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Psyc 3230 Test 4


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Under what circumstances in the release of cortisol most adaptive?
a. when you are injured but do not have time to tend to your injury.
72. Why is family therapy currently being investigated as a treatment for anorexia?
a. Family dynamics have been found to affect treatment outcome
84. Which is not a condition found in the DSM?
a. Obesity
Which of the following is a controversial aspect of the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa?
a. amenorrhea
40. Brigid has been diagnosed with DID. Brigid is the host personality. We can expect that the alter identities
a. Are strikingly different from Brigid
75. Which statement about the treatment of eating disorders is most accurate?
a. Family support and the patient's commitment to change are important to lasting recovery
4. The most effective treatment to date for somatization disorder
a. does not decrease psychological distress
2. Kristie is talking to a career counselor at college...
a. Body dysmorphic disorder
61. Ginger suffers from anorexia. She is often angry and irritable. These feelings
a. May be the result of her starving herself
51. Individuals with somatoform disorders
a. believe that their symptoms are real and serious
All of the following are explanations for the increased prevalence of DID EXCEPT
a. the increased incidence of sexual abuse.
Geoffrey is extremely impatient when he has to wait in traffic. He often feels enormous rage but tries to control it. Geoffrey suffers from
a. Type A behavior pattern
59. Which of the following accounts for more morbidity and mortality than all eating disorders combined?
a. obesity
Comfort Food
B. may help reduce activation in the stress response system
8. Which of the following accounts for more morbidity and mortality than all eating disorders combined?
a. Obesity
29. Research on hypochondriasis has shown that people with the disorder tend to
a. Overestimate the dangerousness of diseases
lead to the generation of antibodies.
4. Why has the term "multiple personality disorder" been replaced with "dissociative identity disorder"?
a. Fully developed personalities are not present in DID, just varying expressions of different aspects of the patient's personality
36. Hypertension is given the designation "essential" when it
a. Has no specific physical cause
55. Which of the following would be most suggestive of DID?
a. Carla had no recollection of the huge fight she had had with Lou when he came to apologize the next day
38. Which of the following is most commonly true of the host identity of DID?
a. It is not the original identity
Somatization disorder and hypochondriasis differ because
a. in somatization disorder, people are concerned about multiple different physical symptoms, in hypochondriasis, people are concerned about having an organic disease.
7. What neurotransmitter seems to be involved in both eating disorders and depression?
a. Serotonin
46. In the individual with DID, "switches" between identities
a. produce gaps in memory
52. Dysfunctional assumptions are a component of a cognitive-behavioral explanation of
a. Hypochondriasis
115. Set-point theory about weight suggests that
a. The hunger that occurs by being well below one's set-point can trigger binges
17. Which is not an accepted explanation for why African-Americans have higher rates of essential hypertension than European Americans?
a. Physicians are more likely to diagnose hypertension in this population because they expect to see it.
Set-point theory explains why
D. binge eating is likely after a period of caloric restriction
Research on the stressful life events and the immune response found
B. greater overall stress was assoc. with more rapid transition from HIV positive to AIDS
63. What would be the best piece of advice to give to a person who exhibits Type A behavior in order to decrease their risk of coronary heart disease?
a. don't deny your feelings, use them effectively
67. The main reason people have not found a consistent relationship between Type A and coronary heart disease is
a. different ways of measuring Type A
8. Although Charlie remembered most of the main issues of the meeting, he had no recollection of the decision to eliminate the department that he headed. Which form of psychogenic amnesia would this be characteristic of?
a. selective amnesia
114. Behavioral medicine emphasizes
a. The role of psychological factors in the occurrence, maintenance, and prevention of physical illness
106. Which explains why cognitive-behavioral therapy is a logical approach to treatment of eating disorders?
a. Both thoughts and behaviors need to be altered to achieve a lasting outcome
7. In the individual with DID, "switches" between identitities
a. produce gaps in memory
62. Binge-eating disorder
a. has not yet been formally recognized as a distinct clinical syndrome
32. Which disorder was once most frequently diagnosed amongst soldiers?
a. Conversion disorder
1. A person who has conversion disorder where the symptom is blindness
a. Is likely to walk around an unfamiliar room without bumping into things
42. Octavia has been diagnosed with DID. She has seventeen different alters which are strikingly different from her host personality. Some of them are children. What aspect of this case is unusual?
a. No aspect is unusual
8. Once a dissociative fugue ends, people
a. Can remember their past but cannot remember what happened during the fugue
3. The text presented the case of Mary Kendall who suffered from DID. She is typical of individuals with this disorder in that
a. she has periods of "lost time"
65. No association has been found between nonfatal heartattacks and
a. anxiety
66. Hypertension is given the designation "essential" hypertension when it
a. has no specific cause
Which of the following statements about obesity and health is true?
The heavier the person, the greater the health risks
113. In her mid-thirties, Cheryl became preoccupied with her weight and began dieting and exercising. What is unique about her case?
a. Women in their thirties rarely develop eating disorders
13. All of the following are associate with DID except
a. Psychosis
19. Which is least likely to be addressed in the treatment of binge-eating disorder?
a. Idealization of low body weight
The treatment goal for most therapists who treat dissociative identity disorder is
a. integration of the alter personalities.
34. Why is family therapy currently being investigated as a treatment for anorexia?
a. Family dynamics have been found to affect treatment outcome
89. Lisa has been diagnosed with anorexia, binge/purge subtype. Gretchen has been diagnosed with bulimia. They are likely to meet diagnostic criteria for what else?
a. Depression and substance abuse
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system
D. can have ill effects when it is sustained over time
118. Somatoform disorders are often comorbid with
a. Depression and anxiety
87. Which of the following is no longer used to treat obesity due to its abuse potential?
a. Amphetamine
79. When it comes to comparing one's actual body weight with the ideal body,
a. Young women are more likely to be dissatisfied than young men
55. Leptin
a. is a hormone that usually leads to decreased food intake
85. The influence of television on the attitudes towards eating in Fiji demonstrate that
a. Environmental factors can alter societal attitudes such that the risk of developing eating disorders is increased
120. Medical interventions, such as drugs, to treat somatoform disorders
a. Are rarely effective in giving sustained relief from primary symptoms
45. A recent in-depth study of 12 convicted murderers diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder looked into their backgrounds. They study found strong evidence that
a. each was severely abused, both physically and sexually
42. Jeremy suffers from psychogenic amnesia. He probably
a. seems quite normal other than for his amnesia
16. In which of the following countries is the prevalence of obesity the highest?
a. United States
11. Assuming a new identity in a new place is characteristic of
a. Dissociative fugue
105. Contagion in the treatment of eating disorders refers to
a. Patients teaching other patients techniques to avoid weight gain
58. The mind-set of people with bulimia and people with anorexia
a. is very different- people with anorexia don't' seem bothered by other people's opinion
33. It was once called hysteria. It involves symptoms of some physical malfunction or loss of control in the absence of any underlying pathology. Today it is called
a. Conversion disorder
94. Caroline is of normal body weight, but tends to be obsessed with food. After eating a box of cookies, for example, she will run several miles or fast for several days. Which diagnosis would be most appropriate?
a. Bulimia-nervosa
40. What differentiates the two coded subtypes of pain disorder?
a. Whether or not there is a medical condition present that may play a causal role
9. Which best describes trends in actual and ideal weight in American young women?
a. While the weight of the average women is increasing, the average weight of the ideal woman is decreasing
10. The most effective treatment for somatization disorder
a. Does not decrease psychological distress
60. What is the most serious challenge in treating eating disorders?
a. Overcoming the patient's ambivalence towards treatment
15. Gerard became amnesic, wandered away from home and assumed a completely new identity as a shoe salesman. He suffers from
a. Dissociative fugue
2. Conditions involving physical complaints or disabilities occurring in the absence of any physical pathology that could account for them are
a. somatoform dis
21. Our current knowledge of the efficacy of treating eating disorders
a. Suggests that cognitive-behavioral therapy is the treatment of choice
A common sign of bulimia nervosa, purging type is
a. damaged teeth and mouth ulcers.
59. What disorders are often comorbid with eating disorders
a. Depression and personality disorders
Jason gets annoyed very easily. He constantly complains that he has no energy. When people give him suggestions for change, he replies that there is no point, this is just how life is going to be. Jason is physically healthy. Jason
D. has vital exhaustion and is at risk for future heart disease
64. After bariatric surgery
a. Some patients regain their weight
69. Which of the following best explains the current trend in the prevalence of obesity?
a. Adoption of unhealthy lifestyles
70. A person with two or more well-developed identities has the disorder called
a. dissociative identity disorder
Which of the following complicates the study of personality traits and eating disorder?
a. Personality may be altered by nourishment
44. Which of the following is true of opposite sex alters in DID?
a. They are quite common
36. A lack of concern about a physical disability is a characteristic of individuals with
a. Conversion disorder
103. The most common quality of parents' interactions with their daughters who have eating disorders is
a. Control
Why has the prevalence of DID been increasing?
a. It may be that the prevalence of DID has not changed at all, but that clinicians may unknowingly encourage the emergence of new identities.
Pessimistic attitudes as a young adult have been found to be predictive of
a. physical diseases later in life.
18. Comfort food
a. May help reduce activation of stress response system
63. Which of the following best explains the lack of well controlled studies on the effectiveness of treatment for anorexia nervosa?
a. Few people with anorexia are willing to seek treatment and there is a high drop-out rate when they do
112. When do effects of cortisol become a problem?
a. When the cortisol response is not terminated
13. Which of the following may be detrimental to health?
a. Holding a grudge
Families of people with anorexia
a. exhibit tendencies towards perfectionism
99. Which of the following is most predictive of a positive outcome in the treatment of bulimia?
a. A decrease in dietary restriction
50. Which of the following do those with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have in common?
a. Fear of being or becoming fat
30. Sociocognitive theory
a. Explains why symptoms of DID are often not seen until after treatment is initiated
24. People with predominantly psychogenic (psychologically caused) paid tend to
a. Report less pain than people who somatoform disorder is related to a medical condition
77. Which statement about the diagnosis of eating disorders is accurate?
a. given the large number of young women who indulge in dieting, the distinction
53. Compulsive checking behaviors are characteristic of individuals with
a. Body dysmorphic disorder
All of the following are dangers associated with obesity EXCEPT
a. cancer
75. Studies on how baby rats responded to stress found
a. early experience was as important as genetic inheritance
23. Until 20th century, medical practitioners had few medications that actually cured illness...
a. The power of faith helped in healing
Sarah notices a lump on her side. She goes to her physician because she is worried that it is cancer. The physician sends her for a biopsy. During the three weeks between first noticing the lump and getting her results that it is not cancer, Sarah was almost unable to function. She felt constant anxiety and thought constantly about having cancer. After she found out she did not have cancer, Sara felt much better. Sara
a. has no mental disorder
The technique used to reduce depression after a heart attack
a. matters - while both reduced depression, medication (SSRIs) reduced mortality but cognitive behavior did not.
46. The text presented the case of Mary Kendall, who suffered from DID. She is typical of individuals with this disorder in that
a. She has periods of lost time
23. What diagnosis is given when physical symptoms are deliberately faked or exaggerated for no apparent reason?
a. Malingering
Which of the following is a potential consequence of anorexia nervosa?
a. death
98. Unlike B-cells, T-cells
a. Are not able to recognize specific antigens by themselves
14. An example of dissociative trance disorders is
a. A person who believes they are at time possessed by a spirit and is extremely upset because of this
49. Somatization disorder and hypochondriasis are similar in that
a. both pay more attention to bodily sensations and see them as symptoms
77. Which is true about conditioning and obesity?
a. Obese people are conditioned to eat in response to more cues than most people
66. Which of the following is a medication currently approved by the FDA for the treatment of obesity?
a. Sibutramine
22. The treatment goal for most therapists who treat dissociative identity disorder is
a. Integration of the alter personalities
37. In soap operas, characters often forget all of their past experiences following some trauma...
a. Generalized amnesia
91. Rachel has been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa and several other forms of psychopathology. If she is typical, she would demonstrate which of the other risk factors?
a. Reports of childhood sexual abuse
81. Today there is a growing recognition of the fact that
a. Behavioral and biological factors interact to determine health
14. According to set-point theory
a. Hunger serves to maintain the body at its established set point
47. Which of the following best explains why conversion disorder is a less common diagnosis today that it was historically?
a. advances in the medical field have facilitated the determination of organic causes for physical dysfunctions
Cortisol can be used to
a. reduce inflammation
What is one of the most useful types of psychological interventions?
expressive journal writing
53. Octavia has been diagnosed with dissociation identity disorder. She has seventeen different "alters"....
a. no aspect of this case is unusual
4. A person who has conversion disorder where the symptom is blindness
a. Is likely to walk around an unfamiliar room without bumping into things
39. Julia has hypertension. Which would be expected to differentiate her physiological functioning from that of someone who does not suffer from this condition?
a. Lessened blood flow to visceral organs
The current view is that primary gain is and secondary gain is
C. continued escape from a stressful situation; attention from others
65. Which of the following statements about the role of genetics as a risk factor for eating disorders is ture?
a. Although the findings to date are mixed, the evidence does indicate that a susceptibility to eat disorders may be inherited along with a diathesis from other psychological conditions
Dan's various medical complaints & hospital stay finally led him to a psychiatrist. After a thorough medical & psych. evaluation, the 28 year old teacher & father of 2 was diagnosed w/ both depression & somatization disorder. What is atypical about this case summary?
D. Somatization disorder is seen much more commonly in women
88. All of the following are central diagnostic features of anorexia except?
a. Periods of obesity alternating with periods of starvation
78. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be addressed in the treatment of binge eating disorders?
a. Idealization of low body weight
27. The substances that cause an increase in heart rate when the fight-or-flight response is activated?
a. Adrenal
79. The disorder involving the experience of sudden loss of the sense of self is
a. depersonalization disorder
93. _______ generate an attack that is highly specific to a given invader. They not only destroy antigens, they also terminate the immune response when danger subsides
a. T-cells
111. Behavioral interventions may be most useful in
a. Altering harmful life-style habits and patterns
83. Health psychology is
a. A subspecialty within behavioral medicine and psychology that deals with the psychological components of physical dysfunction
38. Which is most commonly found in families of girls with anorexia?
a. Parents who emphasize rules, control, and good physical appearance
Which of the following summarizes the post-traumatic theory origin of DID
Children deal with severe abuse by creating alter who provide an "escape"
68. Which of the following characterizes most anorexia nervosa patients in Asia?
a. Fear of stomach bloating
96. Which of the following best explains the lack of well controlled studies of the effectiveness of treatment for anorexia nervosa?
a. Successful treatment takes a long time
109. Depression, OCD, and substance abuse are common comorbid conditions in individuals with
a. Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type and bulimia nervosa
26. Which of the following blood pressures would be classified as "high normal"?
a. 135/90
86. The tendency to eat in response to external conditioned cues
a. Is universal
20. Cortisol can be used to
a. Reduce inflammation
80. Which of the following is true?
a. Caloric need decreases with age
57. Set-point theory explains why
a. binge eating is likely after a period of calorie restriction
Experimental studies of DID find that interpersonality amnesia exists for
a. explicit memories
9. Which of the following is most suggestive of DID?
C. Kyla could not recall where she had been or what she had done all day
What is the relationship between obesity and social class?
Obesity occurs much more frequently in lower SES adults and children
95. Tiffany has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Her personality traits include high risk-taking and apathy toward her parents. What is unusual?
a. It is unusual for a person with anorexia to be a risk-taker and apathetic toward her parents
Which of the following is NOT an effect of cortisol?
a. enhanced immune function
What aspect of Type A personality is thought to increase the risk of coronary artery disease?
a. hostility
43. In soap operas, characters often forget all of their past experience following some trauma. They don't merely forget the traumatic event, they forget who they are, where they came from - they lose all memory of their lives. This would best be described as an instance of
a. generalized amnesia
19. Elena binges on high calorie food and then makes herself throw up. She feels terribly ashamed and horrified by what she does. You would predict
a. She will not stop because her vomiting is reinforced by anxiety reduction
6. There is debate as to the relationship between DID and abuse because
B. other factors correlated with abuse may be the true causal factors in DID
100. Research suggests that ______ provides the best immediate and long-term outcomes in the treatment of bulimia nervosa?
a. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
6. In what way was Freud's view of conversion disorder consistent with behavioral theories?
a. He believed that symptoms of conversion disorder were maintained by relief from anxiety they provided
Someone who binges and purges is severely underweight is diagnosed as anorexic, not bulimic. This is because
a. anorexia has a much higher death rate than bulimia.
10. Brigid has been diagnosed with DID. Brigid is the host personality. We can expect that the alter identities
a. are strikingly different from Brigid
51. The interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of physical disorders thought to have psychological factors as a major aspect of their causal patterns is known as
a. Behavioral medicine
97. Which interferes with absorption of fat?
a. Orlistat
22. After bariatric surgery
a. Some patients regain their weight
25. Chronic fatigue syndrome
a. Has an unknown cause, but may have something to do with the immune system
56. After her dentist commented on the damage her practice of vomiting had caused to her teeth, Hilda....
a. Hilda's lack of ambivalence about treatment
35. B-cells
a. Produce antibodies
117. Conversion symptoms often develop in association with all of the following except
a. Injury to the left hemisphere of the brain
2. Sociocognitive theory
a. Explains why symptoms of DID are often not seen until after treatment is initiated
52. Assuming a new identity in a new place is characteristic of
a. dissociative fugue
5. Which is a good clue that person has conversion disorder rather than a true physical disorder?
a. Their symptoms don't match the symptoms of the particular disease
70. All of the following are dangers associated with obesity except
a. Cancer
Studies on how baby rats responded to stress found that
early experience was as important as genetic inheritance.
122. The goal of Kluft's consensus model of therapy for DID is
a. Integration of the separate personality systems
6. Body dysphormic disorder is thought to be related to
a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and eating disorders
104. Which of the following is characteristic of the binge-eating/purging type of anorexia?
a. The use of laxatives
73. Which of the following complicates the study of personality traits and eating disorders?
a. Personality may be altered by malnourishment
Ginger suffers from anorexia. She is often angry and irritable. These feelings
a. may be the result of her starving herself.
32. Kyle has just learned that his wife of 20 years has hated him the whole time. His boss has demoted him and he may need to declare bankruptcy. This sets the stage for...
a. Fugue
A lifestyle factor
a. is something we can control.
29. What do the somatoform disorders and dissociative disorders have in common?
a. Both appear to be ways of alleviating anxiety
73. Raquel has occasions when she eats enormous amounts of food in a short time. Afterwards she will refuse to eat anything solid for a couple of days. Her most likely diagnosis is
a. bulimia nervosa, nonpurging type
116. Compared with people who were diagnosed with conversion disorder 100 years ago, cases today are more likely
a. To simulate exotic conditions like seizures
7. A person with 2+ well-developed identities has the disorder called
a. Dissociative identity disorder
121. Collette has been diagnosed with depersonalization disorder. We can expect that she
a. Is an unstable woman with many other problems
74. What is the prognosis for anorexia nervosa?
a. relapse rates are high but recovery can often happen in the long run
48. Which of the following has been demonstrated about the effects of psychogenic amnesias on memory?
a. implicit memory is generally intact
102. A lack of body distortion amongst the Amish
a. Suggests that there should be a low prevalence of eating disorders amongst these people
44. Consciously faking symptoms is characteristic of
a. malingering
16. One of reasons it is difficult to know if a disruption in the serotonin system causes eating disorders is
a. People with eating disorders often have depression as well
24. Unlike earlier editions of the DSM, the DSM-IV-TR includes
a. A category called Metal Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition on Axis I
12. Cytokines are
a. Chemical messengers that allow immune cells to communicate with each other
1. Response prevention has been used in the treatment of both
a. Hypochondriasis and OCD
68. Unlike B-cells, T-cells
a. are not able to recognize specific antigens by themselves
48. Obesity
a. Has been increasing in many countries, including the US
62. Which of the following is likely to put whites at a higher risk of developing an eating disorder than non-whites?
a. Body dissatisfaction
. Which of the following is a good clue that a person has a conversion disorder rather than a true physical disorder?
Their symptoms don't match the symptoms of the particular disease
34. Body dysmorphic disorder differs from the other somatoform disorder in that
a. Sufferers do not want attention drawn to their physical defect
3. If Ronald is typical of people with hypochondriasis, he will
a. Use a wide range of self-medications
78. A personality disorder that puts one at risk for cardiovascular disease would be found on ______.
a. Axis II
82. When do the effects of cortisol become a problem
a. When the cortisol response is not terminated
28. All of the following are amongst the most common alter roles except
a. The victim
57. A recent in-depth study of 12 convicted murderers diagnosed with DID looked into their backgrounds. The study found strong evidence that
a. Each was severely abused, both physically and sexually
10. The text presented the case of Nicole, a college student with bulimia nervosa. She is typical of such individuals because she
a. Experienced shame, guilt, and self-deprecation
61. Which statement about the treatment of eating disorders is most accurate?
a. Family support and the patient's commitment to change are important to lasting recovery
18. Recent estimates suggest that those with DID have
a. Over ten identities
12. In the individual with DID, "switches" between identities
a. Produce gaps in memory
28. Being too optimistic about one's health
a. Could cause people not to seek help for potentially dangerous health problems
39. Following the rejection of his latest novel, Jim experienced an inability to make some movements with his right hand... What is unique?
a. Jim is male
5. Which best explains why conversion disorder is a less common diagnosis today than historically?
a. Advances in medical field have facilitated the determination of organic causes for physical dysfunctions
20. In order to make a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, the client must
a. Not meet criteria for anorexia nervosa
54. Gastric bypass surgery makes it
a. impossible to binge eat but still possible to regain the weight
Charles spends most of his time feeling tense and anxious. He has a good job but worries that he might be fired at any time. Charles has an increased risk of having a heart attack because
C. he has a Type D personality
1. Gerard became amnesic, wandered away from home and assumed a completely new identity...
a. Dissociative fugue
74. Our current knowledge of the efficacy of treating eating disorders
a. Suggests that cognitive-behavioral therapy is the treatment of choice
69. What would be most helpful to a person with pain disorder?
a. staying physically active despite the pain
47. People with dysmorphic disorder are similar to people with hypochondriasis in that
a. Both ask for reassurance about their symptoms but don't feel relief when they get it
41. Individuals who do not show a decrease in cortisol levels in response to an injection of dexamethasone
a. Have an HPA axis that is not functioning normally
54. Which of the following summarizes the post-traumatic theory for the origin of DID?
a. Children deal with severe abuse by creating alters who provide an "escape"
11. The allostatic load is
a. The biological cost of adapting to stress
31. Textbook authors report that rigorously designed and controlled studies on treatment of DID
a. Are non-existent
119. Genetic studies of somatoform and dissociative disorders
a. Are inconclusive
101. Which is NOT a risk factor for eating disorders in men?
a. Painting
43. Assuming a new identity in a new place is characteristic of
a. Dissociative fugue
Which of the following may be a detriment to health?
C. holding a grudge
30. When it comes to effectiveness of treatment for dissociative disorders, we know
a. Very little
92. In addition to altering eating patterns of clients with Binge Eating Disorder, therapists using cognitive-behavioral therapy will also
a. Provide factual information about eating and dieting
26. Derealization experiences frequently accompany
a. Depersonalization disorder
107. What is unique about Hilda immediately entering an inpatient treatment program and embracing all aspects of the treatment regimen?
a. Her lack of ambivalence about treatment
49. Which statement about the diagnosis of eating disorders is accurate?
a. Given the large number of young women who indulge in dieting, the distinction between normal and disordered eating is blurred
25. Your textbook authors report that rigorously designed and controlled studies on the treatment of dissociative identity disorder
a. Are non-existent
33. After her dentist comment on the damage her practice of vomiting had caused to her teeth, Hilda realized that she had a problem...
a. Hilda's lack of ambivalence about treatment
56. Which of the following best explains why conversion disorder is a less common diagnosis today than it was historically?
a. Advances in the medical field have facilitated the determination of organic causes for physical dysfunctions
60. All of the following are reasons for the effectiveness of antidepressants in the treatment of bulimia nervosa EXCEPT
a. decreased appetite
64. An old explanation for hypertension viewed hypertension as a(n)
a. result of unexpressed anger
Health psychology is
. a subspecialty within behavioral medicine and psychology that deals with the
31. After learning of her father's death, Sophia felt dazed and confused. When speaking of her response to the news, she said she felt like she was in a movie watching the events happen to her. What can be said of this?
a. She experienced an instance of derealization
3. Conditions involving physical complaints or disabilities in the absence of any physical pathology that could account for them are
a. Somatoform disorders
41. A person who has conversion disorder where the symptom is blindness
a. is likely to walk around an unfamiliar room without bumping into things
110. Sibutramine acts to reduce appetite by
a. Increasing activity of serotonin and norepinephrine
90. Research that did a ten-year follow up on women who showed disordered eating while in college found that
a. For many, preoccupation with losing weight continues but disordered eating declines
71. Response prevention has been used in the treatment of both
a. Hypochondriasis and obsessive compulsive disorder
35. All of the following are associated with DID except
a. Psychosis
15. What is relationship b/w obesity and social class
a. Obesity occurs much more frequently in lower SES adults and children
76. What's the best way to avoid catching a cold?
a. Have low levels of negative life events and have only a few good friends
27. A potential diathesis for the development of DID may be
a. All of the above (being fantasy-prone, readily hypnotizable, highly suggestible)
108. Bruch proposes a _________ explanation for developmental obesity?
a. Behavioral
Jill did not remember the accident happening, or the following two days. What form of amnesia is this memory loss characteristic of?
a. localized
37. In what was Freud's view of conversion disorder consistent with behavioral theories?
a. He believed that the symptoms of conversion disorder were maintained by the relief of anxiety they provided
17. Which statement about diagnosis of eating disorder is accurate?
a. Given large # of young women who indulge in dieting, the distinction b/w normal and disordered eating is blurred
When do the effects of cortisol become a problem?
a. when the cortisol response is not terminated.
71. All of the following are associated with DID except
a. psychosis
72. Catastrophizing about minor bodily sensations is characteristic of individuals with both
a. hypochondriasis and somatization disorder
76. Which of the following appears to be an enduring personality trait of people who are susceptible to developing an eating disorder?
a. Perfectionism
123. Which best characterizes the individual with hypochondriasis?
a. Exhibits excessive faith and trust in the medical profession
50. An example of dissociative trance disorder is
a. a person who believes they are at times possessed by a spirit and is extremely upset because of this

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