example was when state legislatures of virginia and kentucky passed resolutions that protested the alien and sedition acts and regarded them as unconstituional
despite eary defeats, the continental army won few decisive battles and eventually, with the help of the french, foreced lord cornwallis to surrender at yorktown. why did britain surrender after this battle?
wanted to avoid a world war
the act of uniting or forming a loose association of states is known as
why did the nroth industrialize more rapidly than other sections in the US
northern geography aided industrial growth the national band benefited northern merchants, the base of natural resources aided in the growth of factories, working conditions in factories employed many women and children, and urban population growth
t/f under washingtons and adams the federalists had established a weak national government because their administrationsalienated large groups of people
american settlers revolted and declared texas an independent aton in 1836. for nine years texas was a separate and independent nation ths territory was known as
the lone star republic
prohibition on alcohol
the rewarding of political supporters with governmetn jobs in andrew jacksons presidency is known as
the spoil system
26 amendment
voting age at 18
a monopoly was created out of the tea act of 1773. the colonists resented the monopoly and showe their discontent
by splitting 342 chests of tea, by dumping the tea into the harbor, by having the boston tea party
proposed annexation of texas failed to pass in congress because of the issue of slaeery. the definaition of annex means
to formerly add
under this act colonists argued that this was taxation without representation . the act was called the
stamp act(1765)
the state of main was once part of the state of new hamshire
t/f until the 1830s most children did not go to school because it ws accepted that education was primarily for privileged boysy whoese parents paid for them to attend private schools
the missouri compromise of 1820 stated that
missouri would enter as a slave state all territory north of the 36 30 line of latitud e in the lands of the louisiana purchase would be opened to slavery maine would enter as a free state
t/f george washingtons domestic policy during his first two terms was to preserve peace give the country time to recover from the war and national integration to continue
the issues of war contraband and seizures of american ships led to president adams sending three representatives to speak to foreign minister charles maurice de talleyrand. before these men could negotiate with the foreign minister, bribes had to be paid to top french officials which angered and american public. this was known s the
xyz affair
the expectaion for slavery to disappear after the northwest ordinant of 1787 proved to be false because of southern economic factors with made slavery mor profitable than it ahd been before 1790
at the beginning of the war of 1812, the occupation of detroit would have been successfull if the
american strategies were properly timed and executed, americans were properly trained and supplied and indians were not incited by the british agents
t/f washington issued a proclamation of neutrality (1793) in which he stated that the us would be unfriendly and impartial towards beliigerent powers
t/f the largest immigrant group before the civil war was the british they immigrated because of the 1846 blight that killed the potato crop upon which they relied for food
t/f some of the strengths of the articles of confederation were that the federal governmetn could declare war, make peace and set up post offices
the last section of land acquired form mexico was purchased without violence and pertained to a small section of land in southern arizona this purchase is known ast he
the us constitution provides for federalism and a system of checks and balances that suggests
its a writers feared a concentration of political power
the democratic senator from illinois who proposed a bill the sansas nebraska act which enraged ree soil supporters argued that the compromise of 1850 left utah and new mexico free to resolve the slavery issue. this senator was
stephen a douglas
abolitionists demanded that slavery be abolished everywhere in the us
13 amendament
abolition of slavery
a power shared by state governments and the federal government is called a
concurrent power
the monroe doctrine established the us foreign policy for the next 100 years by claiming that the western hemisphere is
a closed to future european coliniztation the us would firmly oppose attempts by european powers to intervene in the affairs of western hemisphere the us would remain neutral by not involing tself politicalls in the affairs of europe
t/f the articles of confederation created the legislative executive and judicial branches of government
the northwest ordinance of 1787 was one achievement of the articles in which it divided land northwest of the ohio river valley and creating five new states in which slavery was prohibited . these 5 states were wisconsin indiana illinois
ohio and michigan
the monroe doctrine ws issued in order to prevent european nations from interfering with the independent nations in north and south america
t/f citizen genet an envoy of france was warmly greeted by the american public as well as the washingtons administration when he came to speak abou th the relations between france gbreat britain and america
who wrote one of th emost influential novels, uncle toms cabin which cause a sensation in both the north and the south over the issue of slavery and the abolitionist movement
harriet beecher stowe
a group of public high school students request permission from the school principal to form a prayer group. the group agrees to follow the rules required of all student clubs, which meet twice a week at the beginning of the school day during an activity period. a faculty member volunteers to supervise the group. the principal refuses the groups request. what amendment?
under the misouri compromise any new states formed west of the miss river and north of the missouris southern boundary line were requeired to be free states
after the french and indian war british soldiers were sent to the colonies to ensure that their economic policies were strictly enforced. these policies fall under the term of
t/f the first political parties arose from teh heated debates of alex hamilton and pres. john adams ove rth e issue of a financial plan
separation of powers
baron de montesquieu
one reason why westerners opposed the bank of the us was that they
believed that the eastern business interests received most of the benefits
t/f although a majority of blacks in the us that were slaves. most in the pre civil war north were free which gave them full rights of citizenship
ive been accused of stealing a history textbook from the classroom (along with a couple thousand dollars from the school safe) and have been put in jail. ive been waiting for my trial for 10 years now and whne i am finally given a trial it is a private trial, behind closed doors, with a jury that consists entirely of retired history teachers, the trial is to take place in ohio (though the book i was accused of stealing the book in farmington, utah) furthermore i have no lawyer and the judge wong allow me to contact one
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