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Speaking vocab 1-3

Vocab from the scene with the girl who wants a job,the one with the roller-skating soccer player who on the ground and falls in love, and the one with the sunbather, the annoying kids and the dog.


undefined, object
copy deck
to escape
le tailleur
the suit
la cheville
the ankle
to watch
la cabine d'essayage
the fitting room
se serrer la main
to shake hands
le gardien de but
the goal keeper
être mouillé
to be wet
marquer un but
to score
to bite
le rancunier (-ière)
the spiteful person (fem. ending)
to dry
le banc
the bench
avoir du remords
to have remorse
avoir mal
to hurt
la troène
the privet (type of shrub)
l'horloge (m)
the clock (g)
le trottoir
the sidewalk
l'arrière-plan (m)
the think bubble (background) (g)
la pierre
the stone
prendre un bain de soleil
to sunbathe
prendre sa revenche
to take your revenge
le coup de foudre
the love at first sight
le pichet d'eau
the pitcher
to kneel
le coupable
the culprit
le maillot de bain
the bathing suit
l'ordinateur (m)
the computer (g)
le match de foot
the game of soccer
to cry
to chase
l'étudiante (f)
the college student (g)
la caisse
the cashier
les loisirs (m)
the leisure activities (g)
les remises des diplômes (f)
the graduation (g)
to scratch
le diplôme
the degree (not like celsius or angles)
to trip
la crème solaire
the suntan lotion
le portable
the cell phone

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