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Medical Renal System

Main function of renal system


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Several types, new are outside body, old are in water
What foods are high in oxalates?
Spinach, Rhubarb, Asparagus, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Beets, Nuts, Chocolate, Tea, Worcestershire sauce, Parsley
What is left in after lithotripsy?
Self-retaining stent left for 1-2wks to promote sand passage
Interventions for cystine crystals
Incr. hydration, alpha penicillamine/tiopionin to prevent cystine crystal., K citrate to maintain alkalinity (keeps K in blood, not urine)
Hemodialysis vs. peritoneal dialysis in CRF
Hemodialysis drops potassium levels in 30mins to 2 hrs while peritoneal takes loner.
why does CRF become a systemic disease?
damage to other systems secondary to renal failure.
Treatment of wilms' tumor
Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy (actinomyvcin D and vincristine)
How is wilms' tumor usually detected?
Abdominal swelling and distention
common causes of ARF in elderly
Already low GFR, hypotension, dehydration, diuretics, aminoglycoside therapy, obstruction such as BPH
Stage 1 of ARF
Oliguric phase, secondary to reduction in GFR
Tx of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Diuretics, sntihypertensives, restrict protein if BUN elevated.
Mineral changes in CRF
elevated potassium/magnesium, changes in calcium, sodium is normal to low, metabolic acidosis., altereed carb. metabolism, elev. triglyc.
Predisposing factors for cystine crystals
Genetic (recessive), Defective cystine absorp. in GI/Kidney, Acidic urine.
effects of ARF on patients
alt. mental status r/t uremia, alt. sensory perception, alt. thought process, fatigue, anxiety, high risk of infection.
cytotoxic autoimmune disease that affects kidney and lung tissue
Goodpasture's syndrome
How should a clean-catch urine sample be acquired?
Sterile container, cleanse area, pee, then catch
How do you calculate the fluid restriction for ARF?
500-600cc plus previous 24hr output
Cardiovascular alterations in CRF
HTN, CHF, uremic pericarditis, accelerated atherosclerosis
What foods are high in calcium (avoid in calcium phosphate stones)
Cheese, dairy, Beans (not green), lentils, Fish w/ small bones, Dried fruit, Nuts, Chocolate/Cocoa/Ovaltine
Objective nursing assessment for cystitis
Fever, hematuria, suprapubic tenderness, lab results, leukocyte esterase (enzyme w/ pus), palpable kidney (esp. Left or entire Right)
What is cool about pyridium (Phenazopyridine)
Orange pee!
1st stage of CRF
Diminished renal reserve. Normal BUN and creatinine and absence of symptoms.
What should you not do to a wilms' tumor?
Predisposing factors for Struvite stones
3-4times more common in women than men
2 common pre-renal causes
Hypovolemia, nephrotoxic drugs.
Normal creatinine
who has the highest incidence of infection in ARF?
those in ARF because of surgery or trauma
Reproductive system alterations in CRF
infertility and decreased libido
manifestation of stage 1 ARF
change in urinary output (oliguria=<400ml), low Na, High K, Low Ca. Uremia--causes confusion!
Interventions for uric acid stones
Dec. urinary conc. of uric acids; Alkaline urine with potassium citrate (lowers K), Allopurinol, Decrease urinary purines.
Length of ARF stage 2
GFR <5-10%, creatinine clearance is <5-10ml/min. Can't carry out ADLs
What are predisposing factors for calcium oxalate stones?
Family hx (independent of urinary PH!)
3rd stage of CRF
acute renal failure
Rapid decline in function, Elevation in BUN (Azotemia), elevated creatinine, elevated potassium, with or without oliguria.
Endocrine system alterations in CRF
present as hypothyroidism even though T3,T4 levels are low to normal
What is metastatic calcification
Calcium phosphate deposts in soft tissue, common sites are blood vessels, joints, lung, muscles, myocardium, eye (uremic red eye)
How long can it take for full recovery from ARF?
12 months
WHen does recovery phase of ARF begin?
When GFR increases so that BUN and creatinine levels stabilize and then decrease
Signs of bladder cancer
Lots/painless hematuria.
In whom does goodpasture's syndrome occur?
It's rare, mostly in young males who smoke
When urine is more acidic, what is less soluble?
Uric acid and crystalline.
Skin alterations in CRF
yellow color from urinary chromogens, pruritus from dry skin/calcium phosphate deposits, dry brittle hair, alopecia.
What does acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis cause?
inflammatory mediators, GFR decreas, leaky capillaries, incr. permeability of glomerulerus to larger proteins.
Post-op urinary retention causes
Hypovolemia, atropine/anesthesia, sedatives, sweeling/irritation from foley, supine position.
Incontinent urinary diversion
Diversion to the skin such as ileal conduit where 6-8in of ileum used as conduit for drainage. Ureters to colon, brought out.
What is produced by the kidneys that regulates RBC and blood volume
symptomatic asotemia
Tx for glomerulonephritis
Rest, na/fluid restrict, diuretics, antihypertensives, protein adjust...Renal pts should have low protein diet.
Normal BUN:Creatinine ratio
What is the most common kidney stone (35-35%)
Calcium Oxalate
How are small kidney stones removed?
Cystoscopy (general or local anesthesia)
What is osteitis fibrosa?
Calcium reabsorption from the bones and replaced with fibrous tissue
How is bladder cancer classified?
Jewett-Strong-Marshall system of superficial, invasive and metastatic based on invasion of tumor into bladder wall.
In whom is wilms' tumor most common?
Infants and children (40% is hereditary)
Nursing implementations for kidney stones
Bed rest, hydration, turn q2h to move stone, strain the urine, educate re diet, PH, urinalysis
Progressive, irreversible destruction of the nephrons
Chronic renal failure
Causes of urinary retention
antiypertensives, antiparkinsonian, antihistamines, anticholinergics, antispamodics, sedatives, anesthetics
What is osteomalacia
Lack of mineralization in new bones
Neurological alterations in CRF
Anxiety, alt. mental stat., hallucinations. Peripheral neuropathy, dialysis encephalopathy.
What type of stone composes 8-10% of all stones?
Calcium Phosphate.
Uric acid stones compose what percentage of all stones?
Main function of renal system Main function of renal system
Regulate volume and composition of ECF, excrete waste products.
When is nephrolithiasis most common?
Summer (dehydration), industrialization increases too.
What is the most common cause of death from ARF?
Normal BUN
10-30mg/dl (affected by protein
Continent urinary diversion
Intra-abdominal reservoir that is catheterizable or dumps into the anus. Bowel segments often used
2nd stage of CRF
Renal insufficiency
presentation of cystitis
Frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain/spasms, dysuria, foul-smelling urine, pyuria.
Normal creatinine clearance
85-135ml/min (approximates GFR)
How are large stones removed?
Cystolitholapaxy (Crushed by lithotrie, then bladder irrigated to remove sand.
what is IVP
intravenous pyelogram - localize degree/site of obstruction and confirm stone presence (Dye given in AC vein)
Complications of PNL
infection, bleeding, adjacent structure damage
Diagnosing cystitis
Clean-catch urine for WBC >100,000/blood, culture. (if negative, may be caused by irritants.
Stage 2 of ARF
Increase urine (1-3L/day or more), inability to concentrate urine, low creatinine clearance, high BUN, high serum creatinine.
What foods are high/moderate in purines?
Sardines, herring, Mussels, Meat-based soups, Organ meat (sweetbread,kidney, liver), Game (goose, venison). AVOID IN URIC ACID STONES
At what ages is nephrolithiasis most prevalent?
Post-op care for bladder cancer tx
Lots of PO water, I&Os, avoid alcohol, analgesics, stool softeners, sitz baths (relax muscles, dec. urine retention), routine cystoscopies.
causes of Neurogenic bladder
CVA, CNS tumors, MS, DM neuropathy, spinal cord injury
Inflammation of golmerula, immune disorder process and results in slcerosis, scarring, renal failure
When can you not use ICP
when pt. is on dialysis
Stones in the renal pelvis may need what procedure?
percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL)
Interventions for struvite stones
Antimicrobials, AHA (lithostat to decr. pH), surgical removal, acidify urine, cranberry juice
Therapeutic interventions for calcium oxalate
Incr. hydration, Decrease oxalates, Thiazide diuretics, Cholestyramine to bind oxalate, Calcium lactate to precipitate oxalate in GI
Indications for stone removal
Too large, infection, impairing renal function/lodged in renal pelvis, persistent pain/nausea, pt. has only 1 kidney
10-15% of stones
Pulmonary S&S of goodpasture's
Insufficiency, crackles, rhonchi
Respiratory alterations in CRF
Kussmaul's respirations, pulmonary edema, pleurisy, pleural effusion, dyspnea
What is PNL?
nephroscope inserted into kidney pelvis, stones crushed w/ ultrasound, wash remove sand.Tube left in to remove fragments so ureter is patent
Intravesical therapy
Instilling chemo right into the bladder, retain 2 hrs, turning q15ming--weekly for 6-12wks.
System that controls BP
Renin-angiotension-aldosterone (RAAS)
GI alterations in CRF
total tract inflammation secondary to anemia.
Presentation of neurogenic bladder
urgency, frequency, incontinence or inability to urinate.
Bacteria traveled to kidney, inflammation of renal parenchyma and collecting system (including renal pelvis)
Nutritional therapy for ARF
low protein 1-1.5g/kg, 35-55kcal/kg body wt of non-protein, 20-40% of total calories by fat, restrict sodium to prevent CHF, HTN
signs of glomerulonephritis
RBC, WBC, casts, proteinuria, hematuria, incr. BUN
Tx for bladder cancer
Remove bladder, TUR (transurethral resection), laser surgery, open loop resection,
What are 3 causes of kidney infections?
Indwelling cath, neurogenic bladder (can't regulate emptying), urinary retention.
What bacteria are urea-splitting?
Protein, Klebsiella, pseudomonas, some staph.
What is the most sensitive renal function test?
Normal GFR
Psychological alterations in CRF
personality and behavioral changes, labile emotions, withdrawal, depression.
What do infected kidney stone look like?
Stag-horn appearance
How to do a 24hr urine sample
Urinate and discard 1st specimen. This is start time. save all the next urinations.
How to avoid UTI recurrence
hygiene, empty bladder before/after sex, void q2h, hydration, avoid right clothing
S&S of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Proteinuria, hematuria, edma, HTN, increased BUN
Care of ARF patients
Treat cause, fluid restriction, nutrition therapy, lower potassium, calcium supplement, TPN/enteric feeding, dialysis.
Where is the highest incidence of nephrolithiasis?
Southweat, Southeast, Midwest.
Renal S&S of goodpasture's
Hematuria, proteinuria, renal failure, elevated BUN and serum creatinine
Tx of goodpasture's
Plasmaphoresis (remove antibodies from circulation), immunosuppressants, dialysis, kidney transplant
Wilms' tumor
Cancerous encapsulated tumor on kidney.
Kidneys regulate acid/base: what is acid and what is base?
Potassium=acid, bicarb=base
Most common type of bladder cancer
Transitional cell carcinoma
Infection or inflammation of bladder wall (more women than men)
Ways to reduce potassium
IV insulin (moves K into cells), sodium bicarb, calcium gluconate, dialysis, sodium polystyrene sulfonate (kayexelate), 4-50mEq diet restrict.
S&S of renal insufficiency (2nd stage)
GFR is 25% of normal, BUN/creat increased. Easily fatigued, HA, pruritus, Nausea. When decr/ conc., polyuria/nocturia develop
What is less soluble the more alkaline the urine?
Calcium and phosphate
What are predisposing factors to calcium phosphate stones?
Alkaline urine, primary hyperparathryoidism
What is common after lithotripsy?
Hematuria (bright red, turning dark/smokey over time)
How do bacterial infections affect urine?
cause urine to be more alkaline and contribute to stone formation
Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
GABHS travels to kidneys 5-21 days after tonsil/throat infection or impetigo. Antibodies to strep antigen deposit in glomeruli.-inflam.
Predisposing factors for uric acid stones?
Jewish Males (35-55), Gout, Acid urine, inherited condition.
Symptoms of kidney stones
Back/flank pain, hematuria, renal colic, N/V, shock (cool, moist skin), ureterovesical junction=pin radiate to testicles, labia, groin.
Causes of urethral obstruction
Congenital, BPH, fecal impaction, tumor, psychological problems.
What kidney stones are only 1-2%?
signs of pyelonephritis
leukocytosis, shift to left w. banded neutrophils, bacteruria, hematuria, cast cells (in shape of tubules)
How much cardiac output goes to kidneys?
>15% (20-25%)
Kidneys have a role in activating what vitamin?
Vitamin D
Term for kidney tone disease
Musculoskeletal system alterations in CRF
lack of vit. D metab,/calcium=osteomalacia, osteitis fibrosa, metastatic calcification.
What are therapeutic measures for calcium phosphate stones?
Treat the underlying cause (parathyroid removal), acidify urine
What is retrograde pyelogram
Dye directly into kidney, can be used in pts. with kidney disease

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