Joseph game board questions
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- 22Q: what was the dream of the baker, what did it mean, and did it come true? (3 spaces)
- 22A: the bakers dream was, he was carrying three baskets of bread and the birds were eating the one on top, it ment in three days he would get hang from a tree, yes
- 30L:you run out f food and you have to go to Egypt to help you along with your jurney go ahead three spaces
- 30
- 19Q: what was the dream of the cupbearer, what did it mean,and did it come true? (3 spaces)
- 19A:the cupbearer dream was, he there was a vine
- 26Q:you stole a siver cup from the pharo switch places with the person in last place
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- 28L:you bragged about you dream to your brothers and they got even madder with you go back three spaces.
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- 24Q: what was the name of Joseph's wife? ( 4 spaces)
- 24A: Asenath
- 34L: pretend to be the baker when he finds out he is going to die in 3 days and let Jordan, Rachel, Natalie, and Amy grade you (1-5 spaces)
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- 33L: Dance like an Eyption and let the class grade your dance moves (1-5 spaces)
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- 23Q:what was Joseph's first dream? (2 spaces)
- 23A: binding sheaves of grain out in the feild when suddenly Joseph's sheave stood upright, while his brothers gathered around his and bowed down to his sheave
- 32L: you interproted Pharoah's dream go ahead 2 spaces
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- 25Luare the baker and you got hung by a tree go back four spaces.
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- 21Q: who was Joseph sold to by his brothers? (1 space)
- 21A:to Ishmaelites
- 31L: God is with you go ahead 3 spaces
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- 27Q:pharo has put you in second comand switch places with the person in first place.
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- 29L:your brothers sold you to Ishmaelites go back 2 spaces.
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