cumulative vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- marked by much sitting
- sedentary
- the state of being, unchangeable
- immutability
- melancholy, gloomy; suggestive of a grave or cemetary
- sepulchral
- threatening; serving as an evil omen
- ominous
- to scatter or disperse; to squander or waste
- dissipate
- a gallery in an underground; burial place
- catacomb
- to lie
- prevaricate
- hastily; abruptly
- precipitately
- the general rejection of customary beliefs (esp religion)
- nihilism
- of the earliest time or age
- primeval
- quality of being fleeting or short lived
- evanescence
- painful infection beneath the skin
- carbuncle
- unrelentingly
- inexorably
- an eliciting or calling forth
- evocation
- to put side by side
- juxtapose
- performed by one person in place of another; shared in by imagined participation
- vicarious
- corruption, moral evil
- depravity
- to speak evil of; to slander
- malign
- sly; more angerous than seems evident
- insidious
- related to or involving money
- pecuniary
- not easily understood; enigmatic
- inscrutable
- characteristic; habitual condition; general point or concept
- tenor
- range of perception or understanding
- ken
- whirlpool; circular current
- eddy
- to meditate; to think over
- ruminate
- eagerly, ambitiously, (in surpassing a rival)
- emulously
- ruddy (of complexion); gaudy, showy
- florid
- a light for warning or guiding; a radio signal (or anything_ that guides
- beacon
- talk, conversation; formal treatment of something in speech or writing
- discourse
- stern, severe, very plain, lacking adornment
- austere
- a brilliant radiance
- effulgence
- diverse; having great variety
- multifarious
- deliberate deceptiveness
- duplicity
- unwilling to believe; doubtful
- incredulous
- baseness, vileness
- turpitude
- thin and bony; haggard
- gaunt
- pronouncement; formal statement of opinion
- dictum
- disgusting; offensive
- odious
- having a worn look; gaunt
- haggard
- slovenly, or even sluttish
- slatternly
- submissive; easy to discipline
- docile
- a sly, side long look showing lust or malicious triumph
- leer
- eep crack, abyss
- chasm
- obviously, plainly
- patently
- rudimentary; not completely formed
- inchoate
- exhuberance, building enthusiasm
- ebullition
- change of form, structure, function
- metamorphosis
- to scorn or ridicule
- deride
- clothes, equipment
- accoutrement
- white or gray
- hoary
- to attack physically or verbally
- assail
- to recoil in fear
- quail
- (noun) facial expression (verb) to approve or tolerate
- countenance
- serious, solemn
- grave
- a dark gloomy covering
- pall
- to wail mournfully
- keen
- a song of grief or mourning
- dirge
- arrogant, positive assertion of opinion
- dogmatism
- filled or loaded
- fraught
- to get a thing accepted (or bought) by fraud or deception
- foist
- wrongly or unlawfully achieved, illegitimate; badly conceived
- misbegotten
- anything that hinders progress; an obstruction
- impediment
- just beginning to exist or appear
- incipient
- producing a sharp sensation of taste and smell
- pungent
- unstable; explosive
- volatile
- to submit; to give in return or pay; to cause to be
- render
- to approach and speak to (in a bold way)
- accost
- state of unease; restlessness
- disquietude
- prehistoric people who lived in caves, a recluse
- troglodyte
- to destroy or kill a large part of
- decimate
- a prediction or something of significance
- portent
- sulfur
- brimstone
- bitterness; hostility
- enmity
- emptiness; empty, to empty
- void
- to cause to get stuck; to sink in mud
- mire