Geography Final
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- This form of family planning in India encouraged women and men to?
- have their tubes tied and get vasectomies respectively
- What was given as payment for getting a vasectomy in India
- a Transistor radio
- What were the two main programs India instituted after independence?
- family planning and green evolution
- What did the green evolution mean?
- Hybrid crops..20 bushels turned into 60 bushels
- Was the green evolution successful?
- Yes. Very.
- Major rice growing area in India?
- Ganges River
- Is rice grown widely across India?
- No.
- Longer Fiber in cotton means...
- stronger cotton.
- whats the name of the largest Indian car company?
- how much does their car sell for?
- 2000$
- What is the main religion of India?
- Hinduism
- What is one of the main tenents of Hinduism?
- reincarnation
- Where is the largest cattle concentration in the world found?
- on the banks of the ganges river
- What is the ganges river called?
- The holy river of India
- What is cow poop used for in India?
- plaster on houses of burning it for fuel
- What nation has been identified as the #1 nation in the world whose government is likely to collapse?
- Pakistan
- Which nation has been described as hopeless economically?
- Bangladesh
- This nation has a very large population and no mineral resources
- Bangladesh
- This nation depends on a subsistence economy
- Bangladesh
- This nation has lots of cyclones including a horrible one in 1970
- Bangladesh
- Bangladesh cyclone of 1970
- 110 MPH winds height of 11 ft
- this hurricane in the US had 206 MPH winds
- Hurricane Camille
- Mountain range in afghanistan
- Hindu Kush
- US army has uses these in Afghanistan
- armed pilotless drones
- Soviets invaded Afghanistan in..
- 1979, because the Shah got tossed out of Iran
- Taliban led by a guy named...
- Mulah Omar
- What was Irans old name and when did they change it?
- Persia, 1953
- Iran is top 5 in world..
- Oil reserves
- Clerics overthrow the shah and install?
- Ayatolla Khomeini
- Who attacked the US embassy in Iran?
- young people wanting to make a statement
- How long were US hostages held in Iran?
- 400 days
- What was the Shah's brutal secret service called?
- The Sabak
- Three names for Iranian clerics?
- Ayatollas, Immans, and Mullahs
- Who controls the political decisions in Iran?
- The clerics
- Most toxic substance known to man?
- Plutonium-239
- Carcinogenic means?
- it causes cancer
- MAjority of iranian population belong to this sect of Islam
- Shi'ite
- 4 countries with majority Shia populations
- Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Bahrain
- Shias worldwide are only __% of Muslims
- 15
- Blood relative of Muhammed?
- Ali
- Muhammed's right hand man?
- Abu Bakar
- People that followed Ali became...
- Shia
- People that followed Abu Bakar became...
- Sunni
- Patrick Noonan served as...
- President of the Nature Conservancy
- Patrick noonan organized...
- a group of conservationists and businessmen
- Patrick Nooned played an enormous role at..
- Enchanted Rock
- This is the 2nd largest Granite dome in North America
- Enchanted Rock
- Only granite dome bigger than Enchanted Rock
- Stone Mountain, in Georgia
- What is a big problem in China?
- People stealing babies so they can have a son
- What time was the Aponino earthquake in Italy?
- 3 30 in the morning
- How many killed in Aponino earthquake
- at least 70..probably closer to 90
- Moment of Magnitude of Aponino earthquake?
- 6.3
- How many people homeless after Aponino earthquake?
- 100,000
- What did Israel attack in 1967?
- Golan heights in Syria, Gaza strip and the Sanai Penninsula in Egypt, and West Bank in Jordan
- What did UN resolution 238 say?
- Israel has to leave occupied territory
- When did Israel pull settlers out of the Gaza strip?
- 2 years ago
- Who was the old Egyptian President?
- Anwar Sadat
- Oldest Abrahamic religion?
- Judaism
- 2nd oldest Abrahamic religion?
- Christianity
- 2nd most important prophet of Islam?
- Jesus
- Chapters in the Koran are called?
- Suras
- This religion is growing rapidly in Africa
- Catholicism
- Islam means?
- Submission to God
- Koran means?
- recitations
- Where did Muhammed receive revelations from God?
- in a cave south of Mecca
- Last islamic city in Europe?
- Granada in Spain, fell in 1492
- Salat means?
- Prayer 5 times a day
- When do you pray?
- 1st sun rises 2nd late morning 3rd early afternoon 4th late afternoon 5th evening
- Quibla means?
- area of Mosque that faces Mecca
- Zakat means?
- sharing 2 1/2% of your wealth
- Ramadan means?
- A fast where you cant eat drink or sex during daylight hours
- Hajj means?
- Pilgrimage to Mecca
- Muhammed born and died in?
- 570 AD 630AD
- Muhammed's mom died when he was?
- 6
- Shiite tend to be more _____ than sunni
- Conservative
- 3 holy cities of Islam
- Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem
- What percent of Egypts population live on 4% of its land
- 96%
- Nile river is called this
- an exotic stream
- The amazon is ____ miles shorter than the Nile
- 200
- Average rainfall in Cairo is
- 1.5 inches a year
- Hydrophite means?
- it needs a lot of water to survive
- This African country has long been a thorn in Americas side
- Libya
- Libyan dictator who took power in 1969
- Khadafi
- Khadafi shipped weapons to
- Ireland Mozambique and Palestine among others
- 4 largest oil reserves in Africa in order
- Nigeria, Libya Algeria and Gabon
- Major ruins in Tunisia called?
- Carthage
- One of the US best friends in the Arab world
- Morocco
- Morocco is the worlds largest exporter of?
- phosphates-detergents and fertilizers
- What percentage of Africa is plateau?
- 75%
- these mountains are on the tip of Africa
- Drakensburg
- What is the highest peak in the Atlas mountains in Africa
- 11,000 ft
- What is Boxite?
- The ore used to make Aluminum
- worlds 2 largest producers of Boxite in order?
- Australia, Guniea
- 4 isolated volcanic peaks in East Africa
- Kilamanjaro, Kenya, Margharita, Elgan
- Largest lake in Africa?
- Lake Victoria
- When was swine flu first diagnosed in pigs?
- 1930s
- When was there last a bout of swine flu?
- in the 80s
- Limestone is made up of?
- Calcium carbonate
- Puerto Rico is...
- a commonwealth territory of the US
- in 1898 the USS Maine
- sunk, sow we went to war with Spain
- Copper Canyon is significant because?
- its 3 to 4 times bigger than the Grand Canyon
- Tierra Del Fuego is?
- The tip of South America. it has nothing to do with volcanoes. Argentina and Chile share it.
- Largest drainage basin in the world?
- Amazon drainage basin
- Amazon drainage basin would cover ___% of the contiguous United States
- 60%
- Largest river in the world, not the longest
- Amazon
- How many cubic feet of flow per second does the Amazon River produce?
- 7 million
- How wide is the Amazon?
- 2 miles
- How deep is the Amazon?
- 200 ft
- How many tributaries does the Amazon have?
- 11,000
- Parana/Paraguay is the ___ largest river plain
- 2nd
- Highest waterfall in the world?
- Angel Falls
- Guiana highlands found in?
- Venezuela and Guyana
- The biggest coffee producer in the world?
- Brazil
- Highest mountain in South America? Where is it?
- Mt. Acongagua, Argentina, 22,800 ft+
- How many inches per year is South America drifting?
- 18 inches
- Incan civilization began in...
- Attiplano
- highest navigable lake?
- Lake titticacca
- Incas believe the first man and woman were placed on this island in lake titticaca
- Isla del Sol
- Pachamama means?
- mother earth
- Capital of the Incan empire was called?
- Cuzco
- Cuzco was referred to by the Incans as the?
- Bellybutton of the Earth
- Machu Pichu discovered in?
- 1910
- Saroche means?
- Altitude sickness
- Almost as many people in Bolivia as in this Texas city
- Houston
- 65% of all what come from Brazil?
- Gemstones
- Biggest exporter of drugs in the world?
- Columbia