Rome Vocabulary
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- maneuver
- a planned military movement, as of troops, ships, or tanks.
- affront
- an openly insulting deed or remark.
- flax
- any of several related plants with slender stems, bearing tiny blue flowers and seeds from which linseed oil is pressed.
- strategist
- an expert in designing strategy, or a maker of strategies.
- gladiator
- a man in ancient Rome who fought, often to the death and usu. under compulsion, for the amusement of an audience.
- barbarian
- a person in a culture believed by those in another culture to be savage, primitive, or uncivilized.
- tyranny
- a government in which a single person rules absolutely and esp. despotically.
- apse
- a projection at the end of a church or other building, usu. having a domed or arched roof.
- cult
- the rituals and observances of a particular religion, esp. those pertaining to a single deity.
- undermine
- to weaken the foundations of as though by excavating.
- anarchy
- political and social disorder resulting from a lack or absence of governmental authority.
- hierarchy
- a body of persons or entities graded according to rank or level of authority.
- coliseum
- a large building or amphitheater used for entertainment events, sports, or the like.
- chariot
- in ancient times, a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle driven from a standing position.
- Aeneas
- the Trojan hero of Virgil's epic poem Aeneid; he survives the fall of Troy, wanders the world for seven years, and eventually becomes the--legendary--founder of Rome.
- Amphitheatre
- a structure competely enclosed on all sides, intended for gladiatorial battles and other forms of entertainment
- Apollo
- in Roman religion, the god of art, music, and the sun
- Augurs
- in early Roman religion, interpreters of signs from the gods
- Capitoline Triad
- in Roman religion, the three most important gods (Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva)
- Castra
- a military camp
- Cataphractii
- units of heavily armored cavalry in the Roman military
- Centurion
- a general term describing the commander of a century; there were many different ranks of centurions in the Roman military
- Century
- the battlefield unit in the Roman military, consisting of about 100 men; part of a cohort; commanded by a centurion
- Ceres
- in Roman religion, the goddess of the harvest; adopted from the Greek goddess Demeter
- Cilent
- a member of the pleibeian class who was under the protection of a patron, who was usually a member of the patrician social class
- Cohort
- a division in the Roman military, consisting of about 600 men; part of a legion; divided into centuries
- Comitatensis
- the mobile army in the Roman military; opposites of the limitanei
- Comitia Centuriata
- in Roman government, the body that approved most of the King's decisions; mostly comprised of patricians
- Comitia Tributa
- in Roman government, the governing body made up of representatives from each of the curiae; passed resolutions
- Consistory
- the council of five magistrates that advised the emperors and helped them govern the empire
- Curiae
- groups or tribes loosely related by family bonds; made up the Comitia Tributa
- Diana
- in Roman religion, the goddess of the hunt; adopted from the Greek goddess Artemis