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Great Gatsby Vocab

Words taken from the novels we must read in 10th grade English class.


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debauchee (n)
A person who habitually indulges in dissipation or debauchery; libertine; (too much indulging in sensual pleasures)
punctilious (adj)
Attentive to finer points of etiquette than normal.
din (n)
A mixture of loud or discordant noises; babble; clamor.
supercilious (adj)
Haughty; scornful; disdainful; arrogant.
caterwauling (v n adj)
1. Screeching like a cat in heat. 2. Making discordant sounds or shrieks.
dias (n)
Raised platform.
sumptuous (adj)
Luxurious; lavish.
redolent (adj)
1. Fragrant; aromatic 2. Suggestive; reminiscent
conceit (n)
1. Vanity. 2. Fanciful thought or idea. 3. Ingenious or witty thought or expression.
provincial (adj)
1. Of or relating to a province. 2. Of or characteristic of people from the provinces; not fashionable or sophisticated. 3. Limited in perspective; narrow and self-centered
turgid (adj)
1. Swollen or distended; bloated 2. Excessively ornate in style or language; grandiloquent
septic (adj)
1. Putrefied. 2. Causing putrefaction (to cause rotting)
amorphous (adj)
1. Without a definite form; lacking a specific shape 2. Unorganized; formless.
florid (adj)
Flushed with rosy color; ruddy 2. Heavily decorated; flowery.
peremptory (adj)
Putting an end to all debate or action; not allowing refusal or contradiction; demanding; absolute; final.
ineffable (adj)
1. Beyond expression, indescribable or unspeakable. 2. Not to be uttered, taboo
pasquinade (n)
A lampoon posted in a public place; ;caricature; mock; exaggeration
discordant (adj)
1. Conflicting; not in accordance. 2. Disagreeable in sound.
dilatory (adj)
1. Tending or intended to delay; leisurely 2. Characterized by procrastination; slow, tardy.
vinous (adj)
1. Pertaining to or made with wine. 2. Caused by wine.
obtrusive (adj)
1. Projecting; protruding. 2. Tending to push self-assertively forward; brash; intrusive; pushy 3. Unattractively showy.

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