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business week 4

business week 4


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According to Rand how is money related to excellence and human values?
It is ok to have money.
AR-Money represents:
The principle of trade and "value for value"
Conwell says that money isn't the problem, but?
The love of money.
Confucius-Five excellent things:
Bounteousness, Lead, teach, Regulate(some), Don't fight.
Smith-The only thing that could change wealth?
Emerson's 5 measures:
Value-integrity and character. Genius-ideas, creativity, and intellect(rational thinking). Impera Parendo-know when to stop. All things ascend/elevate.
Smith and Plato parallel on what?
Division(specialization) of labor.
Aristotle had warned against what?
Having a lot of money.
How does Rand describe money and its motivation?
It should be for the good of the community.
Rand-Is money evil?
No, it is a tool of trade. This idea of production behind it is.
AR-Money's Value=
the idea of production behind it; money is not intrinsically evil.
Government should only exist passively to provide 3 basic needs:
Protection(army), provide justice and peace, maintenance of infrastructure.
RWE-The "craft" of a merchant is to?
Move goods from where abundant to scarce.
Smith-Self interest=
not locking anyone out, it is in self interest to invest near home(like Toyota plants). Self interest leads to profits; market force will push commerce in best interest of society; ultimately benefit society; self interest assumed in free market.
Rand-Is the love of money evil?
No, they are willing to work for it.
Smith-Manufacturing or trade=
want to gain wealth or power.
Influenced by Aristotle; Founded 'stoic' school of philosophy. Excess is bad, everything in moderation. Simple living. Nature is orderly and rational; a life in harmony with nature is good. Virtue is good, vice is evil. Similar to Aristoltes ideas.
Smith-More goods attract more manufacturers=
increased competition. Competition leads to lower prices; all this creates jobs.
Smith-More goods made=
the more people will have, the more they will want.
RWE-Commerce is a game of?
Skill. Man's faculties=ideas, energy, ambition, vision.
Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged
Okay to be rich. Business must be done with mutual benefit ; survival of the fittest. Money will not purchase happiness, this is capitalism. Money comes with a price tag-virtue; is a barometer. Money doesn't give you code of values, essence of human morality. Money doesn't create anything.
Motivation for Conwell's speech?
Was a camel caravan, inspired by the story of Ali Hafed.
How does foreign trade relate to everyday business?
We need it. Also not one country can specialize in any one thing, so need other countries to get best product.
Why did Rand feel that money was the barometer of a society's virtue?
The mafia, drugs, stealing money.
What did Smith feel about regulation?
Is against it. Invisible Hand.
Essential for business.
Ralph Waldo Emerson-Essays and Journals
Don't go where the path may lead-make your own. Truth is summit of being. Matter pays her debt. Everything begins with needs; Pre-emptory pursuit of needs. Wants become needs. Man will consume riches and resources of earth. Wealth will spoil you; Power is goal of wealth. Clear sighted man is the realist. Man was born to be rich. Property is an intellectual production.
Ayn Rand-Philosophy of business/greed:
Money is not the root of all evil, money is a tool/mechanism of trade.
Confucius(K'ung Fu-Tzu)-Analects:
Never wrote anything down, Mencius wrote down Confucius. 20th century of Confucian thinking, Lassez-Faire but with a little(good) regulation. Doctrine of the mean. Production should exceed consumptions and combined with distribution=access. Strive for universal equality-universal opportunity-universal freedom. Was against Aristotle and Plato; profit of the people; if production up-must hire people-increase in cash in the market(due to salaries) which increases demand.
What was Rand's opinion of American's?
Good, that we were the first to understand that wealth had to be created.
Production and consumption; Equal in rank but production should exceed consumption.
Zeno's Cardinal Virtues:
Prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance.
Russell H. Conwell
Converted to Baptist faith, Founded Temple College, now Temple University. Should not feel guilty about seeking money; it is your duty to get rich. Men who get rich are honest men. Largest salary=most power if the spirit is right. Money is power...if gained quickly or dishonestly, will fall into snares.
Smith-Invisible hand:
Law of unintended purposes.
Russell H. Conwell : Acres of Diamonds
Speech that Conwell would give near the turn of the 20 th century
What is Smith's view about barriers to foreign trade?
That there shouldn't be a lot, we should trade little.
Confucius-Universal equality-Universal opportunity-Economic Freedom=
Bedrock of American economic and political thinking; legislation and laissez faire needed, ideal when government gives few regulations.
Smith-Economic Principles:
Self-interest, free trade, division of labor, invisible hand.
How does the invisible hand work?
The economy will take care of itself.
How does Smith's ideas mirror Plato's?

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