Enlightenment People
undefined, object
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- Moliere enlightened ideas
- questioned society, authorities, and ideas, church, completely reformed french government
- Molière birth, location, and job
- French, born 1622, playwright and actor
- Moliere published works
- Le Misanthrope
- Haydn birth, place, job
- Austria 1732, composer
- Haydn enlightened ideas
- music was revolutionary, developed string quartet, father of symphonies
- Moliere quotes
- "Speak to be understood."
- Haydn occupations
- choirboy in Vienna chapel until 17, wrote symphonies, court musician for wealthy
- Haydn personality
- modest, good humored, honest, Catholic
- Hume birth, place, job
- 1711, Scotland, philosopher
- Hume published works
- Essays, Moral and Political; Treatise of Human Nature; History of England
- Hume beliefs
- knowledge comes from experience, knowledge leads to happiness
- Hume occupations
- studied literature and philosophy, author, tutor, office of secretary to General St. Clair, secretary in Paris for embassy
- Hume enlightened beliefs
- naturalistic philosophy, atheist, free will, published some work anonymously
- Will Harvey birth, place, job
- 1578, England, doctor
- Harvey occupation
- physician, physician of King James I
- Harvey Enlightened Ideas
- proved that all blood flows in one direction through heart valves, no blood consumed in body, blood not sucked but pumped
- Harvey published works
- 2 books about blood flow
- Kepler birth, place, job
- 1571, Germany, mathematician, astronomer and astrologer
- Kepler published works
- Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astrononomy
- Kepler enlightened ideas
- inherited Taco Brehe's data, made laws of planetary motion, using eyes for depth perception, derived birth year of Christ, religious
- Dalton birth, place, job
- 1766, England, chemist, meteorologist, physicist
- Dalton published works
- Essays on gases
- Dalton enlightened beliefs
- atomic theory, gas laws, color blindness
- Bach birth, place, job
- 1684, German, musician
- Bach occupations
- joined choir at 8, chamber orchestra, organist all over, Greatest German Organist, worked as teacher
- Bach enlightened beliefs
- mostly religious music (Lutheran), never wealthy but kings treated him as equal, beginning of Baroque era, developed 12 tone scale, strayed away from facts of religion
- Rousseau birth, place, job
- 1712, Switzerland, philosopher
- Rousseau occupations
- musical talents (2 operas)
- Rousseau enlightened ideas
- man is best when left at a natural state, enabled education and social order, all men should have same education, social contract, sent daughters to live in wilderness, inspired french revolution, against private property
- Montesquieu birth, place, job
- 1689, France, philosopher
- Voltaire birth, place, job
- 1694, France, Enlightenment writer
- Montesquieu enlightened beliefs
- Separation of state powers, adventurers do great things, religious and political freedom
- Voltaire occupations
- jailperson for offending people in high places, wrote about science and history
- Voltaire enlightened beliefs
- defender of freedom of speech, influenced by pope, attacked oppressive religion, wrote about God, atheist, one religion
- Holbach birth, place, job
- 1723, France, author, philosopher, translator
- Holbach occupation
- helped french enlightenment, salon in mainstream, helped create Encyclopedie
- Holbach quotes
- "If ignorance of Nature gave birth to gods, then knowledge of Nature is calculated to destroy them."
- Holbach enlightened ideas
- atheist and against religion
- Descartes birth, place, job
- 1596, France, philosopher/scientist
- Descartes beliefs
- angle of instance=angle of reflection, only learned math, only certainty is the basis of knowledge
- Descartes publications and quotes
- I think, therefore I am.
- Vasalius birth, place, death
- 1514, Brussels, medicine
- Vasalius publications
- De humani corporis fabrica
- Vasalius enlightened ideas
- accurate drawings of human anatomy in book, triggered interest in dissections
- Newton birth, place, job
- 1642, England, physicist
- Newton occupation
- read and experimented, published Principia
- Newton enlightened beliefs
- discovered calculus, laws of motion, prisms, made first reflecting telescope
- Locke birth, place, job
- 1622 England philosopher
- Locke enlightened belifs
- tabula rasa, "government with the consent of the governed"; state of nature; rights of life, liberty and property, men are equal
- Mozart birth, place, job
- 1756, Salzburg, composer
- Mozart enlightenment
- 35 concertos, ranged in mood, influenced all classical music
- Hobbes birth, place, job
- 1588, England, philosopher
- Hobbes enlightened beliefs
- determinism, deductive reasoning, wrote Social Contract, ruler has absolute power, universe is corporeal, don't believe until you see, power of speech important
- Smith birth, place, job
- 1723 Scotland, philosopher/economist
- Smith enlightened ideas
- Theory of Moral sentiment, mankind's ability to form moral judgement, self-interest, freedom of trade, self-interest boosts economy, laissez-faire
- Condorcet birth, place, job
- 1743, Aisne, philosopher/scientist
- Condorcet enlightened ideas
- philosopher, constitutionalism, liberal economy, active in human rights, essays, jury theory, more people, more chance of being right, inalienable rights, sentenced to death
- Galileo birth, place, job
- 1564 Tuscany, astronomer
- Galileo enlightened ideas
- Catholic, studied math, invented telescope, saw sun spots and moons around Jupiter, said he was wrong
- Bernini birth, place, job
- 1598, Naples, architect
- Bernini enlightened beliefs
- worked on St. Peter's basilica, many palaces, embellished pre-existing structures
- Handel birth, place, job
- 1685 Germany, musician
- Handel enlightened beliefs
- Took organ lessons, wrote Habanera, wrote operas and oratorias, brought italian style of opera to England
- David birth, place, job
- 1748, French, painter
- David enlightened beliefs
- learned neoclassicism, hostile towards paintings, propaganda for New Republic, aligned himself with political regimes
- Frederick the Great birth, place, job
- 1712, Prussia, king
- Frederick the Great
- interested in music, forbidden to play, went to war, argued w/ Voltaire, uniter of people, enlightened absolutism
- Wollstonecraft birth, place, job
- 1759, London, writer/philosopher
- Wollstonecraft enlightened beliefs
- set up school (abandoned), governess, frustrated with limited power of poor women, decided to write, Vindication for the Rights of Women
- Swift birth, place, job
- 1667, Ireland, satirist
- Swift enlightened ideas
- became priest, editor of Tory newspapers, believed in learning and looking for more knowledge
- Tipola birth, place, job
- 1696, Italy, art
- Tipola enlightened beliefs
- spiritual but not Christian, celebrated art, painted ceilings for gentlemen, sought out despite being poor, painted frescoes
- Franklin birth, place, job
- 1706 Boston, publisher
- Franklin enlightened beliefs
- published farmer's almanac, discovered electricity, bifocals, Franklin stove, improved style of living for people, ambassador
- Vermeer birth, place, jobs
- 1642 Netherlands, painter
- Vermeer enlightened beliefs
- converted to Catholisism, reflected political climate and religious conflicts, GIRL WITH THE pEARL EARRING
- Spinoza birth, place, job
- 1632 Amsterdam, philosopher
- Spinoza enlightened beliefs
- founder of modern criticalism, refused to believe sould was immortal, pursuit for virtue, set to be rabbi, began 18th century enlightenment