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- study of the Earth and the way people live and use it
- geography
- a large area that has common features that set it apart from other areas
- region
- a shape on the Earth's surface
- landform
- a group of cities that have grown so close together they seem to form one city
- megalopolis
- depending on each other to meet needs and wants
- interdependent
- the weather of an area over a number of years
- climate
- measurement of heat and cold
- temperature
- the moisture that falls to Earth as rain or snow
- precipitation
- means wet
- humid
- means dry
- arid
- materials found in nature that people use to meet their needs and wants
- natural resources
- resources that will not last forever
- nonrenewable resources
- resources that can be replaced
- renewable resources
- a substance found in the earth that is neither a plant nor an animal
- mineral
- fuels formed over millions of years ago from the remains of plants and animals
- fossil fuels
- made up of all the surroundings in which people, plants, and animals live
- environment
- the way people use natural resources, money, and knowledge to produce goods and services
- economy
- something harmful that makes our air, soil, and water dirty
- pollution
- polluted moisture that falls to the ground
- acid rain
- the protection and careful use of natural resources
- conservation
- using something again
- recycling