Japans 124
undefined, object
copy deck
- hannen goto no (半年ごとの)
- semiannual
- hanzaisōsa (犯罪捜査)
- a criminal investigation
- kare wa happōbijin da (彼は八方美人だ)
- He tries to please everybody
- hanzen to (判然と)
- clearly, distinctly, plainly
- han'yōkonpyūta (汎用コンピュータ)
- a general purpose computer
- hanshoku (繁殖)
- propagation, multiplication, increase
- hantei suru (判定する)
- to judge, to decide
- hanshinhangi de aru (半信半疑である)
- to be dubious about, to be doubtful of
- hantsuki (半月)
- half a month, a half month
- hansoku de aru (反則である)
- to be against the rule
- hansū (半数)
- half the number, the half
- haoto (羽音)
- the fluttering [of birds]
- hantaiha (反対派)
- oppositionists
- happyō suru (発表する)
- to announce, to publish, to present, to express [one's opinion]
- hanshin (半身)
- half of one's body, one side of one's body, [写真の] half-length
- happō ni (八方に)
- in all directions, on all sides
- hansuto o suru (ハンストをする)
- to go on a hunger strike
- happyō (発表)
- an announcement, publication, presentation
- hantaisei (反体制)
- anti-Establishment
- haorihakama de (羽織袴で)
- in formal dress
- hanshū (半周)
- a semicircle
- happa o kakeru (発破をかける)
- to blast, to set a dynamite, to spur [a person to do]
- hansuru (反する)
- to be contrary to [one's interests], to go/be against, to violate, to break
- kitai ni hanshite (期待に反して)
- contrary to one's expectation
- hansū (反芻)
- rumination
- hansha suru (反射する)
- to reflect [light]
- hanshinfuzui (半身不随)
- hemiplegia
- hanshita (版下)
- a block copy
- happōshu (発泡酒)
- sparkling liquor
- hanshoku suru (繁殖する)
- to propagate, to increase
- hanshokuki (繁殖期)
- a breeding season
- hantōmei no (半透明の)
- translucent
- hantai ni (反対に)
- in the opposite direction, the other way, on the contrary
- hantoshi (半年)
- half a year; a half year
- hansō suru (帆走する)
- to sail
- ni hantai de aru (に反対である)
- to be against
- happu (発布)
- promulgation
- hantai no (反対の)
- opposite, contrary
- hantaiundō (反対運動)
- a movement against [the war]
- hanshō o ageru (反証をあげる)
- to disprove, to prove the contrary
- hanzaisha (犯罪者)
- a criminal
- hanteigachi (判定勝ち)
- a win by decision
- hansha (反射)
- reflection, [神経の] reflex
- happa (発破)
- blasting, a blast
- hanshihanshō no (半死半生の)
- half-dead
- happun suru (発憤する)
- to be stimulated, to be roused to action
- hanshō suru (半焼する)
- to be partially destroyed by fire
- hantaitō (反対党)
- an opposition, an opposition party
- hansū suru (反芻する)
- to ruminate
- hantai (反対)
- the opposite, the contrary; opposition, objection
- happōfusagari da (八方ふさがりだ)
- Everything goes against one
- hanten suru (反転する)
- to turn over, to roll over
- hanshabōenkyō (反射望遠鏡)
- a reflecting telescope
- kore ni hanshite (これに反して)
- on the contrary
- hantaiseiha no hito (反体制派の人)
- an anti-Establishmentarian
- hansoku suru (反則する)
- to play foul, to foul, to break/violate the rule
- happu suru (発布する)
- to promulgate
- hanzairitsu (犯罪率)
- a crime rate
- hanshakyō (反射鏡)
- a reflecting mirror
- hansoku (反則)
- [競技の] a foul, [法規の] violation of the law
- hanten no aru (斑点のある)
- spotted, speckled
- hantaisha (反対者)
- an opponent
- hansūdōbutsu (反芻動物)
- a ruminant
- happōsuchirōru (発泡スチロール)
- styrene foam, Styrofoam
- hanshō (反証)
- a disproof, evidence to the contrary
- haoto o tateru (羽音をたてる)
- [鳥が] to flutter, [虫が] to buzz
- hanzai o okasu (犯罪を犯す)
- to commit a crime
- hanten (斑点)
- a spot, a speck
- hara (腹)
- the belly, the abdomen, the bowels, the stomach
- hansodeshatsu (半袖シャツ)
- a shirt with short sleeves
- hanzubon (半ズボン)
- shorts, knee pants/trousers
- han'yake no (半焼けの)
- half-burnt, partially destroyed by fire; half-roasted, half-cooked, rare
- hanshasayō (反射作用)
- a reflex action
- hantō (半島)
- a peninsula
- ishi ni hanshite (意志に反して)
- against one's will
- hannen goto ni (半年ごとに)
- semiannually
- hanzatsuna (煩雑な)
- complicated, troublesome
- hantai suru (反対する)
- to oppose, to object to
- haori (羽織)
- a kimono coat
- happīendo (ハッピー・エンド)
- a happy ending
- hanzai no (犯罪の)
- criminal
- hanshinzō (半身像)
- a half-length (portrait), a bust
- ni hantaishite (に反対して)
- [to vote] against, in opposition to
- hantei (判定)
- a judgment, a decision
- hanzai (犯罪)
- crime
- hanten (半纏)
- a short coat, a workman's livery
- hanshutsu suru (搬出する)
- to take out, to carry out
- hanshū suru (半周する)
- to go half round [the ground]
- happō suru (発砲する)
- to fire (a gun)