Vocab 2b
undefined, object
copy deck
- accost
- to approach and speak to first; to confront in a challenging or aggressive way
- animadversion
- harsh criticism or disapproval
- avid
- marked by active interest and enthusiasm
- brackish
- slightly salty
- celerity
- (n.) swiftness, rapidity of motion or action
- devious
- characterized by insincerity or deceit
- gambit
- a maneuver in a game or conversation
- halcyon
- idyllically calm and peaceful
- histrionic
- overly dramatic
- incendiary
- arousing to action or rebellion
- maelstrom
- a whirlpool of great size and violence; a situation resembling a whirlpool in violence and destruction
- myopic
- Nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation; lacking foresight or discernment
- overt
- open and observable
- pejorative
- tending to make worst
- propriety
- state of being proper
- sacrilege
- blasphemous behavior
- summarily
- without delay
- suppliant
- asking humbly and earnestly; one who makes a request humbly and earnestly, a petitioner, suitor
- talisman
- an object that serves as a charm or is believed to confer magical powers, an amulet, fetish
- undulate
- move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion