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- activity space
- the area within which people move freely on their rounds of regular activity.
- chain migration
- the process by which migration movements from a common home area to a specific destination are sustained by links of friendship or kinship between first movers and later followers.
- channelized migration
- The modification of a stream channel; specifically, the straightening of meaners or dredging of the stream channel to deepen it.
- contagious diffusion
- the spread of a concept, a practice, or an article from one area to others through contact and/or the exchange of information.
- critical distance
- the distance beyond which cost effort, and or means play an overriding role in the willingness of people to travel.
- distance decay
- the exponential decline of an activity or a function with increasing distance from its point of orgin
- globalization
- the increasing interconnection of all parts of the world as the full range of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental processes an patterns of change international in scale and effect
- hierarchical diffusion
- the process by which contacts between people and th resulting diffusion of things or ideas occurs first among those at the same level of a hierarchy and then among elements at a lower level of the hierarchy
- hierarchical migration
- the tendency for individuals to move from small places to larger places
- mental map
- the maplike image of the world, country, region or other area a person carries in his or her mind; includes knowledge of actual locations and sptial relationships and is colored by personaal peerceptions and preferences related to place.
- migration
- the permanent (or relatively permnent) relocation of an individual or a group to a new, usually distant, place of residence.
- migration field
- an area tat sends major migration flows to or receives major flows from a given place.
- place utily
- the perceived attractiveness of a place in its socia, economic, or environmental attributes; the value imparted to goods or services by tertiary activities that provide things needed in specific markets.
- pull factor
- a characteristic of a regin that acts as an attractive frce, drawing migrants from other regions.
- push factor
- a characteristic of a region that cotributes to the dissatisfaction fo residents an dimpels their migration
- return migration
- the return of migrants to the region from which they had earlier emigrated.
- spatial diffusion
- the outward spread of a substance, a concept,a practice or a population from its point of origin to other areas
- spatial interaction
- the movements (e.g., of people, goods, information) between different places; an indication of interdependence between areas.
- stage in life
- membership in a specific age group
- step migration
- a migration in which an eventual long-distance relcoation is undertaken in stages as, for example, from farm to village to small town to city.
- terrioriality
- the persistent attachment of most animals to a specific area; the behavior associated with the defense of the home territory
- transnational corporation
- a large business organization operating in at least two separate national economies.
- antecedent boundary
- a boundary line established before the area in question is well populated
- artificial bounary
- see geometric boundary
- centrifugal force
- in political geography, a force that disrupts and destabilizes a state, threatening its unity.
- compact state
- a state whose territory is nearly circular.
- centripetal force
- in political geography, a force that promotes unity and national identity
- consequent boundary
- a boundary line that coincides with some cultural divide, such as religion or language.
- core area
- the nucleus of a state, containing its most developed area, greatest wealth, densest populations, and clearest national identity
- devolution
- the transfer of certain powers from the state central government to separate political subdivisions within the state's territory; decentralization of political control.
- electoral geography
- the study of the delineation of voting districts and the spatial patterns of election results.
- elongrated state
- a state whose territory is long and narrow
- enclave
- a territory that is surrounded by, but is not part of, a state
- ethnic cleansing
- the killing or forcible relocation of one traitional or ethic group by a more powerful one.
- European Union (EU)
- an economic association established in 1957 of a number of Western european state sthat promotes free trade among member countries; often called the common market
- exclave
- a portion of a state that is separated from the main territory and surrounded by another contry.
- exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
- as established in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a zone of exploitation extending 200 nautical miles seaward from a coastal state that has exclusive mineral and fishing rights over it.
- fragmented state
- a state whose territory contains isolated parts, separated and discontinuous
- geometric boundary
- A boundary without obvious physical geographic basis; often a section of a parallel of latitude or a meridian of longitude.
- gerrymandering
- Dividing an area into voting districts in such a way as to give one political party an unfair advantage in elections, to fragment voting blocks, or to achieve other nondemocratic objectives.
- irredentism
- the desire of a state to gain or regain territory inhabited by people who have historic or cultural links to the country but who now live in a neighboring state.
- nation
- A culturally distinctive group of people occuplying a particular region and bound together by a sense of unity arising from shared ethnicity, beliefs, and customs.
- nationalism
- sense of unity binding the people of state together; devotion to the interests of a particular nation; an identification with the state and an acceptanc of national goals
- nation-state
- a state whose territory is identical to taht occupied by a particular nation
- natural boundary
- A Bountary line based on recognizable physiographic fetures, ssuch as mountains, riers, or deserts.
- perforated state
- a state whose territory is interripteed (perforated) by a separate, independent state totally contained within its borders.
- political geography
- a branch of human geography conerned with the spatial analysis of political phenomena
- prorupt state
- a state of basically compact from that has one more narrow extensions of territory
- regionalism
- in political geography, minority group identification with a particular region of a state rather than with the state as a whole
- state
- an independance poitical unit occupying a defined, permanently poulated territory and having full sovereign control over its internal and foreign affairs.
- subnationalism
- the feeelings that one owes primary allergiance to a traditional group or nation rather than to the state.
- subsequent boundary
- A boundary line that is established after the area in question has been settled and that considers the cultural characteristics of the bounded area.
- supranationalism
- the acceptance of the interests of more than one state, expressed as associations of states created for mutual benefit an to achieve shared objectives.
- terrorism
- the calculted use of violence against civilians and other symbolic targets in order to publicize a cause or to diminish people's support for a leader, a government, a policy, or a way of life that the perpetrators of violence find objectionable.
- United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
- seee Law of the sea convention--a code of sea law approved by the united nations ......