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History unit 1 early civilizations


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Locate Hadar and discuss importance
This is where a 3.2 million year old skeleton was found. It is the oldest nearly complete remains found.
olduvai gorge
This is where the Leaky Family did research on Homo Habilis.
compare and contrast the culture of homo erectus and habilis
habilis - housing - none really, covered w/ leaves, outside - technology - earliest tools - mobility - may have migrated, most likely not - Erectus - housing - crude shelters - technology - spears, clothing, fire - mobility - definately migrated to Asia and Europe
How did changes in climate affect the migration of early peoples from one part of the world to another?
The Ice Age caused many land bridges between continents to form, allowing access to new continents. They migrated to warmer places because it was so cold.
Identify Neanderthals
They were the first Homo Sapiens.
Identify Cro-Magons
They were the earliest Homo Sapiens Sapiens. They lived in Europe.
Identify Neolithic Revolutions
This was when the people shifted from hunting and gathering to planting and farming as their source of food.
Does the use of agriculture by Neolithic peoples deserve to be called a revolution? Why?
Yes because they domesticated crops and animals which increased food supplies and made food steady. It made like easier. More people survived and the population grew.
Discuss how technological developments affected the food supplies in various parts of the world.
More crop yield made is easier to get food. They had new tools for harvesting and killing.
Define cultural diffusion.
Cultural diffusion is the exchange of goods and ideas when cultures come in contact.
Explain how a bureaucracy became part of government in ancient Egypt.
The king couldn’t carry out all of the official duties himself so he gave many responsibilities to a group of government officials.
Which pharaoh – Thutmose III or Ramses II – was more successful in handling conflict with neighboring peoples? Why?
Ramses II because he made a peace and ally treaty between Egypt and the Hitties. War and conquering weren’t his answer to everything.
3. How did geography and climate affect where people lived in ancient Egypt? How did they make use of the environment to meet their economic and cultural needs.
Geography – They lived by the Nile river which gave them water and rich, fertile soil.

Climate – Near the river they had water. It was cooler than in the desert which got no rain.

Economic – They were able to grow lots of plants and food with the fertile soil.
Culture – They were able to move along the river so they could travel and trade with other people.
Identify the Sumerians
They were the oldest civilization, they created the world’s first cities, and they developed the writing system.
Identify Gilgamesh.
It was an epic poem written by scribes in Sumeria. It is the oldest story in the world.
Identify Sargon I.
He was the first empire builder in Mesopotamia, and his group took over Sumeria.
Identify Akkadians.
They were Sargon’s people, and Semites the migrated to Mesopotamia.
Identify Hammurabi.
He was the greatest leader of Mesopotamia, an Ammonite who compiled Hammurabi’s Code.
6. Compare and contrast Hammurabi’s code with modern American law. Which do you think serves justice better?
Hammurabi’s code was much stricter, for example he killed children for their parent’s mistakes. They both dealt with punishment.

America’s law serves justice better because it gives second chances, doesn’t believe in “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”. People get killed much less than with Hammurabi’s code. America treats citizens equally; rich people don’t get off more easily than the poor.
7. Identify an economic or cultural achievement of one of the civilization of the Fertile Crescent region that must have required skillful planning and organization of many people.
Farming system, government, building ziggurats, schools, military, and cuneiform writing are some examples.

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