Latin Chapter 46 Vocabulary
latin chapter 46 vocabulary
undefined, object
copy deck
- putō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus
- to think, consider
- lūdus, -ī, m.
- school, game
- ferē, adv.
- almost, approximately
- postrēmō, adv.
- finally
- ambō, ambae, ambō
- both
- pūpa, -ae, f.
- doll
- Num...?
- Surely...not...? (introduces a question that expects the answer "no")
- dōnum, -ī, n.
- gift
- dōnō (dat.), dare
- to give as a gift
- diēs nātālis, diēī nātālis, m.
- birthday
- peristȳlium, -ī, n.
- peristyle (courtyard surrounded with a colonnade)
- Quid Sextō fīet?
- What will happen to Sextus?
- abripiō, abripere, abripuī, abreptus
- to snatch away
- laedō, laedere, laesī, laesus
- to harm