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Biology Chapter 12


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The complete set of genetic material in an organism is called its...
First, DNA wraps around small proteins called...
The Human Genome Project could help in...
Curing diseases and learning more about evolution.
When you have three 21 chromosomes, it is called...
Trisomy 21.
Trisomy 21 is called...
Down syndrome.
When chromosomes fail to seperate during meiosis, it is called...
Duplication occurs when...
Part of a chromosome is repeated.
Deletion occurs when...
Part of a chromosome is lost.
Inversion involves...
Reversing a fragment of the original chromosome.
A translocation occurs when...
A fragment of one chromosome attaches to a non-homologous chromosome.
Jumping genes are called...
These lead to spotted corn...
A pedigree is...
A family tree that records and traces the occurence of a trait in a family.
A person who has a recessive disorder but does not display it is called...
A carrier.
A genetic counselor...
is someone who can analyze your acestors DNA and predict your offspring's DNA.

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