C (end)
undefined, object
copy deck
- connoisseur
- judge of art
- connotation
- suggested or implied meaning of a an expression
- connubial
- pertaining to marriage
- conscientious
- careful; scrupulous
- consecrate
- dedicate;sanctify
- consensus
- general agreement
- consequential
- pompous;self important
- conservatory
- school of fine arts
- consign
- deliver officially; set apart
- consistency
- without abnormalities
- console
- lessen sadness
- consolidation
- unification
- consonance
- harmony;agreement
- consort
- husband wife
- conspicious
- easily seen
- conspiracy
- treacherous plot
- constituent
- supporter
- constraint
- compulsion repression of feelings
- construe
- explain/interpret
- consummate
- complete
- contagion
- infection
- contaminate
- pollute
- contemporary
- person belonging to the same period
- contempt
- disdain;scorn
- contend
- assert earnestly
- contention
- argument or claim in an argument
- contentious
- quarrelsome
- contest
- dispute
- context
- writing
- contiguous
- adjacent to; touching
- continence
- self-restraint; sexual chastity
- contingent
- group that makes up part of a gathering
- contortions
- twistings;distortions
- contraband
- illegal trade
- contract
- compress
- contravene
- contradicts; oppose; infringe on
- contrite
- penitent; remorseful
- contrived
- forced artifcial
- controvert
- voice opposition
- contusion
- bruise
- conundrum
- riddle
- convene
- assemble
- convention
- social or moral custom
- conventional
- typical
- converge
- approach;cometogether
- conversant
- familiar with
- converse
- chat
- convert
- adopted to diff religion
- convex
- curving outward
- conveyance
- vehicle;transfer
- conviction
- stong belief; guilty of crime
- convivial
- festive
- convoke
- call together
- convoluted
- coiled around; intricate
- copious
- pentiful
- coquette
- flirt
- cordial
- heartfelt
- cordon
- extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access
- conucopia
- horn of fruit ; symbol abundence
- corollary
- accompaignement; consequence
- coronation
- ceremeny of crowning
- corporeal
- bodily;
- corpulent
- very fat
- correlation
- relationship
- corroborate
- support
- corrode
- destroy chemically
- corrosive
- eating away by chemicals
- corrugated
- wrinkled
- cosmic
- universe
- cosmopolitan
- sophisticated
- coterie
- group that meets socially
- countenance v
- approve; tolerate
- countenance
- face
- countermand
- cancel