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1565- 1815 Spanish galleons dominate the Pacific Ocean trade
a mill; represented a complex of land, labor, buildings, animals, capital, and technical skills related to the production of sugar
Philip II
king of Spain who in the mid- 16th century, authority over Low countries, including modern- day Belgium as well as the Netherlands, rested with him, in 1556 moved to suppress an increasingly popular Calvinist movement in Netherlands which provoked large scale rebellion against Spanish rule, devout Roman Catholic, Duth provinces formed an anti- Spanish alliance and called themselves them United Provinces under him, Spain didn't recognize them until after war
John Calvin
French lawyer that codified Protestant teachings while in exile in Geneva
Ferdinand Magellan
used Spanish support to circumnavigate the world; was killed in a dispute on the Philippine islands
writer who supported individual freedom and attacked intolerant or oppressive policies. targets included French monarchy and Roman Catholic church. Considered the Church an agent of oppression.
institution that gave Spanish settlers the right to compel Tainos to work in their mines or fields
Vasco de Gama
left for India by sailing around Africa; reached India by 1500
Italian astronomer and mathematician. used the telescope to observe the universe. Helped develop the modern day theory of gravity and inertia
Indentured labor
labor where peoples gave part of their working life in able to start a new one of their own
James Cook
English explorer who explored the southern Pacific
Prince Henry
promoted exploration of west African coast and established fortified trading posts
John Locke
English philosopher worked to discover natural laws of politics. Challenged divine- right theories that worked as a foundation for absolute monarchies. Provided much theoretical judgment for the Glorious Revolution and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy
Charles I
in 1641, King Charles I and parliament were at loggerheads, unable to cooperate or even communicated effectively with one another. Both sides raised armies, in conflict after they captured Charles, tried him for tyranny, and beheaded him in 1649
Volta do mar
"return through the sea" sailing style used by explorers to avoid winds
crusade for Christians to take back the Iberian peninsula from the Muslims
sytem to recruit workers for the dangerous chores free laborers would not do
Afonso d'Alboquerque
major naval commander who was the architect of trade duties policy
Adam Smith
Scottish philosopher who tried to describe economic affairs such as supply and demand
Dutch trading company founded in 1602
English mathematician. in 1687 published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. developed universal laws of gravity and motion. His universe served as the framework for scientific explanation until the twentieth century
Charles V
reigned 1519- 1556, inherited authority over the Habsburgs' Austrian domains as well as Duchy of Burgundy and kingdom of Spain, acquired authority of Germany, Bohemia, Switzerland, and parts of Northern Italy
Martin Luther
wrote 95 theses; attacks Roman Catholic Church practices especially the selling of indulgences
Christopher Columbus
believed that the earth was smaller than it is; his voyage was underwritten by Fernando and Isabel; discovered the Americas
Columbian Exchange
named for Christopher Columbus; global diffusion; links between independent zones; alters human geography and natural environment
James II
during Glorious Revolution (1688- 1689) Parliament disposed of him and invited his daughter Mary and her Dutch husband, William of Orange to assume the throne
Louis XIV
reigned 1643- 1715, best epitomized royal absolutism, "the sun king," was very extravagant, lived at Versailles, where he was center of attention, controlled state all at Versailles and encouraged nobles to live there, waged wars, built roads, etc.,
Tupac Amaru Rebellion
rebellion by the Incan peoples in the name of their ruler; raged for more than 2 years before Spanish forces suppressed it killed its participants
former soldier who mounted a rebellion in the steppe lands north of the Caspian Sea in 1773- 1774 against Catherine II, was captured, beheaded, and mutilated
English East India Company
English company founded in 1600
Henry VIII
English king that severed ties between England and Roman church, England forms its own church
Ignatius Loyola
a Basque nobleman and soldier that founded the Society of Jesus in 1540
Stock Companies- companies that enabled investors to realize handsome profits while limiting risk to investments
monetary pardons for sins
James Cook
English explorer who discovered the Hawaiian islands; recognized they looked like Tahitians and other Indonesian peoples; in 1779 when he revisited the islands the natives were not as hospitable as before and Cook was killed
Cabeza de Vaca
adventurer who was a nobleman who joined an expedition of some 300 explorers who went from Hispaniola to investigate Florida in 1527
mixed society; where Europeans married and had children with local women
Polish astronomer who published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres in 1532. Theory that the Sun stood in the center of the Universe not the Earth. Theory was not accepted by the Christians who believed the earth and humans were unique from God
Inca ruler who was spared by the Spanish until he sent a large quantity of gold to Pizzaro
Hernan Cortes
between 1519- 1521 took 450 men to bring down the Aztec empire in Mexico
Vitus Bering
Russian who sailed through the Bering Strait
Catherine II (the Great)
Successor of Peter, sought to make Russia a great power, worked to improve governmental efficiency by dividing her vast empire into fifty administrative provinces, and she promoted economic development in Russia's town, worked to improve conditions for Russia's oppressed, eliminate common penalties like torture, beating, mutilation, her interest in social reform stopped when people challenged her rule, Yemelian Pugachev mounted rebellion against her that scared her
Motecuzoma II
ruler of the Aztec empire when small pox broke out and the Spanish came
architect of French absolutism who was prominent church official, served as chief minister to King Louis XIII from 1624- 1642, worked to undermine power of nobles and enhance that of the king, built large bureaucracy, attacked French Calvinists
Seven Years War
global conflict between commercial empires; British are victorious and establish primacy in India and Canada
Peter I (the Great)
most important Romanov tsar (reigned 1682- 1725), known as "the Great," wanted to make Russia into great military power like those in western Europe, took party to Germany, Netherlands, and England to study their administration and military, when he came back he reformed army, built navy, changed government bureaucracy, conservatives protested him, built St. Petersburg in 1703
(Arawaks)- the peoples the Spanish first came into contact with when they reached the Caribbean
Francisco Pizzaro
Spaniard who took 600 men to take down the Inca empire between 1532- 1533
"conquerors"; Spanish soldiers who went into Mexico as well as Peru and toppled the Aztec and Inca empires
Treaty of Tordesillas
divided the entire non- Christian world between Portugal and Spain
Aboriginal Australians
had many distinct foraging and fishing societies; did not stay in one spot for very long

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