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- Council of Nicea
- this council added Jerome's Vulgate
- Pope Pius XII letter
- said that god didn't create a human family made up of segregated, dissociated, mutually independant members
- Arianism
- this heresy said god is eternal and he created Jesus
- St. Adalbert of Prague
- partyred by Pagan priests while ministering near the baltic sea
- St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
- dedicated to educateion, founded schools
- St. Isidore
- patron saint of farmers, wife became a saint as well
- Earl Boyea
- who is the bishop of lansing
- St. Frances de Sales
- known for gentle character, techings became the primise for oblates of the Selisians, joined with Jane de Chantal
- St. Blaise
- Patron Siant of Throat Ailments for commanding a fish bone to come out of a young boy's throat
- Pope Leo IX
- who was pope during the great schism
- ecumenical council
- a general meeting of bishops and priests
- transcendentalism
- celebrated the nobility rooted in both nature and the human spirit
- St. Catherine of Genoa
- Used her wealth to try to fight away her pain when husband was unfaithful. Dedicated life to serving sick and died in hospital in Genoa
- St. John Bosco
- rejected corporal punishment in education, founded salatians, combined devotion and reading
- Hypostatic union
- this says that jesus is both fully human and fully divine and the two can not be serparated
- St. Margaret of Cartoona
- had a son out of wedlock but eventually became a fransiscan sister
- St. Stansislaus
- patron saint of poland who enraged and was killed at the hands of the king
- first there were 195,000 then there were 18 million
- what was the effect of immigrants on the American Catholics
- St. Polycarp
- was forced to become bishop but eventually worked tirelessly with the poor and converted many pagans
- under 80
- what is the voting age for cardinals
- nestorianism
- this heresy taught that jesus had two distinct personalities
- infallibility
- belief that pope is chosen by holy spirit and his decisions are of god
- Leo IX
- pope who created the college of cardinals
- St. Patrick
- captured by Irish raiders at the age of 16 but later escaped to France
- 1 Peter 2: 16-17
- said live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil
- St. Athanasius
- this saint was exiled 5 times while bishop of Alexandria, for his defense against the heresy of Arianism
- Second Council of Lyon
- this council Met after 1054 to attempt to unify the Eastern and Western churches
- discrimination and christian conscience
- said if our attitude is governed by the great christian law of love of neighbors and respect for his rights, then we can work harmoniously
- St. Julie Billiart
- paralyzed for some time after thwarting off a would be assassin of her father, taught catechism from her bed
- nativism
- prejudice against immigrants stemming from those who were born in the US
- filoque
- means "and the son"
- St. Josephine Bakhita
- Despite being bought and sold as a slave five times, this saint joined a religious order and became a great missionary
- theotokos
- this means bearer of god
- St. Nicholas Owen
- Saint who was known as Little John
- St. Anslem
- considered "Father of Scholasticism" and was appointed to be archbishop of canterbury
- St. Thomas Acquinas
- studied aristotles philosophy, his greatest contributions were his writings on faith, reason and human knowledge
- geography, political, doctinal, papal authority, religious
- what were 5 reasons for the great schism
- St. Magdalen of Canossa
- wanted to become a carmelite nun but realized that God wanted her to work with the poor, sick and abandoned girls
- cardo
- means chief or principle
- St. Peter Chanel
- A Marist priest who ministered to people of Oceania and was martyred. Within two years of his death the whole island was converted to catholicism
- St. Damian of Molakai
- Worked with lepar colony in the Hawaiian islands
- St. George
- killed a dragon but was martyred by emperor diocletian for being a christian in the roman army
- St. Pius V
- instituted and implemented changes brought about by the church by the council of trent
- Bl. Sebastian of Aparico
- Road and bridge builder who was sent by Spain to build roads in Mexico. He destributed out all possesions to the poor and entered Franciscans, nicknamed "Angel of Mexico"
- Macedonius
- this heresy denied the full personality and divinity of the holy spirit
- St. Dominic Savio
- patron of choirboys, started society called "Company of immaculate conception
- monophysitism
- heresy that said god is only one person and one will
- St. Rita of Cascia
- wife, window, member of religious community. Her husband and son died so she entered religious order and recieved wounds of Christ on her forehead
- conclave
- meeting of cardinals to elect a new pope
- Bl John XXIII
- helped Jews escape the Nazis, called second vatican council, made college of cardinals international
- Council of Nicea
- this council was called by emperor Constantine to condem heresey Arianism
- St. Conrad of Piacenza
- Ordered his attendants to set fire to a field to scare out birds. The fire burned farmland and was blamed on a peasant but he came forward and accepted his own punishment
- Bl Peter Damian
- Benedictine monk who wore a hair shirt under his clothes and lived a strict but devout spiritual life
- 4th council of constantinople
- this council disscused the excommunication of the hierach of constantinople
- Iconclasm
- this heresy taught that sacred images, statues and paintings were idols that should not hold any spiritual significance
- St. Mark
- traveled with St. Paul on one of his journeys. Good friend to peter the apostle as well
- ephesus
- this council declared the Divine Maternity Dogma of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of God
- St. Paul Miki
- Executed near Nagasaki for being a Christian. His bravery and example for Christianity flourished in Nagasaki despite persecution
- Constantinople
- this council reaffirmed the teachings of the Nicea and added the holy spirit clause to the nicene creed
- interegnum
- time period after a pope dies until a new one is appointed