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Japans 199


undefined, object
copy deck
kaidō (会堂)
a church, a chapel, a hall
kaibunsho (怪文書)
a mysterious document0
kaiba (飼葉)
fodder, forage
kaigaishiten (海外支店)
an overseas branch
kaifuku no (回復の)
kaibun (回文)
a palindrome
kaibunrui (下位分類)
a subclass
kaibōgaku (解剖学)
kai (下位)
a subordinate position
kaigaikeizaikyōryokukikin (海外経済協力基金)
the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
kaigaishii (甲斐甲斐しい)
brisk; faithful; diligent
kaibō suru (解剖する)
to dissect, to vivisect, to analyze
kai no (下位の)
subordinate ~, low-ranking
kaichō suru (開帳する)
to exhibit a Buddhist image; to open a game of gambling
kaidan (階段)
stairs, a staircase, [入口の] doorsteps, a step
kaidan (会談)
talks, a talk, a conversation, [正式の] a conference
kaibashira (貝柱)
a (shell) ligament
kai ga nai (甲斐がない)
to be useless, to be in vain
kaichō de aru (快調である)
to be in the best condition, to be in good shape/form
kaigara (貝殻)
a shell
kaichū no (海中の)
~ in the sea, submarine ~
nikai (2回)
two times, twice
kaibaoke (飼葉桶)
a manger, a trough
kaigai no (海外の)
foreign, oversea(s)
kaidan suru (会談する)
to have a talk [with]
kaichō (海鳥)
a seabird, a seafowl
kaichō (快調)
an excellent condition
kaikubun (下位区分)
a subdivision
kaigi o hiraku (会議を開く)
to hold a conference/meeting
kaigansen (海岸線)
a coastline
kaichō (諧調)
melody, harmony
kaidashi (買出し)
[日用品の] shopping; food hunting; laying in
kaidashi ni iku (買出しに行く)
to go shopping; to go food hunting
kaichū ni (海中に)
in(to) the sea
kaigai ni (海外に)
kaichō (会長)
the president, the chairman
kaigenrei o shiku (戒厳令を敷く)
to place under martial law
kaifukushitsu (回復室)
a recovery room
kaigaichūzaiinjimusho (海外駐在員事務所)
an expatriate (representative) office, an overseas (representative) office
kaidō (街道)
a highway, a road
kaibutsu (怪物)
a monster, a monstrous fellow
kaigaishiku (甲斐甲斐しく)
briskly; faithfully; diligently
kaigenrei (戒厳令)
martial law
kaigaihōsō (海外放送)
overseas broadcasting
uma ni kaiba o yaru (馬に飼葉をやる)
to feed a horse with fodder
kaichiku suru (改築する)
to rebuild, to reconstruct
kaifuku suru (回復する)
to recover, to be/get well
kaifū (海風)
a sea breeze/wind
kaiga (絵画)
a picture, a painting; pictorial art
kaigishitsu (会議室)
a meeting room, a conference room
kaifukuki (回復期)
a convalescent stage
kaiagekakaku (買上げ価格)
the {government's) purchasing price
kaichū (懐中)
one's pocket
kaidan o noboru (階段を上る)
to go up the stairs
kaigai (海外)
foreign countries
kaichūdentō (懐中電灯)
a flashlight, a torch
kaichū (回虫)
a roundworm
kaibōkan (海防艦)
a coast defense ship
kaibō (解剖)
dissection; autopsy; vivisection; an analysis
kaiasaru (買い漁る)
to hunt for
kaidasu (掻い出す)
to drain off, to drain away, to bail out
kaidame (買溜め)
kaifukushujutsu (開腹手術)
kaigaitōshi (海外投資)
foreign investment
kaichō (回腸)
the ileum
kai ga aru (甲斐がある)
to be worth while, to be worth
kaigaiijū (海外移住)
emigration overseas
kaidanji (快男児)
a jolly good fellow, a nice guy
sankai (3回)
three times
kaidoku suru (解読する)
to decipher
kaidoku (解読)
kaibatsu (海抜)
above the sea, above sea level
kaidan o oriru (階段を降りる)
to go down the stairs
kaidaku suru (快諾する)
to give a ready/willing consent
kaien suru (開演する)
to raise the curtain, to stage [a play]
kaibyaku irai (開闢以来)
since the beginning of the world
kaiage (買上げ)
purchase, procurement
kaigai kara (海外から)
from abroad
kaigi suru (会議する)
to confer (with)
kaigairyokō (海外旅行)
a travel abroad
kaifū suru (開封する)
to open [a letter]
kaigi (会議)
a meeting, a conference, [議会の] a session
kaifu suru (回付する)
to send, to forward
ikkai (1回)
kaifuku (回復/快復)
recovery, restoration
kaibō (海防)
coast defense, coastal defense
kaichiku (改築)
kaidan (怪談)
a ghost story
kaiganzoi (海岸沿い)
the waterfront, the seafront [-> ~通り]
kaiaku (改悪)
a change for the worse
kaiaku suru (改悪する)
to change a thing for the worse
kaigan ni (海岸に)
on the shore, at/by the seaside
kaigandōri (海岸通り)
the waterfront, the seafront [-> ~沿い]
kaigan (海岸)
the seashore, the seaside, the seacoast, the coast, the beach

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