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WH1 Spring Final

The World History 1 spring final guide. Please use the Learn feature and make sure that all of the boxes to the right are checked.


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Dynastic Cycle
The pattern of rise, decline and replacement of dynasties.
Alms, Faith, Fasting, Pilgrimage, Prayer
The 5 Pillars of Islam, alphabetized
Mandate of Heaven
Divine approval, or the right to rule, in Zhou China.
The most used Muslim art form.
Quipu (knots)
The Incan system of record keeping (please turn off stuff in parentheses to the right).
The female pharaoh of Egypt 1500 BCE.
Legislative Assembly
The body created under a limited monarchy which could pass laws and approve or reject declarations of war.
Kublai Khan
The Chinese ruler who Marco Polo worked for.
The ethical system that came up with filial piety.
Luther and his followers.
God, Glory, and Gold
The three reasons for Europeans to explore.
The earliest religion of Japan composed of various tribal customs and beliefs.
The Buddhist goal of complete wisdom.
Chinese thinker who came up with five basic relationships that society should revolve around.
The ______ used the emperor as a figurehead while he ruled in the background of Japanese society.
These people led Greece into a period of no writing.
A pardon that releases a sinner from performing penalties that were sold by clergy.
The culture created by Alexander the Great's conquests was known as _______ culture.
Incan extended family group
Peter I
The Russian king who tried to modernize Russia by creating St. Petersburg and wearing western clothes.
The system in Central America and Mexico where natives were enslaved.
Philip II
The absolute monarch of Spain who lost the Spanish Armada and the Netherlands.
Chinese writing.
Egyptian writing.
Shi Huangdi
The oppressive but efficient ruler of the Qin dynasty:
Rig Veda
The most important of the sacred literature of the Aryans.
The only American colony to have a bloodless revolution.
The precedent to Mali, this state was based on gold and salt trade.
The Athenian who believed that there were absolute standards for truth and justice.
Those who financially supported artists in the Renaissance.
Mali's economy was based on _____.
Alexander the Great
The boy who conquered much of Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia.
The Dynasty that invented the Dynastic cycle.
The inventor of the printing press.
The _____ Church, or Church of England, was founded by Henry VIII.
Four Noble Truths
The ideas that Buddha had come to understand in his enlightenment.
Hagia Sophia
The massive cathedral of the Byzantine empire.
Great Fear
A wave of senseless panic that rolled through France during the early French revolution.
The Incans, like the Romans, had a large system of _____.
Number of voyages Zheng He led (Spell it)
Balance of Power
The American Constitution created three houses with a ______ __ ______.
Medieval association of people working at the same occupation, which controlled its members' wages and prices.
Leonardo da Vinci
The Renaissance artist and scientist who drew the Mona Lisa.
The Byzantine empire held the culture of ____ and Greece for 1000 years.
The strict code of conduct followed by samurai warriors.
Mehmed II
The Ottoman king who conquered Constantinople.
Hammurabi's Code
The first body of laws that was uniform for a group of people.
John Locke
He believed that people could learn from experience and improve themselves, believed in three rights and advocated democracy.
Parisian workers and small shopkeepers who wanted further change from the limited monarchy.
A economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all.
Karl Marx
The inventor of Communism.
Manufactured goods, slaves, cotton
Under the Columbian Exchange, Europeans traded _____ ____ for ____ in Africa, then traded the African trade item for _____ in America, then traded the American trade item for the European trade item, and so it repeated.
Tennis Court Oath
The oath that the Third Estate delegates made to wait inside the Versailles until a new constitution had been drawn up.
Henry VIII
The English king who had six wives and had two of them executed because he wanted a son.
Popol Vuh
The Mayan creation story.
Zheng He
The Muslim admiral of China
Great success, false
Marco Polo's stories were a (failure, great success) initially in Europe but the people who read them considered them to be (false, true).
The most famous leader of the Kushites, he conquered Egypt but adopted their culture.
The first Chinese dynasty besides the Xia.
Artist who created Madonna and Child. From Renaissance.
A form of complete socialism in which the means of production would be owned by the people.
The _____ Code was divided into four sections: the Code, Digest, Institutes, Novellae.
San Martin
The liberator of Southern South America, he gave his army to Bolivar for the Battle of Ayacucho.
Persian Wars
The war between Athens and Sparta against Darius the Great.
The Chavin, Moche, and Nazca all originated in the _____.
Ibn Battuta
An African historian who studied all of Africa and Mali.
During the Zhou dynasty, a political system involving lords was invoked known as _______,
Louis XIV
The absolute ruler who froze the nobles out of government and made France the most powerful nation in Europe.
The (Dutch/English/French/Portuguese) East India Company dominated over competition.
Bartolomeu Dias
An early Portuguese explorer who was first to round the Cape of Good Hope.
Ivan IV
The Russian ruler who started off good but after his wife died turned harsh and paranoid.
Catherine the Great
The female ruler of Russia who reformed by proposing the ideas of Montesquieu and Beccaria. She also fought until she received access to the Black Sea.
During the ____ Crusade, Crusaders lost a battle to reconquer Edessa.
The civil service system that Confucianism supported.
A man who believed that gaining knowledge should be done through mathematics and logic.
8000 BCE
The Neolithic Revolution began around ____ ___.
The Athenian who questioned the nature of the world and of human belief, thought, and knowledge. Created the scientific method.
Galileo Galilei
The man who discovered that the sun had dark spots and that the earth's moon had a rough, uneven surface.
Nobles and others who had fled France during the French Revolution and wanted to restore the Old Regime.
Big and powerful
The Viking ships were (big and powerful, small and swift) for their time.
Roman Empire
The empire that conquered everything from Britain to Egypt, including all of the land around the Mediterranean.
Bastille Day
July 14, 1789
The groups of people in India such as the Shudras and Brahmins.
The capital of the Byzantine empire.
The inventor of the theory that the sun is in the center of the universe.
The Mayan writing system.
Incan labor tribute.
The professional warriors who served Japanese feudal lords.
Reign of terror
The reign of Maximilien Robespierre as leader of the Committee of Public Safety.
Increased crop yields
Enclosures and crop rotation caused ______ ___ ____, which helped lead into the Industrial Revolution.
The last Incan emperor.
Ivan III
The first Russian czar, he broke free of the Mongol rule in a bloodless standoff.
Aryans; dasas
A group of Indo-Europeans known as the ______ moved into India and subjugated the dark-skinned ______.
The Ottoman king who began the custom of killing the most able sons, producing a long line of weak sons.
Twelve Tables
A group of laws that became the basis for Roman law.
Otto von Bismark
The conservative Junker who made decisions by "blood and iron."
The wealthiest of the third estate which believed strongly in Enlightenment ideals.
The basic spirit of the Renaissance society was _____ rather than spirtual.
Oracle Bones
The tools used by the Chinese to speak with the ancestors.
Old Regime
The social and political system of France that had three estates.
The Dorian writer of epics.
The unifier of Upper and Lower Egypt 3000 BCE.
Marie Antoinette
The stupid queen of France who wasted France's money.
During the ____ Crusade, Crusaders didn't make it to the Holy Land but instead attacked Constantinople.
The machine that cut off peoples' heads during the French Revolution.
A lord's house and estate under feudalism.
Marco Polo
This European worked as a translator in the court of the Yuan Dynasty.
Huge Mayan city in northern Guatemala.
The Neolithic Revolution was a revolution of ________.
Mayan bark-paper book.
The country where Buddhism originated.
Factors of Production
Land, Labor, and Capital are the _____ __ _____ that Britain had.
Europe; Muslims
The biggest result of the Crusades was the increase in trade between _____ and the _____.
Non-catholic Christians.
The system of private ownership of businesses for the purpose of personal success.
Timur the Lame
The rebellious warrior from Samarkand who briefly halted the expansion of the Ottoman Empire.
The Gupta empire had families who were (patriarchal/matriarchal)
The Renaissance artist who created David.
Second Estate.
An economic policy in which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods that they bought.
Bismark's tough power politics with no room for idealism.
Richard the Lion-Hearted
The Christian leader of the Third Crusade, he ended in a stalemate.
Writer of The Republic, this Athenian believed in a system of government with three classes.
The period in which the various groups of the Balkans won independence from the Ottomans.
National Assembly
The third Estate delegates as unified to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people.
Author of The Prince, the guidebook for rulers, he believed in doing what was politically effective over what was morally right.
Filial piety
Respect for the parents and ancestors.
Who invented democracy?
Henry VIII
The English king who broke from the Catholic Church.
A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements.
Martin Luther
The man who led the Protestant Reformation by posting 95 theses against the Catholic Church.
The civilization that fought with Egypt (from Turkey)
The Chinese emperor who sent Zheng He on his voyages.
Tokugawa Shogunate
The ________ _______ was marked by kabuki theater and haiku.
Peasants who, under feudalism, were unable to flee their lord.
The dynasty that began the work of the Great Wall.
Kaiser Wilhelm I
The Junker king of Germany who hired Otto von Bismark.
The system in which warring lords ruled over peasants.
The queen of Spain who made use of the Inquisition for unification and to expand her power.
During the Glorious Revolution, Mary and William were supported as kings assuming they did everything with the consent of ________.
Alexander Nevsky
The Russian prince and leader who advised the Russians to cooperate with the Mongols.
Large buildings in which machinery is used to manufacture goods.
The members of the radical club that included most of the people involved in the governmental changes of September 1792.
The ______ family ruled Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia during the early 1600s.
First Estate.
Vasco de Gama
An early Portuguese explorer who was first to go up the east coast of Africa and reach India.
The highest class in Spanish colonial society of people born in Europe.
Muslims and Italians
Who controlled trade from Asia to Europe before the Age of Exploration?
The Muslim leader of the army, he conquered Edessa and then ended a stalemate battle with King Richard.
Miguel Hidalgo
A Mexican priest who tried to revolt and raised 80,000 men, he is known for his cry "grito de Dolores"
Treaty of Tordesillas
The treaty in which Spain and Portugal split the ownership of the world in halves.
The liberator of Northern South America, he defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Ayacucho.
Most of population
Third Estate.
The group of people that migrated throughout southern and eastern Africa around 2000 years ago.
the Abbasid capital city.
During the ____ Crusade, Crusaders conquered a narrow stretch of land from Edessa to Jerusalem.
Henry IV
The Protestant prince of France who became Catholic upon inheriting the crown to please the people. He issued the Edict of Nantes which gave French Protestants the right to live in peace.
The inventors of the alphabet.
Printing Press
The invention of the _____ ____ caused great amounts of knowledge to be available at a cheap price in Europe, thereby causing literacy and eventually overall knowledge to increase.
Darius III
The Persian prince who was crushed by Alexander the Great.
Chandra Gupta
The founder of the Gupta empire.
Columbian Exchange
The system of triangular trade between America, Europe, and Africa.
The _____ Code was created by the Byzantine Empire.
Divine Right
The belief of absolute monarchs that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God's representative on Earth. Therefore, monarchs respond to God rather than the people.
The legal system used by the Qin dynasty.
A code of behavior for knights in medieval Europe, stressing ideals such as courage, loyalty, and devotion
The first civilization to sail around the Cape of Good Hope
The Empire who ousted the Libyans and conquered the Egyptians.
Louis XVI
The stupid king of France who wasted France's money.
Philip II
The king of Macedonia who conquered Greece. His son is Alexander the Great.
Camillo di Cavour
The prime minister of Sardinia, he united much of Italy.
Peloponnesian War
The war between Athens and Sparta.
Magna Carta
An agreement signed between Prince John and the nobles giving the nobles a certain amount of power (1215).
The Byzantine Empire's most famous emperor.
Eight-fold path
The Buddhist guide to behavior.
The capital of the Shang empire.
The Viking homeland.
The meeting of the representatives of all three estates.
During the ____ Crusade, Crusaders ended in a stalemate.
The first writing system in the world, this was invented by the Sumerians.
Checks and Balances
The system of ____ ___ ______ was used to maintain a Balance of Power in the USA.
The Communist Manifesto
Marx's book that described how the lower class would overturn the world and found communism.
Spanish Armada
The Spanish fleet that lost to the English under Philip II.
A West African empire that conquered Mali and controlled trade from the 1400s to 1591.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
"The Red One," he united Sicily through Naples and turned it over to the Sardinian government.

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