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Japans 106


undefined, object
copy deck
gokei (語形)
a word form
gobusata suru (御無沙汰する)
to neglect to write to a person, to neglect to call on a person
gokan (語幹)
the stem/root of a word
goi (語彙)
a vocabulary, a glossary
gohan o taku (御飯を炊く)
to boil rice
gojun (語順)
word order
gogatsu (五月)
goheikatsugi o katsugu (御幣担ぎをかつぐ)
to be superstitious
go (碁)
the game of go
gohandoki (御飯どき)
goisagi (五位鷺)
a night heron
goban (碁盤)
a go board
gokan (語感)
word feeling
gokan suru (互換する)
to interchange
gogaku (語学)
language study, linguistics
gizō (偽造)
daigo no (第五の)
the fifth
gogakukyōiku (語学教育)
linguistic education, language education
gobihenka (語尾変化)
[Gram.] inflection
gokō ga sasu (後光がさす)
A halo appears around one's head
gochagochani suru (ごちゃごちゃにする)
to mix up, to jumble up, to throw into disorder
gokan (五官)
the five organs of sense
gochisō sareru (御馳走される)
to be treated to a dinner
gochagocha no (ごちゃごちゃの)
mixed-up, confused
goken'undō (護憲運動)
a constitution protection movement
gojippohyappo da (五十歩百歩だ)
There is not much to choose between the two
gokon (語根)
the root of a word
gojūonzu (五十音図)
the Japanese syllabary
gojū no tō (五重の塔)
a five-storied pagoda
gobugobu no shōbu ni owaru (五分五分の勝負に終わる)
to end in a draw/tie
gohenkei no (五辺形の)
gogaku no (語学の)
gokō (後光)
a halo
go (五)
gokei (互恵)
gochisō suru (御馳走する)
to treat to a dinner
gohatto de aru (御法度である)
to be under the ban, to be forbidden
gokan (五感)
the (five) senses
goke (後家)
a widow, widowhood
gojū (五十)
gojo (互助)
mutual aid, mutual help
goku (極)
very, exceedingly, extremely
gokansei no aru (互換性のある)
interchangeable, [Comp.] compatible
goeikan (護衛艦)
an escort vessel
gogen (語原)
an etymology, the derivation/origin of a word
goki o araku shite (語気を荒くして)
in a harsh tone
gobun no ichi (五分の一)
one fifth
gojitsu (後日)
later, in the future, some day
gokeihenka (語形変化)
gokigen ikaga desu ka (御機嫌いかがですか)
How are you (getting along)?
gojokai (互助会)
a mutual aid society
gogo (午後)
the afternoon, p.m.
gokai sareyasui (誤解されやすい)
goishi (碁石)
a go stone
daigojū no (第五十の)
the fiftieth
gojūsō (五重奏)
a quintet
gohasan ni suru (御破算にする)
to calculate anew, to cancel, to make a fresh start
gobu (五分)
a half, fifty percent; five percent
gojūshō (五重唱)
a quintet
goki (誤記)
an error in writing
goei suru (護衛する)
to guard, to escort
gobi (語尾)
the ending of a word
gohō (語法)
usage, wording, diction, grammar
gokiburi (ごきぶり)
a cockroach
gohan (誤判)
a misjudgment, a mistrial, a miscarriage of justice/law
goban no me (碁盤の目)
gojū no (五重の)
gokaku no (互角の)
well-matched, evenly-matched
goheikatsugi (御幣担ぎ)
a superstitious person
gochisōsama deshita (御馳走さまでした)
Thank you for a wonderful meal
gogankōji (護岸工事)
shore-protection works, coast-protection works, riparian works
gojō no seishin de (互譲の精神で)
in a give-and-take spirit
go (語)
a word, a term
gochisō (御馳走)
a dinner, a treat
gohan (御飯)
(boiled) rice, a meal
gokakkei (五角形)
a pentagon [-> 五辺形]
goeika (御詠歌)
a pilgrim hymn
gokigenna (御機嫌な)
in a good humour
gizō suru (偽造する)
to forge, to counterfeit
gohenkei (五辺形)
a pentagon [-> 五角形]
gobugobu no (五分五分の)
even, fifty-fifty, evenly-matched
goji (誤字)
a wrong word/letter, [印刷の] a misprint
gohō (誤報)
a false report
gobyū (誤謬)
an error, a mistake
gokan ga surudoi (語感が鋭い)
to have a keen sense of language
gobōnuki ni suru (牛蒡抜きにする)
to pull up by the roots, to overtake and outrun in a single spurt
gobō (牛蒡)
a burdock (root)
gofuku (呉服)
dry goods, drapery, fabrics for kimono
gojitsudan (後日談)
a sequel
gobugari no (五分刈りの)
gokai (沙蚕)
a lugworm
gokai (誤解)
a misunderstanding
gojō (互譲)
mutual concession
goki (語気)
a tone

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