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-Humans are noble and intelligent
-special creature
-can achieve anything
-concern with here and now with earth
-live life as if it is your last
-Question authority
-challenge authority
-individual freedom is more important or just as important as welfare of community
-man who stood for himself in a universe of independence
-political and social power
-middle class
-concord people- a step above middle class- not nobility but have almost as much money
-a new class of people emerge with power (middle class)
Merchants (believe)
-rights should be based on individual merits
-most others think it depends on birth
-a group of people (union) w/ same occupation (very political)
-actively involved in politics to protect your economics
-evolves into general group of citizens
-at firt protect occupation+ eventually turn into the gov't
-how does one become a master
-chose leaders by talent alone not $
-fittest and fewest men possible should run the gov't
-choice based on wealth
City State
-sovereignty within its own territory
-own tax system, laws, army, gov't, currency
-first printed= bible
-books are more accesible and people begin to read and become more knowledgable
-begin to question church and gov't
-what one wants themself to be
-what that person actually is
-if these don't match up, often causes physciatric problems
-techniqu used in north to paint because couldn't paint on wet plaster
Italian renaissance-technique for art used in italy
-paint on wet plaster
-wealthy city state
-wealthy italian city state
-crossroads- alpine pass-trade=very rich
-art technique used to create 3D objects
-advancement in society shown through art
Machiavelli (ST)
(background influence writing)
-born in florence
-watched politics of europe from inside observation point
-worked as diplomat with Louis XII of France and Cesare Borgia (pope)
-both men of action/ dupiticous
Machiavelli (LT)
(what did he write about)
-what men actually do and not what they ought to do--unless men are compelled to be good, they will turn out bad--must behave and appear in a just and fearful way. dont need to be religious, just appear-- used a scientific approach to politics-realist
Christian Humanist
-believe social change can take place as long as it is based around the christian values (the bible)
-only in North where social reform is based on christian values- the bible
Gutenberg (ST)
-responsible for accesiblity of books + literacy in poor
-first book= the bible
-"reinvented" by johannes gutenberg
Gutenberg (LT)
-increase in literacy/ technological advancement
-development of modern europe
-sharing of ideas to live forever
-large advancement because people can build on other's ideas
-people read bible and begin to question church which begins to threaten its authority
where northern renaissance started
Universities (ST)
-reconcile greco roman history and christain history
-great uniting cosmopolitan force
Universities (LT)
-church monopoly of culture breaks up
-think tank for change
-minds come together to build upon ideas
-think individuals not the gov't should own businesses
Black Plague (ST)
-began in central asia and came on silk route and ships
-ship ports in messina of sicily in 1347
-plague spread rapidly
-from fleas and spread by air or by bacilli granular
-97% pneumonic-spread by air
- rest was septocemic by blood contact
Black Plague (LT)
-depletion of scholars
-halt pattern of feudalism
-universities pop up
-renaissance begins
Fall Of Constantinople (ST)
-muslims no longer threatened by crusaders
-byzantine artists/ philosophers emigrated to european centers (mostly rome)
-key in movement to revise classical greek culture
Fall of Constantinople (LT)
-clash then reunification of 2 divergent schools- spark ideological revolution
-byzantine intellectuals were pivotol agents in catalyzing the movement.
Growth of Town/Trade and
Agricultural Revolution (ST)
-warmer climate- grew food in lands that were once too cold
-Horse harness and mouldboard plow so can do 2 times as much as oxen
-3 field system -leave one to replenish nutrients= increase in food
-now beans/peas in diet-better food
Growth of Town/Trade and
Agricultural Revolution (LT)
-more healthy food= less death
- more trade because of surplus
-guilds begin to form-drive to work
-dev. in finances= commenda + societas
-investor provides all capital and gained 3/4 of the profit traveling agent gets 1/4
-investors provide 2/3 capital, traveling agent provides 1/3. each take 1/2 profits
-wealthy city-state in Italy
What was the spirit of the Italian Renaissance?
-city-state= rise of communal wealth
- assembly of citizens emerges as gov't
-merchants form guilds
-separate from church-poet etc=gods
-books= diffusion of knowledge
-church monopoly + culture break up
What was the spirit of the Northern Renaissance?
-begins in flanders, cities begin to grow
-united under stron MONARCHS
-xian humanist in north interested in religious ideas versus secular ones
-Italy was volatile

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