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THe Egypt Game


undefined, object
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straggled (v)
to wander from the main group
flourish (v)
to grow or develop in a healthy, vigorous way
exalted (adj)
of high condition or honor
troublesome (adj)
causing difficulty or annoyance
medley (n)
a varied mixture of people and things
momentum (n)
the quantity of motion of a moving body
swagger (v)
walk or behave in a very confident way
sinister (adj)
threatening or portending evil
haughty (adj)
arrogantly superior and disdainful
facade (n)
the face of a building,especially the principal front that looks toward the street
deadpan (adj)
a blank or expressionless face
teetered (v)
to stand or move in an unsteady way, so that it looks like you are about to fall
anointed (v)
to put oil on in a ceremony
vault (n)
arched structure
sophisticated (adj)
having,revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
ornate (adj)
excessively ornamented
astonishment (n)
a case of amazement
notion (n)
an idea, belief, or understanding
gunnysack (n)
a sack made of gunny or burlap
offhand (adj)
without preparation

Deck Info

