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a slave who led a brutal revolt that becan in 73 B.C. 70000 slaves took part. He died in battle nad 6000 rebels were crucified
the greatest ot he roman poets his epic poem, the Aeneid, tells the story of Aeneas, a prince of Troy
Marc Antony
a general and an ally of Caesar's who drove out the conspirators and took control in Rome
Gnaeus Pompey
a popular general in the first Triumvirate. Made sole consul in 52 B.C.
a scientist and scholar from the great egyptian city of Alexandria developed a system of astronomy and geography based on the belief that hte sun, the planets, and the stars revolved around the earth
A Jewish teacher whose followers founded Christianity
one of the greatest generals of all time, who assembled a huge Carthaginian army that included foot soldiers, horse soldiers, and elephants that marched acrosst the Alps into Italy
a Roman historian who wrote Annals a history of Rome nder the Julio-Claudian emperors which expresses his criticism of hte government set up by Augustus and was also concerned of the growing gap between the the rich and poor
a daughter of the ruling ptolemy family
The Gracchi
Two brother, Tiverius and Gaius Gracchus, who saw the need to reform
Pax Romana
Roman Peace
Julius Caesar
a nephew of Marius, becoming a popular general during this time. a powerful public speaker who spent a great deal of money to win support. became part of the First Triumvirate
Augustus (octavain)
he called himself priceps, or "first citizen" (first Roman emperor)
roman poet who wrote of human emotions in odes, satires, and epistles (letters)
Gaius Marius
a Roman gneral who was elected consul in 107 B.C., brought major changes to the Roman political scene. He created an army of volunteers who were well rewarded with money, newly conquered land, and war loot.
another poet who wrote love lyrics and the Metamorphoses, a collection of myths written in verse
Five Good Emperors
Nerva, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius (notable ones) the emperors who ruled Rome for almost 100 yrs.
A greek who wrote Parallel lives, a collection of Greek and Roman biographies. Each description of a famous Greek is followed by a description of a Roman whose life is similar to the Greek's life in some important way
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
an elected consul in 88 B.C. after his term expired he wanted to take a military command that promised to gain him great fame and fortune Marius tried to prevent him from doing so and Sulla started a civil war. After the war he ruled as a dictator and tried to restore poer to the Senate enlarging it by 300 members and giving it complete control over the government
wrote several volumes that summarized al the medical knowledge of his day
Punic wars
the three costly conflicts (Rome vs. Carthage)
A Roman general who in the the battle of Zama with the Romans defeated Hannibal and his army
Julio-Claudian Emperors
from 14-69 A.D. The relatives of Julius Caesar who ruled the empire

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