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History Test 2 Part 3


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government run by the people who live under it.
The act or process of setting free from slavery of any kind is called
In a separate treaty, Great Britain returned Florida to
The number of Loyalists who left the United States is estimated
American casualties may have been BLANK wounded and BLANK.
19,000 4,000
The last British troops left Staten Island on what date?
General George Washington gave his farewell address to his troops at
Fraunces Tavern
The first state to have suffrage for all men over twenty-one years of age was
what happens when the government cannot support an established church.
separation of church and state
The first state to free slaves
Rhode Island
Slavery was abolished in which states during the Revolutionary War?
Penn Mass
The slave owner who freed his slaves in his will
The constitution of Massachusetts required local support
public schools
One weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that they provided for:
unanimous vote
A rebellion of debt-ridden farmers was led by:
Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had no power to:
collect taxes
The Articles of Confederation went into effect in:
Under the Articles of Confederation, the
states were superior
A serious dispute between the large and small states under the Articles was over the problem of:
Ill feelings arose between the states because of claims to the:
Northwest territory
The Ordinance of 1785:
benefited eastern speculators at the expense of western farmers
Under the Land Ordinance of 1787, a territory could be admitted to the Union when it had
600,000 free inhabitants
All of the following events were accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation except:
dec of independance
Why were the sessions of the Constitutional Convention held secretly?
James Madison public opinion
three branches, two house Congress, nationakl systme
Virginia Plan
three branch one house, federal judiciary
Jew Jersey Plan
The group that favored the Constitution was called BLANK , and those who opposed the Constitution were called BLANK.
Fed, Anti fed
What is the system of checks and balances?
Pres can veto Cong. Cong can override 2/3 impeach. Court can declare unconsitutional
Why was the system of checks and balances included in the Constitution?
to prevent one branch of the government from becoming too powerful
What are the three ways the Constitution can be amended?
2/3 of house 3/4 of states
T or F Many of the serious problems that plagued the government under the Articles of Confederation developed because of the limited power of the central government.
T or F The Intolerable Acts caused the formation of the Continental navy.
T or F Daniel Shay's rebellion united the colonies in recognizing a need for a strong national government.
The first ten amendments to the Constitution that safeguard the rights of individuals
Bill of Rights
The man credited with teaching the patriots how to fight professionally
Von Stueben
Which TWO states abolished slavery during the Revolutionary War?
Pennsylvania and Massachusetts
The slave owner who freed his slaves in his will was _____.
The Ordinance of 1785:
benefited eastern speculators at the expense of western farmers

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