undefined, object
copy deck
- ADM Partnership
- Assumption of Risk: Volunteer UPS slips on homeowner's icy sidewalk, AoR
- Atherton
- Prox. Cause: Another's Neg. D injures P, another person collides with ambulance negligently. D is liable for all P's injuries, just like he'd be for neg. Dr.
- Bardessono
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: MedMal P is partially paralyzed after cortisonce injections. RIL was allowed w/o expert. WRONG: this is not RIL worthy
- Beck
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: Directd verdict Car comes free from tow-truck and hits oncoming car, jury found for D. DV only is very obvious cases
- Benedict
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: Exclusive Control Folding chair collapses; homeowner responsible even though P had exclusive control at the time
- Berry
- Proximate Cause P was negligent, but this had no bearing on the tree falling on his car. Wrong place, wrong time. CN needs cause too.
- Bigbee
- Prox. Cause: Criminal D neg. in placing phone booth so close to road, liable for injuries to P hit by car in booth
- Blazovic
- Comparative Negligence in Intentional Torts Intentional acts are not different in kind
- Blyth v. Birmingham
- Hand Formula: B < PL D is not liable for broken pipes underground b/c probability is neglible
- Boeing v. Cascade
- Actual Cause: Concurrent All parties must pay for their pollution instead of waiting for one to do it all. Sometimes indivisible: (1) type (2) Time (3) What was dumped (4) How many Ds
- Bradley
- Comparative Negligent: Partial Requires P no more at fault than 49.9999% (other states require no more than 50%)
- Britton
- Prox. Cause: Criminal Tenant liable for fire after arsonist burned a neg. stack of papers. (foreseeable)
- Brower
- Prox. Cause: Criminal D hits P's carriage knocking P out; people steal P's stuff while D watches. (foreseeable)
- Brown v. Shyne
- Neg. Per Se: Safety Statutes Lack of a driver's license does not make neg. more likely-Wells disagrees
- Buck
- Medical Standard: National Nationwide standard for board certified Dr.s
- Bushey & Sons
- Vicarious Liability Employee was close enough to place of employment for employer to be liable Now there is a motive test
- Butterfield
- Contributory Negligence P rides horse too fast and does not see D's logs in road. No recovery
- Canterbury v. Spence
- Informed Consent: reasonable Physician must disclose what is reasonable, not what is customary (UK). Reasonable causation test also. (would reasonable patient refuse treatment)
- Cardozo-Traynor (Reynolds) Test
- Actual Cause (a) negligentact was deemed wrongful b/c it increased the chances that a particular type of accident would occur, and (b) Mishapf of that sort occurred (c) D must then show no cause
- Central of GA Railway
- Prox. Cause: Unforeseeable results and forces Train passes woman's stop, puts her up in hotel where lamp burns her. Too remote to hold rail liable
- Cheatem
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: Directed Verdict Plance crashes w/o gas and w/ drunk pilot: DV appropriate
- City of Lincoln
- Prox. Cause: Dependent act D hits P's ship. P is another accident b/c D wiped out navigation system
- Connolly
- P is hit by falling object from hotel; D is liable b/c of warning
- Cooper
- Actual Cause: Loss of Chance If loss is under 50%, no recovery (preponderance)
- Daniels v. Evans
- Adult Standard: Car Children held to adult standard when driving
- Daubert/Kumbo
- Actual Cause: Burden/Experts TJ determines if studies are similar and reliable enough to be admitted. (1) testability (2) prepared for litigation or journal? (3) Rate of error (4) General acceptance in community
- Davies v. Mann
- Contrib. Neg: Last Clear Chance Donkey in road. Even if neg. D had chance to avoid donkey
- Day
- Assumption of Risk: Volunteer Cop slips on ice. Fireman's Rule. AoR
- Dellwo
- Adult Standard: Speedboat Children held to adult standard
- Derheim
- Contributory Negligence: own prop. Seatbelt defense unfair. Maybe under Comparative?
- Desai
- Assumption of Risk: Knowledge P gets out of paddle boat despite warning not to; DV for D
- DiPonzio
- Proximate Cause: Harm w/i Risk Car crushes dude b/c it was left on, station would only be liable if running car caused explosion
- Doughty
- Proximate Cause: Harm w/i Risk Asbestos cover falls into vat of cyanide and explodes; not foreseeable (only spalshing was)
- Eckert v. Long Island
- Terry forumla Man believed he could save child on tracks without harming himself, his action was reasonable
- Farber
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: MedMal Electroshock therapy caused broken bones. Expert trumps RIL
- Fletcher v. Aberdeen
- Disabled Standard: Blind City must have protected open manhole from blind people
- Ford v. Trident Fisheries
- Actual Cause: But-for P drowned while lifeboat was on deck instead of hanging above water. No proof he would have been saved.
- Frye
- Actual Cause: Burden/Experts Generally accepted studies only (a) Reasonable # of quacks good (b) 1 genius bad
- Fuller
- Prox. Cause: Suicide P commits suicide 7 months after accident which caused mental breakdown. Court required irresistible impulse
- Fuller (last clear chance)
- Contrib Neg: Last Clear Chance P is CN in being on RR trax, but D has last clear chance; inattentive P, D should've known
- G.E. v. Joiner
- Actual Cause: Burden/Experts TJ allowed to exclude studies. Employee exposed to PCBs, but PCB cancer study was terribly sketchy
- Gibson
- Assumption of Risk: Adhesion If D is able to offer take it or leave deal, AoR exists. If D owes a duty of safe area, no AoR
- Gorris
- Neg. Per Se D loses P's sheep; no neg per se b/c statute protected sheep from disease
- Goss
- Child Standard: Skiing Children held to peer standard
- Grimstad
- Actual Cause: But-for P fell off boat, no life preserver aboard, P drowned. No proof preserver would have saved him.
- Gyerman
- Contributory Negligence P neg. in not reporting un-safe condition to his boss, but no evidence boss would have fixed things (prox. cause)
- Haft
- Actual Cause: But-for D provided no life guard or sign indicating no lifeguard. This removed P's proof too. Burden to D.
- Hammond v. Int'l
- Neg. Per Se Only as evidence OSHA standard is used even though truck was manufacturered pre-statute
- Harrelson
- Adult Standard: Motorocycle Children held to adult standard
- Herskovits
- Actual Cause: Loss of Chance If loss is over 50%, damages are full
- Hines v. Garrett
- Prox. Cause: Criminal Activity Train passes woman's stop and makes her walk through bad neighborhood and she is raped twice, but soldier and hobo. Neg. b/c of this risk (foreseeable)
- Holton
- Actual Cause: Loss of Chance If loss is 46% chance, damages are 46% of loss
- Horton
- Prox. Cause: Another's Neg. D throws dynomite cap away, child takes home, parents should have known and taken away, child gives to another who blows up self. Neg. Mother breaks the chain
- Hymowitz
- Actual Cause: Market Share L Liability based on national market share, D cannot get out by disproving causation
- Jackson
- Adult Standard: Tractor Children held to adult standard
- Kansas Pac. Ry.
- Contributory Negligence: own prop. Train negligently emits sparks burns ahy 1.5 miles away b/c of neg. conditions of prop. No right to use land neg. like thise and reduce fortunes of others. No damages.
- Kaye Test
- Res Ipsa Loquitor Tests (1) Probability of injury given exercise of reasonable care is small (2) Probability of injury give reasonable care is smaller than probability of injury given negligence (3) Probability of injury give reasonable care is MUCH sm
- Kernan
- Neg. Per Se D's oil lamp ignites oil vapors b/c it was too low in vio of statute, but statute was meant to make things visible. Neg per Se anyway
- Kingston
- Actual Cause: Substantial factor P's home is burned down after two fires had joined together north of his home. D caused one of them. If one was natural no liability (not modern rule)
- Kirincich
- Actual Cause: But-for P falls of boat and drowns. Boat had subpar equipment; at least some evidence he would have been saved--> to jury
- Koenig
- Contributory Negligence: Per Se P falls off scaffolding, employee immune
- Kumkumian
- Contrib. Neg: Last Clear Chance Man run over by three subway cars, two alarms rang for first two cars, it was 3rd that killed him
- Lama v. Boras
- Custom: Medicine Duty is defined by custom
- Lamson
- Assumption of Risk: At Work Axe maker complains about danger is told to quit or shut up; gets hurt. AoR
- Landeros
- Prox. Cause: Independent Therapist misses child abuse, child is beaten again (foreseeable)
- Larson
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: exclusive control P is hit by falling chair from hotel; hotel not responsible since chair under EC of guest (suddent celebration VJ day)
- LeRoy Fibre
- Contributory Negligence: own prop. D's train neg. emits sparks, P has hay too close to rail, yet on his land. Absolute right to use your land as you please
- Li
- Comparative Negligence: Pure P and D both caused accident and should pay for portion they caused
- Madden
- Assumption of Risk: Arbitration State board negotiated plans for patients and patient picked a plan with arbitration, enforceable
- Maddox
- Assumption of Risk: Knowledge P(layer) hurt in outfield, he knew it was muddy; DV for D
- Marshall
- Prox. Cause: Dependent D/truck hits P's car, P tries to direct traffic and is hit (foreseeable)
- Martin v. Abbott
- Actual Cause: Market Share L Ds may disprove causation
- Martin v. Herzog
- Neg. Per Se D sells rat poison w/o labelling it; Statute designed to protect customers from such harms Conclusive-Automatic
- Mayhew v. Sullivan
- Custom: Irrelevant Bad mining custom is deemed negligent rather than exculpatory after P falls down hole in his platform. Custom is irrelevant.
- Morgan
- Comparative Negligence in Intentional Torts We already have defenses, autonomy
- Moulas
- Assumption of Risk: Knowledge P hit with hockey puck at hockey game; DV for D
- Murphy v. E.R. Squibb
- Actual Cause: Market Share L Substantial share not met where only one manufacturer joined
- Murphy v. Steeplechase
- Assumption of Risk: Knowledge P injured on ride, P had watched others fall on ride earlier
- Nolan
- Neg. Per Se: Safety Store sells beer to drunk; no neg per se despite statute since intervening cause of drunk driving
- Obstetrics and Gynecologist
- Assumption of Risk: Adhesion P did not know of the clause, no AoR
- Osborne
- Contributory Negligence: Per Se P fell cleaning windows after D demanded it w/o giving safety equipment. P deemed employee so no CN per se
- Oxendine
- Actual Cause: Burden/Experts Battle of Experts goes to the jury
- Padula
- Contributory Negligence Drug addicts in hospital drink toner. No CN when P's cna't help themselves and are in institution
- Palsgraf
- Prox. Cause: Unforeseeable P Cardozo: no liability, relation b/w D & P (unforeseable result--Wagon Mound) Andrews: Directness (Polemis style)
- Paoli Test
- Actual Cause: Medical Monitoring (1) P exposed to a proved hazard through D's negligence (2) significant increase of risk of something (3)Tests are necessary (4) Tests exist
- Piner
- Actual Cause: Successive P is hit from behind twice in one day. Injury is indivisible.
- Polemis
- Proximate Cause: Direct Cause D is liable for all direct results of his actions, no matter who unforeseeable. Plank fell into cargo bay.
- Purtle
- Child Standard: Shooting Children held to peer standard
- Reynolds
- Actual Cause: Cardozo-Traynor P falls down stairs in dark. Neg b/c this might happen and did.
- Richards
- Neg Per Se: Safety Same car theft keys as Ross, but ordinance said no neg. per se
- Richardson
- Actual Cause: Burden/Experts Conflicting experts plus evidence for D = Summary judgment for D
- Roberts v. Ring
- Disabled Standard: Blind Held to reasonable blind-man standard
- Ross
- Neg. Per Se: Safety Statutes D's agent leaves keys in car in vio of ordinance, theif steals it and hits ped. Neg. Per Se since this was statute was aimed at
- Russo
- Assumption of Risk: Knowledge P injured on slide. P did not know risk (neither did D) no AoR.
- Salgo
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: MedMal Expert testimony required for paralysis from ink injection case
- Sanchez
- Actual Cause: Cardozo-Traynor Superbat hits ball too fast at pitcher; speed of ball must be proven
- Schwabe v. Custer's Inn
- Actual Cause: But-for D provided sign, but no lifeguard, no causation b/c P was under water too long
- Seigneur v. National Fitnes Institute
- Assumption of Risk: Arbitration Gym is not of type worthy of regulation
- Sindel
- Actual Cause: Market Share Liability DES (1) All named Ds are potential tortfeasors (2) Products identical and share the same defective qualities (3) P is unaware of which D caused her injury through no CN (4) All manufacturers are named as Ds (5) L
- Skipworth
- Actual Cause: Market Share Liability Lead Paint not fungible and too many manufacturers not joined
- Small v. Howard
- Medical Standard: Local Physicians in same community make standard Modern: Same or similar community
- Smith v. JC Penny
- Actual Cause: Concurrent Indivisible damages due to flammable coat negligently set on fire at gas station. Joint and several liability (each can pay all damages) several: share; joint: all
- Sosa v. Paulos
- Assumption of Risk: Adhesion P given 1 hour before surgery to sign waiver, unenforceable
- Steinhauser
- Prox. Cause: Think skull P goes schizo after fender bender; D is liable
- Stimpson
- Neg. Per Se: 2 purposes D drives heavy truck across bridge (in vio of statute) breaks pipes in P's building; statute aimed at protecting highways, but also surroundings
- Summers v. Tice
- Actual Cause: Alternative Liability One of two negligent hunters shot third in the eye. Burden shifts to Ds since both were negligent. How many Ds until this fails? 2-10
- T.J. Hooper
Custom: Evidence
Tugboats need radios, not b/c there is custom, but b/c B
- Tedla
- Neg. Per Se D hits P on right side of road, statute demands peds be on left side; no neg per se b/c CL exceptions come w/ statute
- Terry Formula
- Hand alternative (1) Magniture of Risk (2)Value of that which is exposed to risk (3) Value of collateral object (4) Probability collateral object will be attained (5) Necessity of the risk Eckert v. Long Island
- Titus v. Bradford
- Custom: Conclusive Bad train custom (narrow gauge) decides case since D was following it when P was killed and custom cannot be questioned
- Trimcarco
- Custom: Evidence P is injured on non-tempered glass despite custom for the opposite glass to be used. Admitted as evidence
- Tunkl
- Assumption of Risk: Arbitration (1) type usually regulated (2) service of great importance (3) Party holds himself out as capable of the service (4) Party has power over P (5) Adhesion contract (6) Under control of seller
- Tuttle
- Prox. Cause: Escape D's train derails and P runs away and hurts himself. Train liable even though train would not have hit him. Danger invites flight
- U.S. v. Carroll Towing
- Hand Formula: B < PL Cheaper to require bargee to remain on barge than to endure the probability of damage from barge striking something
- Uhr v. East Greenbush
- Neg Per Se: Safety Leg. did not want school liable for missing scoliosis, commissioner in place for enforecement (1) Whether P is one of the clas for whose protection statute enacted (2) Whether neg per se promotes leg. intent (3) Consistent w/ leg. s
- Union Pipe
- Prox. Cause: Dependent P slips on fire extinguisher juice after fire is out. Court finds this is unforeseeable: Wells disagrees
- Vaughn v. Menlove
- D built haystack at edge of property by neighbors home, warned of danger but ignored it. Stack caught fire and burned down neighbor's home. Reasonable person standard
- Wagner
- Prox. Cause: Rescue Danger invites rescue. Cousins goes to help cousin and dies. Train liable for both.
- Wagon Mound
- Proximate Cause: Foreseeability D is liable for only those consequences which are foreseeable results of his conduct. (fire on oil is not foreseeable)
- Wakelin
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: P has burden P and D/Train collide, not enough evidence to know who hit who
- Watson
- Prox. Cause: Criminal Train car derails leaking gas, Duerr throws a match on it. If intentional cause is severred. Overruled by Britton
- Ybarra
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: MedMal-Attributable to D P is injured while unconscious. Injury imputes negligence, but from who? Burden shifts to Ds Turkey Salad
- Zivich
- Assumption of Risk: Arbitration Non-profit is seeking arbitration: enforced
- Zuchowitz
- Actual Cause: Cardozo-Traynor P was given 2x Danocrine RX. Negligent b/c overdose might cause PPH. D had nothing to rebut w/